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North Terrace Gazza

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Everything posted by North Terrace Gazza

  1. He’s going to be coaching but they want him signed as a player in case of emergencies
  2. I suspect a lot of this current squad have been offered reduced terms to re-sign as a good number are just not good enough.
  3. We are negotiating with him so I’m guessing unless someone comes up with better terms he’ll sign for us
  4. Wow that’s a strange one. Call me a cynic but I don’t believe any young, talented player would sign a 3 year deal with us.
  5. I suspect they are scared that many full seasons would become half seasons and if we have a nightmare first half won’t get renewed at Christmas
  6. Season tickets are all about getting cash up front though so that the club has some degree of working capital in the Summer months.
  7. I agree with all you’ve said. What is the alcohol ban all about? Is it a Government thing or introduced by Scotrail?
  8. You might have next season. Surely your not sharing with QP next year? You might be in the Premiership
  9. It doesn’t sound like a definite good bye. I suspect he’s going to see what offers he has for next season. Hopefully he stays I think Bullen can get the best out of him.
  10. I prefer the look of the out of contract/loans to the under contracts
  11. Only players I would “break the bank” for would be McInroy and Adeloye. Maxwell is good and I hope he stays but I would not pay over the odds for him.
  12. In a squad containing Cammy Smith? No. And I was gutted when he turned us down to sign for Thistle
  13. Watching the highlights Dunfermline should’ve been out of sight in the first half. Second half though, holy crap, lucky it was only 2-1. Effe Ambrose and Joe Chalmers though at both goals biggest laugh of the weekend.
  14. You were well warned but Yogi was determined to get his man. We couldn’t believe our luck
  15. That’s fine until suddenly due to injury or suspension you need a keeper for a few weeks. That happened a couple of times this season and Albinson did well when called upon.
  16. Blatant and intentional hand ball but watching from the North terrace I didn’t see it so I have a little sympathy with Bobby Madden, however surely the stand side linesmen had a perfect view?
  17. When we had him on loan last season he came in played quite well for about a game and a half then resorted to being anonymous spent the rest of his time on the bench until switching to Alloa. Oh and we had a pretty rubbish team at the time.
  18. Dunfermline, despite having “on paper” a good squad have deserved to finish in the bottom 2. I still think you’ll win through but if not there is always the bonus of 4 Falkirk derby games next season.
  19. Houston has already re-signed and I’d be wary of signing an injury prone Dempsey.
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