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Posts posted by cmontheloknow

  1. 16 hours ago, Blowin In the Wind said:

    If any EOS premier clubs have any money must be a few decent WOS players looking for a pay day for a season.

    Might be a last chance for many teams to splash the boat out to get into the LL before Promotion is dominated by WOS teams 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. Leagues won't finish (IMO)

    2. Anyone spending money is throwing it down the drain as fans are not coming back in any great number this season.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sancho Panza said:

    Communication eh?? Fans kept in the dark then

    Kilsyth were in the papers saying they would pull out then came out after the vote saying they wouldn't. So perhaps that's one other? SBA manager very anti pulling out over weekend but they were another suggestion - again something said on social media to say they were going on I think. Heard a few from your neck of the woods were also considering it but neither came to pass.

    As Sandy says though, others might come round to another way of thinking. I see Royal Albert on twitter asking for fan views.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    At no point have the EoS ever stated that clubs would be punished for being unable to field a team due to Covid issues.  That is false for a start.

    You're defensiveness is absurd to the point of accusing me of this or that.  "clubs you don't like"? you think I have something against Arthurlie or Pollok or anyone for that matter? FFS.   "You're almost hoping....they go out of business"  what? you need to calm yourself down son.

    Pie and Bovril eh........



  4. 31 West sides voted against starting now - why 17 decided that was not enough to also pull out is up to them. And why of the 6 of the initial 14 changed their mind is also up to them. Let's see who stays in as the next few days / weeks unfold.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Derry said:

    The worry for the teams that pulled out I would think is what state will they be in for when they come back as I’m sure they will lose there players and talbot etc could very well lose the manager 

    Even though in almost all cases it was agreed with the players and management?

    And would also suggest that I'd rather PFC exist at all in a year's time than have all of the staff and players remain ongoing - were that the choice. The staff and players as far as I know are of the view that the club's survival is more important than playing on in a very questionable and uncertain environment. We looked after them over lockdown and I am very happy to see they are now, in turn, looking after the club.

  6. 2 hours ago, albertsquare said:

    I think you half pick up my point. Yes to what you point out. But my main point is that help is needed from the SG and SFA.

    Streaming games could be an income for very little outlay

    And by the way you can rent Portakabins. The teams that have not pulled out obviously dont need them because they presently comply / will comply with SG guidelines

    These are all temporary measures. Yes its hard times but nobody said ut wasn't

    So thats some of my suggestions to try and stop withdrawals - whats yours

    The help will come in a month of sundays. Committing to play without it is mental.

    Any help that does come IMO will go to licenced clubs. I also believe crowds will return first at licenced clubs.

  7. 9 hours ago, lithgierose said:

    Why don't the sg tell us the health condition. And the ages of the people who die from covid. That would at least remove at least some of the fear factor surely. 

    Not entirely sure deaths are the concern as people who survive will be very quickly filling up hospital capacities. And it's not just a case of converting former gig venues into more space - you need the staff (skilled in ICU work) as well.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Footballfirst said:

    Extending the argument that Tier 6 should not be allowed to go ahead, you would end up stopping football across all of Tier 5, Tier 4, most of Tier 3 (excluding Partick and Falkirk) and even some in Tier 2 (Arbroath, Alloa ) would be affected.

    Is that a problem?

  9. On 10/10/2020 at 20:26, highlandcowden said:

    thank god none of us were allowed in the ground,it couldve been catastrophic

    the nairn keeper gets his row of seats to himself due to social(and practical)distancing

    Yep, you're asked to stay away but can't help but go. And we wonder why SG doesnt trust football fans? 🙄


  10. 31 minutes ago, ToffeeTalbot said:

    Confirmation received for clubs that no relegation or promotion this year. Disappointing for conference clubs who have invested in squads to gain access to premiership. Would a few have changed votes knowing that?

    They voted knowing this to be the case.

  11. 5 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    No idea why you think you should have seen them. Still the wee digs coming from yourself


    Nah, just not up for my own club being slagged off by his like. I don't think any player or manager has the right to dictate to their club what the club should do.

  12. 8 minutes ago, lithgierose said:

    Players and management wanted to give the season a go it seems. At glenafton anyway. 🗡 




    not news. They were not one of the 14. I must have missed Southy's budget plans for how the side would get through the season.

  13. That espistle from the 17 epostles was pretty poor form. Every one of those employees should have gone direct to their committee, and more specifically their treasurer, rather than bleating publically and putting pressure on the clubs like that. Unless as I said before, every last one of them had an agreement with all of their players (and coaching team) to effectively be amateurs from now til end of the pandemic. In which case, like with Meadow (and Maryhill, off that list) then fairplay. And unless they were all going to fund their own training and pay for match officials too. Just like amateurs do with their subs. Maybe even contribute to water rates, electricity bills, rent... no?

    Playing for expenses only? All well and good but who pays for it? The committee out their own pocket? Fans donating to a team they cannot see and perhaps not even watch on youtube?

    The withdrawal of the 9 cannot be a shock - these clubs I am sure would have given their various POVs in the zoom meeting.

  14. Club Statement – West Of Scotland League
    It is with regret that the committee of Glenafton Athletic announce our withdrawal from participation in the 2020/2021 West of Scotland Football League.
    We have carefully considered all of the information and options we have at our disposal, and have arrived at our decision based on the following:
    Our club members and supporters are quite simply the life blood of our club. We rely heavily on match day income such as hospitality, catering and weekly draws. Current Government legislation, prohibits us from allowing any members, supporters or sponsors into the ground. With the COVID 19 situation unlikely to change for some time, it would be financially unsustainable for the club to continue to operate without having the aforementioned income streams.
    With a drastically reduced projected income, we feel that that to play under these conditions would financially cripple the club which could potentially raise doubts over our future existence, Quite simply this is not a risk we are willing to take, and as such we feel we have no other viable option than to withdraw from this seasons League Championship.
    We hope that everyone associated with the club understands our decision and can acknowledge that this was not taken lightly. We do however, feel that this is the only viable option for Glenafton at this time. We would like to place on record our thanks to all fans, sponsors and members for their continued support of the club through this difficult time. We look forward to returning whenever circumstances allow.
    Club Statement – Craig Mcewan
    Following the clubs decision to withdraw from this seasons West Of Scotland League, the club have now reluctantly accepted the resignation of Manager Craig Mcewan.
    Craig has tonight informed the club that he no longer wishes to remain in charge, in light of today`s announcement regarding our withdrawal from West Of Scotland League.
    The club would like to place on record its thanks to Craig and his coaching staff for their 5 and a half years of hard work, and the significant success he brought to the club.
    We wish Craig and family all the best for the future.
    Yours in Sport
    Ian Young (Club President) & John Stewart (Club Secretary)

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