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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. A Home and dare I say it, a winnable draw. Not much to get excited about but it is what it is, hopefully we get through it.
  2. Kevin Spacey - The Curtain Falls
  3. As much as it pains me to say it because I hate everything the Tories stand for and represent, but yes it is.
  4. I personally disagree, I think he wa she right man with the right politics which is why the Right Wing media did everything they could to discredit him and the Tories in the Labour Party did as much damage as they did on the inside because they feared the momentum (no pun intended) he was building within the working class and young in England and he was a threat to business and corporations. People will laugh at me, but it’s only my opinion, but he’s the best PM we never had imho.
  5. Totally agree, and why would they? They would be committing career suicide if they did. The only reason Cameron sanctioned referendum on Scotland and EU is because is become Yes and Leave were polling so low that it was almost seen as much of a dead cert that they would win, than one of the Old Firm winning the SPL. It was scarily close to be a Yes vote and we all know what happened with the EU referendum. With polls since being about 50/50, no PM in their right mind is going to sanction it, it's too close. The SNP know this (so do Alba) which is why they are looking at other ways to do it. I'm a firm believer that if the polls were like this in 2014, then Cameron wouldn't have signed the papers in the first place. I would agree with this, given a Tory minority government or a Labour/SNP coalition, I'm convinced Labour would would prefer the first option.
  6. I didn't know about this, but will check it out. Thanks @Alan Twelve, appreciate it
  7. Elvis Presley - You’re The Devil In Disguise
  8. Peter Doherty - A Little Death Around The Eyes
  9. Think it might well be @Kelheart. Have to say that Kelty have impressed me so far this season, and I thought you played well at Forthbank. Like many, I thought you were destined for League 2 with your reduced budget but Tidser seems to have assembled a good squad through there.
  10. Spot on, it's not. Although you're looking at elite players for those age groups, ultimately it should be viewed as development football and as long as players are developing positively then results simply don't matter in my opinion.
  11. This is quite possibly due to the exposure of it over here though. I searched for Sportscene type highlights show for the MLS a couple of years back and it didn't exist, so if you want to fallow it over here then it's hard to do, so people's ignorance to the standard is not altered from their own perception
  12. Fountains Of Wayne - Stacy's Mom
  13. He lives in Dunblane I believe. He's known for popping into Forthbank every now and again to watch games so obviously knows a good number of League 1 & 2 players.
  14. Darius Rucker - Don’t Think I Didn’t Think About It
  15. As an outsider, I think McInally is probably the best option but I do wonder if he has the desire to go to a club struggling, bit of turmoil in it’s future, lacking in money, whilst travelling from Broughty Ferry, it would he rather just bide his time and keep his fingers crossed that he’s a shout for a job like Forfar IF that was to come up. Aitken is a cracking shout, and someone I hoped would take the Stirling job when KR was sacked/walked. Although I’m obviously delighted with Young, I didn’t think he was a realistic appointment, however in Aitken I saw someone who had done well with tight budgets, built winning sides and with the exception of maybe a season at Dumbarton, did really well. Since then he has also failed at EK but I do think he is deserving of another chance and this might be a good route back in for him.
  16. Just noticed this, he certainly was and was someone that most of us thought would kick on and maybe get another Full Time gig somewhere, but after going to Uni he's obviously content with Part Time football. If he can get back from his ACL injury and hit the form he had at Forthbank then you've got a good, creative player on your hands. His Dad is a top bloke as well and will no doubt be in and about the supporters in The Wee Bar before and after games. Hope it works out for him with you
  17. BB_Bino


    Used to be but sadly no more. Not sure why, but it’s certainly missed.
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