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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Hazel English - It’s Not Real
  2. If this poll is accurate then this really is quite something
  3. Although I totally agree with this statement, I don't agree with your Labour line, only because it was the right wing battle within that party that pulled them to the right, I don't think it was a consequence of the Tories personally.
  4. It would be interesting to find out for sure, but I think Alba's party members number have risen. I know of 3 people local to me who have switched their membership, and there were reports during the GRRB period of the SNP where Alba claimed member numbers had risen. I would think that the membership will grow, but is support as high as they claim it is? I'm not sure that it is, however I do agree with the notion by AS that the Independence vote shouldn't be split, and that the pro-independence parties should unite for the next Westminster General Election and stand as "Scotland United". Yes, but remember Alba were a new party at that point, and other than a launch, they didn't have time to build any momentum. I can't even remember any real policy that they stood on, they must have had some but other than activate the negotiations for Independence within the first hour of being elected (or however AS worded it), I don't remember them standing for anything else. Now, they've had a good number of years campaigning, along with an increased membership and greater unrest amongst SNP voters and members, people might now be looking at them as a serious alternative. If I was to predict another Scottish Election outcome now, I would fancy Alba's vote to increase above what they scored last time. Do I think it's enough to put pressure on the SNP or significantly split the Yes vote.....i don't think it will be, but it might be enough to start the SNP worrying and that worry may just build in the same way that the Tories were worried about UKIP not so long ago. At the latest SNP conference, HY obviously stated that the fight for independence will become the main manifesto pledge, that may stop a few more people from switching, those that have concerns can look at it as giving him/them a/another chance, however there will always be those who think they've had enough time.
  5. Not sure I know anyone who was disappointed to see Kurtis leave Forthbank, he was pretty average during his time here I would say, yes he had the occasional moment but generally he was pretty "meh" in my opinion. He was given the opportunity of League 1 football at Clyde so took it, and you can't blame the lad for that, but even Clyde fans on here were, by and large, saying they weren't fussed if he stayed or went in the summer. Don't think he was a stand out in the game at The Recs earlier in the season, that performance probably summed him up well as he didn't really impact the game but he didn't make any noticeable errors either. Alloa fans can tell us for sure, but suspect that's what they are getting from him most weeks. I do wish the lad well however, not against us of course, but I can't say that I've ever been disappointed at seeing him leave the club. Anyway, I must say that I will be pretty disappointed if we don't pick up the 3 points on Saturday. Alloa were no great shakes in the game earlier in the season and despite adding more fire power since then, their results and league position would suggest there's been little in the way of improvement, so if we have any hope of comfortably staying in this league, then we have to be beating the Part Time teams at Forthbank, more times than not, especially when a win for Alloa would bring them back level with us. Goals have obviously been a bit of a struggle for us this season, which is a surprise because I genuinely thought that would be our strong point again this season. I don't know what the answer is because I think we are all in agreement that Carrick, Spence, Hilson and Thompson are good players to have, but we could really be doing with 1 or 2 of them hitting a wee purple patch in front of goals, but still, I'd like to think we can bag ourselves another 1-0 win to get us back to winning ways.
  6. Beach Weather - Sex, Drugs, Etc
  7. Tom Perry & The Heartbreakers - The Forgotten Man
  8. Matty Phillips having a fantastic season with West Brom, playing Left & Right Back, Left & Right Wing , CAM and Striker so far. He's been plague with injury for years (which probably stopped him from going to the very top) but since CC has come in, he's been simply outstanding and one of the first names on the team sheet by the look of things.
  9. The rumours that Elgin wanted to go back into the Highland League, have followed your club for a few years now. The reason for this always appears to be the money for travel and the money that it costs to attract players from the Central Belt. With what seems to be going on this season, would Elgin fans say there could be truth in these rumours or is this purely down to poor running of the football side of the club but with a desire to still remain within the SPFL?
  10. A Home and dare I say it, a winnable draw. Not much to get excited about but it is what it is, hopefully we get through it.
  11. Kevin Spacey - The Curtain Falls
  12. As much as it pains me to say it because I hate everything the Tories stand for and represent, but yes it is.
  13. I personally disagree, I think he wa she right man with the right politics which is why the Right Wing media did everything they could to discredit him and the Tories in the Labour Party did as much damage as they did on the inside because they feared the momentum (no pun intended) he was building within the working class and young in England and he was a threat to business and corporations. People will laugh at me, but it’s only my opinion, but he’s the best PM we never had imho.
  14. Totally agree, and why would they? They would be committing career suicide if they did. The only reason Cameron sanctioned referendum on Scotland and EU is because is become Yes and Leave were polling so low that it was almost seen as much of a dead cert that they would win, than one of the Old Firm winning the SPL. It was scarily close to be a Yes vote and we all know what happened with the EU referendum. With polls since being about 50/50, no PM in their right mind is going to sanction it, it's too close. The SNP know this (so do Alba) which is why they are looking at other ways to do it. I'm a firm believer that if the polls were like this in 2014, then Cameron wouldn't have signed the papers in the first place. I would agree with this, given a Tory minority government or a Labour/SNP coalition, I'm convinced Labour would would prefer the first option.
  15. I didn't know about this, but will check it out. Thanks @Alan Twelve, appreciate it
  16. Elvis Presley - You’re The Devil In Disguise
  17. Peter Doherty - A Little Death Around The Eyes
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