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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Although it definitely feels like 2 points dropped, with the way the second half went, a draw was probably fair with the chances that fell to Annan in the first 30 minutes. I though we were murder for long periods of the First Half, our Midfield were continually over ran and the Defence was at 6’s and 7’s trying to deal with the over loads, they were just everywhere and winning nothing, so it came as no real surprise when Annan took the lead, I think we were lucky for them not to extend the lead before Half Time and have the woodwork, poor finishing and Blair Currie to thank for that. Thankfully, when you have a player like Dale Carrick in your team, you stand a chance and once again he popped up and scored a vital goal for us. He does more than just score goals though, said it time and time again but he’s work rate and effort is fantastic and again, we’re so lucky to have him in our ranks, and there are few better at doing what he does at this level. As has been said, Second Half, we were a different team and could have battered them. Would have if it hadn’t of been for the crossbar, post and a world class save from Fleming. Milne was unlucky not to score one of the best Stirling goals that Forthbank has ever seen (that was Sean Dickson v Arbroath by the way). Annan did everything they could to disrupt play and gain the advantage back, but they were on the ropes and we just couldn’t find that knock out punch. Have spoken before about my admiration for Annan, but one thing I can’t stand from this Annan team is the diving and play acting, how the Ref and near side linesman can fall for that, but then miss 2 certain Stirling Penalties and a Fleming kick out on McGregor, is beyond me and so infuriating to watch. It’s games like this where officials really do themselves no favours. It’s also been said above about Clark, I couldn’t agree more and it surprises me how he starts in front of Wilson. I think he and Leitch are like 2 players down this season. Darren Young spoke in his last interview about the possibility of players being added in January, I hope a Left Back and an creative Centre Midfielder are at the top of his wish list. Anyway, a point benefits us more than them, and I’ll take it, but we really need to find the Second Half form more than the First, if we want to ensure we don’t slip into that Play Off spot.
  2. blink 182 - all the small things
  3. Absolutely nothing to do with sentiment, but I would have him back also. I doubt Lee will be short of offers, he's a good Ball Playing Centre Back and would be a good addition to most teams at this level, certainly the Part Time ones. I was surprised he was let go in the first place, and it would be a good addition if he was brought back in. Would he be our best centre half.......oh I'm not sure I want to go down that road, but he is a good one and on the ball, he is probably more comfortable than our current options.
  4. Would agree and had Saturday gone wrong, it would have been squeaky bum time for sure. I do think our squad is good enough to stay in the league, I’ve said that from the start, however I was also pleased to hear Darren Young say that the board have been really supportive of the work they have been doing and there might be money in place for a couple of additions in January, and I think that is going to be the key. We’ve had injuries to deal with (like every club) but if we can just get in a couple of players of quality, then it will do us well when our squad gets thin and, it gives Young options. Nothing has ever been settled in December, but another win this weekend would go a long way to guaranteeing League 1 football next season, 10 points is a big gap.
  5. Furio Capozzi - It Will Always Last
  6. jenn johnson - it's gonna be ok
  7. You’re in for a treat @stanton, honestly. Let me know how you find it
  8. Back to see Torridon tonight, this time in Dunfermline and they were even better than the last time, absolutely fantastic but have to say that I was disappointed in the size of the crowd. Superb night all the same
  9. What is the actual news?? Have seen nothing other than what I’ve read on here!
  10. Simply has to be McSauce. Yes there have been others that have been superb but he came up with this big moments when needed and played just as well as our best.
  11. I’m a little surprised it’s not been posted by the more eagle eye’s before now, however for the past month or so, Ryan Christie has been excellent for Bournemouth in a far deeper role than the one we are used to seeing him in. Pulled the strings against Villa today. I know we’re already strong in this position but I’m sure if he keeps this kind of form up in that role, Clarke will at least consider looking at him deeper in our set up.
  12. Tom Robinson Band - We Didn’t Know What Was Going On
  13. Dave Rowntree - Who’s Asking?
  14. Joe Clement - Sweet Thing, I Want You Back
  15. Got tickets again. Saw her the last time she was at Hampden and it’s probably the best live show I’ve been at, absolutely blew me away. My Wife is a huge fan, I just went along to keep her company and was delighted I did. Yip, totally agree and it’s the reason I decided not to buy a ticket. It’s not the bands fault but the only way to make a stand is not to go, imho.
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