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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Are oil and gas really taboo in Scotland or is this just a bunch of lies?
  2. Was it the Daily Mail or your wife that told you all this?
  3. I admire the way you combined your username with your IQ and brain material.
  4. I don't have to experience the effects of something to know it's not a good thing.
  5. Sure, let's make them look even more desperate and out of touch. Three parties with nothing to offer except SNPBaaad.
  6. Scotland is in an unproductive fantasy because half the voters don't vote for unionist parties. That's all I got from it.
  7. There's a guy at my work who thinks that climate change is a hoax because the weather outside his front door doesn't always match what the experts are saying. You are a Brexit version of him.
  8. A few years underground and he'll look exactly like he does in that photo.
  9. I'm not a big fan of Biden but I really hope he keeps his word on this. https://www.ardmoreite.com/story/news/2021/07/19/bill-could-end-federal-marijuana-prohibitions/8012891002/ My wife has a medical marijuana card and it really is a game changer. And also the medical stuff is on a whole other level
  10. Can't you just act like a normal person? God knows what kind of upbringing you had. What a dismal failure of a human being. On that note I won't be seeing your next reply.
  11. I thought so. Btw, I have great comprehension. That's why I no longer live in the Borders.
  12. Ok then. Let's have it out. What do you do with yourself in the high tech metropolis that is the Scottish Borders? It must be something very special given that everyone on here seems to have stupidity and comprehension issues. Be honest now.
  13. I had wondered why there was suddenly a bunch of Rangers supporters from the Borders. A wee bit sad don't you think?
  14. Oh wow. You're actually a Stormzy alt. And for the last time. I did not say I wanted to start WWIII. I don't know where the f**k you got the idea. So put up or stfu.
  15. I commented on your image. That's all. That's the end of it. For f**k's sake.
  16. I'd forgotten about that one person who represents all of Scotland.
  17. He lost the last election because he was completely out of his depth when things don't go his way. That, and he's just a natural dick who would be better suited to a janitorial job. I very much doubt he'll ever be reelected.
  18. And who are you to issue commands on what team people support? Pathetic.
  19. It's good waking up in the morning knowing that Trump got spectacularly emptied and will never recover from it.
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