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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. I'm struggling to think of a Westminster negotiating heavyweight.
  2. I'd definitely feel better if the polls were hovering around 60% on average. I feel like there's a tipping point.
  3. Seems to me like it's the minority unionists that need to do the convincing.
  4. I agree. And to think, all you had to do was be honest. You've already normalized trolling on here. Now you're normalizing lying. Good job. Best we put each other on ignore, eh?
  5. This is what I said. So where did I say I wanted a world war?
  6. FFS. Just show me where I said everything you're claiming.
  7. No. You'll show me where I said I wanted a world war. Don't misquote me if you don't want called out on it.
  8. World war? Deary me. Show me the comment where I said that because I'm calling you out as an absolute liar here.
  9. You'll have to dig up the post where I said that. Piss poor attempt on the deflection though.
  10. You really shouldn't make light of the matter. That's just sleazy.
  11. I was actually being serious about the Tokyo thing. That kind of thinking has overrun large swathes of the English population.
  12. Ok, then let's have it out. Did you or did you not embrace Brexit?
  13. I said Brexiter not Brexiteer. Regardless, I'm not interested in whether you find it strange or not. You jumped on the Tory bandwagon, as expected.
  14. When push came to shove, you 100% embraced Brexit.
  15. I can just image you Brixiters in a few years: Tokyo can't tell us what to do. We demand independence. And also WWII.
  16. https://www.expressandstar.com/news/business/2021/01/29/i-made-a-mistake-voting-for-brexit-says-business-as-stock-sits-waiting-to-leave-west-midlands/ Maybe she'll come round to the fact that her employees are in fact human beings that need protected from morons like herself.
  17. Boris could have stood outside No. 10 to deliver his drivel. It was a vanity trip.
  18. We're going to start seeing a lot of 'but but but we really do love Scotland' coming from WM right until the election. Nauseating.
  19. So now Edinburgh is just as remote as London? Maybe in light years.
  20. Not just bearded though. Big and hairy and bearded.
  21. I tried that yesterday but the unsubstantiated claims still keep coming. Maybe you'll have better luck.
  22. How can you say Brexit is a short term problem? You're in la-la land about the whole thing. You really are.
  23. It's really easy to not make false claims.
  24. There's a big difference between thinking the desire is there and the desire actually being there.
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