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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. I don't recall anyone in the EU saying it's not remotely a given. Care to share sources? I can pull up a few that contradict you but you already know that. What you call basket case member states I call fellow Europeans. What a way to think.
  2. In what way is the EU failing and why is rejoining a delusional aspiration?
  3. Biden can't implement universal healthcare. I've worked in that business sector. I wish I could say otherwise but it's not going to happen.
  4. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1386754/nicola-sturgeon-news-scottish-independence-eu-latest-boris-johnson-vn "So Boris Johnson has to make sure he resolves Northern Ireland, so that he neuters the ability for Scotland to get independence, neuters the ability to for EU to use the populace of Scotland against the United Kingdom." Neuters? Jesus Christ.
  5. omfg lol. I'll just say this. I've been in the States for over twenty years. My accent is exactly the same as the day I left Scotland. There comes a point in time though, where you get fed up having to repeat yourself. Over time you need to drop the slang and pick up the words that the people around you use. I still feel weird saying parking lot but it makes life a lot simpler.
  6. I'm quite sure it wasn't a dream that I was born in Scotland and lived there for 31 years.
  7. I'm Generation-X, kid. So, I can only assume you're butthurt because I called Osborne a piece of trash. So let me be even more clear about him: If he was on fire and I had 100 gallons of water, you bet I'd try my best to drink it all.
  8. Stop acting like a dolt. I've been interested in politics long before your child ass was around.
  9. That's it? That's your response? I'll just assume your time in London has tory-ised you.
  10. If he was talking to ministers and advisers then perhaps he should have wrote a private letter. His audience was.... everyone.
  11. Advising to stomp on the democratic rights of Scotland takes it to another level though. Yes? No? Anyways, the man is a repulsive piece of trash.
  12. Lol no. Even if every single person in Scotland voted labor, it wouldn't make a bit of difference if the English want the tories in power.
  13. To be fair, the unionists will always argue that it's never a good time. They'll always find an excuse. Starmer knows fine that if he supported another referendum, his career is over in England. Where it actually matters. The polls are very consistent in the desire for a referendum. It shouldn't have anything to do with an election result. We are neck deep in 'let's-try-to-delay-it-forever' territory. Scotland is nothing more than a novelty item to Westminster.
  14. He looks like he still makes macaroni pictures.
  15. He was asked on the Twitter feed of one of his vids how he voted. He said he didn't vote. Not voting makes him just as culpable. It's a vote against Brexit that didn't happen because he's selfish.
  16. There are a lot of fascists in America that would be horrified if you called them a fascist. It runs deeper than most people realize.
  17. Pretty much. Hospitals are just as bad as the insurance companies. Bunch of scheming b*****ds.
  18. State funded healthcare probably won't ever be a thing. I worked in the industry for four years. Granted, it was in the IT dept. but still, the healthcare system is an absolute monster that keeps a lot of people in a job. There's also the big problem of universal healthcare being associated with communism and massive tax hikes.
  19. "Foreigners in Brussels" Jesus Christ these people.
  20. No, the entire point is to rid ourselves of Westminster. Not doing that is completely bonkers.
  21. I'm sick of hearing those idiots talking about how Scots want to break up the UK. If the UK breaks up after Scottish independence then that's on England, Wales and NI.
  22. The Republicans have got themselves into a position where they're tied to far-right nutjobs. Unfortunately those nutjobs are everywhere.
  23. Every time I come over to Scotland the first thing I buy is some Pot Noodles. I really miss those things.
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