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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. You forgot that Crane is now available after his Red Card against Montrose @Beepee67. It’s going to be a hard job for Young deciding who starts and who finishes this weekend.
  2. I really hope the move helps Turnbull kick on, there's a good squad being built at Cardiff and they try and play. I think he's a good player, and we all know that he can hit the net from range, however for becoming one of the nations top players, I can't help but think his lack of pace holds him back a bit. Likeable lad that scores worldies, like what he does with the ball and my fingers are crossed for him as I do think he could be an asset for Scotland.
  3. Yip, spoke to someone at JD Sports in Cumbernauld about the Away top during the last campaign, as my son was looking for it. They were out of stock but when I asked if they would be getting more in, the Woman checked the system and said it had been "discontinued so they didn't have any left overs for the new strip arriving next year". As @Sherrif John Bunnell has said, from memory, I'm sure the new kits go on sale about March time, so the design should be released pretty soon.
  4. This is why I come on here, through all the petty rubbish that you have to wade through, you'll always find that odd nugget of gold. Well said @Otis Blue! i'm all for this personally, however it has to be the right person for the job. Simply having another yes man, pandering like Neil Doncaster does or David Longmuir and Henry McLeish did (in their respective roles) does nobody any favours.
  5. The club are appealing for witnesses for the racist language that @SA45 reported to the club. Genuinely hope the person involved can be identified: https://www.stirlingalbionfc.co.uk/club-statement-racist-language/
  6. Great news, however I don't think Twitter is necessarily a good judge of opinion. There's a lot of good will out there for clubs at this level, to other clubs at this level, and that should be remembered. I'm sure I speak for the majority when I say that I don't want you to die, but I don't want to view games at your stadium.
  7. I was in Asda Alloa at about 1730 on Saturday and it all kicked off at the Train Station. Not sure if there were any arrests or anything like that but there were certainly a couple of police cars and the Asda Security ran up to get involved in the action as all the youngsters dressed in black started doing whatever they were doing. All just a little bit embarrassing really, same with our ultras and their antics.
  8. Sad to read, that sort of thing isn’t welcome at Forthbank, or in Scotland. This is 2024 for crying out loud. Please do the right thing and report it to the club, don’t wait for it to happen again. As has been said, I think that’s just Jack, and the way he is, don’t think he has “looked fit” since he signed. I have been critical of him this season, but I thought he did well yesterday, after a poor start, but was an odd choice for Man of the Match….even he was shocked at that, as was James Creaney and the Albion bench. I can only imagine someone really wanted to meet him. Onto the game, and it was a game of 2 half’s for us. I don’t think we were poor in the First Half, but I do think the game plan was to be more structured, hard to break down and to not give anything away. I thought we did that well, but were wasteful on the ball at times, however, Kelty never looked like getting through and we had a couple of half chances before scoring from a lovely bit of set play. Second Half was totally different, and with the ball, probably the best we have played all season. I thought some of our phases of play were top notch, especially the 3 Cooper goals, but more so the one that came all the way from Currie in goals. I’ve said it on here before, but Cooper has been one of our best players this season, I don’t get why he plays second fiddle to Leitch at times, but once again he has given the manager a selection headache with his (deserved) Hattrick. Talking of selection headache’s. I think yesterday shows the contrast of the squad from earlier in the season. It was only a month or so ago where Darren probably looked at his bench and saw a bunch of Development Squad players that just weren’t ready, or just not good enough for the jump. Now, he has a host of quality players to call on that he knows will make an impact going forward or to shut up shop, which is great to see. I read an interview from Roy Hodgeson who said “fans look at our starting lineup, but what they don’t understand is the finishing lineup is more important”, I think yesterday, we had a good example of that, and fully deserved our 3 points.
  9. Would just like to second this, well done everyone who was there
  10. “Very average team”……sounds like you had hit the red wine earlier in the afternoon. Bit of a heads gone comment from one of Kelty’s more reliable posters. Disappointing.
  11. Just read the news on Facebook that Darren Young has signed a 2 year extension at the club. I’m absolutely delighted with the news and glad it’s been sorted early to allow him to continue to build for next season, rather than it all being left to the last minute. Genuinely think Young’s appointment has been the best thing to happen to the club in recent times. This view isn’t solely down to winning the league last season but more the feeling you get with regards to the playing side of the club, take away his initial firefighting when he first came in, his signings have been by and large good, and even those that maybe didn’t quite work, none have been a disaster and the squad has continued to improve under his leadership. He’s a safe pair of hands, that I was delighted to get in the first place but has remained so for 2 and a half years now and I look forward to seeing just how far he can take us.
  12. Only P&B could take chat about Rabbie Burns and end up chatting about a fry up....love it
  13. Points deductions never sit comfortably to me, doesn't matter if it's Everton or Edinburgh City, the punishment is on the wrong people as the charlatans that put you in this mess are still unaffected. Those suffering now are the players, management team, board and supporters of the club. Gotta feel for those people, but there also has to be a better way to punish clubs that find themselves in this situation by going for the people that put them in it in the first instance.
  14. Always good to celebrate our national success stories. Happy Burns Day everyone!!
  15. No messing about at Cove as PH rings the changes in January. Fancy yourselves to kick on and cement a Play Off Place/Promotion via the Play Offs, or will these be more duds waiting for the axe in the summer?
  16. Thank you The Left leaning ones are definitely me, so thank you
  17. I'm going off topic here, but Southgate strikes me as being very similar to Clarke, in that he likes his tried and tested. He has found players that fit into the system, it works, so why change it......in fact, you could probably argue that Southgate is less likely than Clarke for change, and I just don't see him doing this. I've heard the interviews where he says he is considering Gordon and Anderson, but what he says and what he does, seems to be 2 different things and in Anderson's case (probably the case of the 4 Newcastle players actually), he's got stronger options to try and keep happy in the short term.
  18. Read the friendly article in The Herald that's going about, struggling to see why we would take the Gibraltar game. Clarke always talks about "being tested" or "needing tested". Before the England and France games he said that with Euro qualification and Pot 1 Nation League ties on the horizon, we could be faced with opponents of that standard, however again, Gibraltar don't fall into that category. Is it "an easy tie" to assess players....probably too close to the Euros for that.....is it a way to get some shooting practice in......I don't think Clarke is that type of manager....so all in all it just seems like a strange friendly to me. I can only think that were the only nation that were open to face us at that time.
  19. Makes sense, nobody wants to play/watch football in these conditions
  20. Scottish politics and current affairs is a big interest of mine, but I can’t seem to find any podcasts that keep up to date with what’s going on in the country, so I’m just wondering what podcasts/radio shows do P&B posters, in this part of the forum, listen too to keep up to speed??
  21. Absolutely, although a Season Ticket holder, I can’t make matches on a Tuesday night and I know I’m not the only one, so “a big pay day” for the club, turns into a bog standard crowd of 400-600
  22. They are, honestly, give me a plastic pitch over a grass one any day these days. Yes, we have a fantastic grass pitch but if there was a choice, I would prefer it to be Astro. Listening to podcasts, BBC programmes etc etc, I tend to find those that are against them tend to be those that just want to moan. The pros out weigh the cons on many levels, even Derek McInnes said he preferred plastic despite Killie now having plans to revert back to grass.
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