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  1. At five CDs for a pound I can't say I'm heavily invested in the artist myself. Okay for listening to in the car though if I have a notion for something mellow.
  2. His dad's middle name was Montrose though. Mind you it is probably a better choice of name for a male than "Marykirk".
  3. Was in Cancer Research charity shop buying CDs and fancied some easy listening with James Taylor's Greatest Hits. Was surprised to read this about him in Wikipedia. He's still listed as being active. I wonder if the Montrose Folk Club have thought of inviting him to play a gig here with proceeds going to local good causes such as the Community Trust. E.t.a. I see he was last in Scotland on tour in October 2022 and at his age this tenuous celebrity link ship may have sailed.
  4. Yes, I thought the statement was pretty downbeat, especially given the excitement surrounding the playoffs. It would be great to see the club's community involvement pay a dividend in terms of increased gates and season ticket sales. Arbroath certainly benefitted from increased ST sales for their Championship seasons as well as the larger visiting supports. We don't really have much control over who else is in the league, so unless we have some kind of Wrexham style external investment, it really is down to the club building up support and investment locally, which hopefully will happen. It is noticeably quieter on this thread than others. In some ways I would have liked to have seen a more ambitious statement from the club but as long as we're not going backwards by treading water whilst some others are clearly out to make progress, I am happy enough.
  5. The latest Montrose signings from County and City...
  6. The Mo will be on University Challenge at this rate. Great source to tap into for part-time clubs, if graduates are not looking to necessarily be full-time. Wondering how the ICT shambles is going to play out and what impact it's going to have on the league next season. Feel for their supporters as they've had to witness this slo-mo car crash caused by inept management. Thankful for years of good vibes as a Mo fan and for the dedication of people who really do have the wellbeing of the club at heart. ... Does make for a quiet close season on P&B but I would rather have it that than turmoil a lot of other clubs seem to go through.
  7. e.t.a. The idiom is "stick out like a sore thumb". If you come on other teams' threads just to insult individuals, you might at the very least do it properly.
  8. The reek o' smoked fish just wafted its way back in here. Compensation is seeing the back of the insufferables and their minion hordes.
  9. Usual bleedin' hearts nonsense on BBC Sportsound about the "demise" of ICT following the Premiership Playoff Final non-event at Dingwall yesterday. Arguably a "city" the size of Inverness could support a local team at a higher level than the First Division but I never hear of anyone shedding tears when Stirling Albion gets relegated to League Two. According to Wikipedia, Stirling is bigger than Inverness, even allowing for recent growth to the latter. Ross County have thrived because of Roy MacGregor and his willingness to pump cash into the project. It is an anomaly which allows the club to over perform, given the population of Dingwall and the surrounding area. There is no way a team in the Highlands could compete in the Premiership without the "Roy" factor. The main reason for the sentimental gush surrounding ICT's relegation is that the Highlands will be losing their team. It was a very different response to that a few years back when the press and others were quick to put the boot in to Brechin City and its appeal to play in the Lowland League. The "ignorami" that is the sports media and press in Scotland generally hold football in Angus in contempt - "Merge Angus" being the stock response to developing the game north of Dundee. Angus clubs are at a disadvantage both in terms of population size and geographical location and we lack the "Highlands" sentimental factor. I wouldn't mind if a local benefactor of the likes of Roy MacGregor stepped in to boost the club's fortunes but that is really Lala Land. It is better for the club to gain traction on and off the pitch through improving its links with the local community and getting future generations of supporters going to matches at Links Park instead of Celtic Park or Ibrox. We may never achieve top flight, full-time status like ICT or Ross County or get the degree of attention or sympathy these clubs get but I would still like to see further progress towards building sustainable success at the club in the years to come. The town could really do with more of a feel good factor, that's for sure.
  10. "League One looks particularly poor next season, with just yourselves (ICT) and a poor Queen of the South side as the sole FT clubs, so it really should be an easy division for Inverness to win - but you just can't see it working." Words of "wisdom" from Ray Patterson, an Arabs fan on the Championship forum. Based on what I saw of ICT over the two legs of the playoffs against us, I think this man is clueless. I've said it before but other than Lawal, a loan player, ICT weren't that impressive. I think the League next season is looking very competitive with no clear hot favourites. The quote above was related to ICT's proposed move to train at Kelty. Where do the Mo train currently? I know they used to train at Perth but I have also heard they occasionally use the Oriam.
  11. It's clearly a win - win situation Otis. Kelty get a big cash bung and ICT get a state of the art social club for their FT players to have a drink in after training.
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