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Insert Amusing Pseudonym

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Everything posted by Insert Amusing Pseudonym

  1. If we do what we do when we're bad - move the ball slowly and allow tge opposotion to sit in and pick us off on the turnover - then we'll likely lose (or at best go behind and have to salvage a draw). If we're quick and positive we have the attackers to win the game. Over to Naismith
  2. Tommy Hamilton was also at Hearts for about 2 months, so that was 3 of the cup winning team. I don't travel many of these being good for both teams, Bone maybe. Plenty who were great for one or other
  3. 99.99% sure Dean Lyness never played for Hearts. David Winnie did unfortunately
  4. We were almost as bad as Aberdeen for an hour, then wee Kenny smacked the bar and we went up about 3 gears. Well worth the win overall. .Devlin was excellent
  5. Aye, the email felt a bit aggressive. The allocations for recent games bar Cyprus have all been tiny so no sure if there's been much of that going on, but doesn't seem to have been
  6. Tbf we've defended crosses fine this season. It's all the other stuff that's been pish
  7. A non shitebag country would want Spain to lose in Norway. They get beat, we win in Georgia and we're almost guaranteed to win the group
  8. Spain would not be assured of top spot if they lost to Norway and we take 4 points from the last 2 games. They'll be wanting to win the group
  9. Once more for the binary thinkers on here, i do not care for the monarchy or any of its members, however i can make my feelings on that perfectly clear without getting pissed and revelling in someone's death at a football game. Oh aye, the Prince Andrew songs were equally cringeworthy.
  10. Singing songs about the death of an old woman at a football match is for virgins and edgelords. It's no funny, it just makes you look like a cock. Offended by the stupidity of those involved maybe
  11. I'm no offended by either, and the Kane one is worse but Lizzie's in a box is absolutely tragic patter. Booing GSTK is absolutely the right thing to do
  12. No really that fussed about the game, if you stand off and let better players play you'll get beat. I'd like to think we'd have put a few tackles in if it were a competitive game. I was however annoyed by both sets of fans, England with their 1994 Vanarama Trophy/ Wigan away songbook and some awful stuff from ours. I hate the monarchy as much as the next sane person, but Lizzie's in a box id pathetic stuff. Not as bad as the Harry Kane stuff though
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