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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Must admit to not knowing anything about him, but I did read a couple of positive posts when he came on as a trialist last week (in the Cove thread). Let’s hope he can have the same positive impact as Milne and Hilson.
  2. Philip Sayce - You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
  3. Saw him play twice for Stoke last season, and I thought he was very very good. Physical, strong and quick. He run the channels well but also held the ball in. I've posted it elsewhere, but for me he's a more mobile option for Clarke to replace Dykes. At the moment, if Dykes gets injured he doesn't have a like for like replacement if Brown is not in the squad. In his Hampden appearances, it's hard to tell how he actually fits in, however in the 2 games I was at when he played, I thought he looked like an asset within the squad.
  4. Fleetwood Mac should have ended when Peter Green left. Radiohead after OK Computer.
  5. Brown will be looked as as a replacement for Dykes, he is more physical than Shankland and quite possibly more mobile. I'm not sure I would have made the same choice as Clarke but I can get what he is thinking.
  6. "It's rock n roll........because it's rock n roll.........cuz we'ur ladz n that".....................all joking aside, I don't get it either and it p's me right off!!
  7. That would be a great idea, and would generate a lot of interest and excitement, along with bumper crowds and a real sense of International Football engagement.........the blazers will never buy into it!!
  8. Probably the same people that complain that there's not enough Rangers players in there.........
  9. Think this confirms that there's been some truth in the Anderson speculation. Yeah, it's pretty much as expected really.
  10. Si Ferry actually makes a remark about this near the start of the latest Open Goal podcast. He tells Slaney and Kevin Kyle that he looked over to the Civil Service bench the other day and there was 3 or 4 of them and he looked at theirs's and there was all sorts of Coaches and a proper Coaching team, then he said that it wasn't like last season, when he wanted extra players at Broomhill he knew the answer was no, this season the guys behind the scene at EK make it happen, no hassles and mentioned at some point they were still looking to bring guys in. Must be a Manger/Assistant Managers dream, so fair play to them, it's giving them every tool to succeed I suppose .
  11. I genuinely don’t even think Clarke is considering him or that he is in his thoughts, I might be wrong. I think Clarke has settled on this generation of players and those that are in are the ones he wants, I think it’s the next generation coming through, getting them involved, showing them there is a pathway, that’s his focus now. In an International sense, rightly or wrongly, Gauld has missed the boat and that’s not been helped by poor choices he has made. Poor loan spells, lower league clubs in Portugal and a move to America has probably been good for him but not for his International career as when Clarke was probably looking at him as an option, he wasn’t…..if that makes sense.
  12. I would honestly take that and I think, for any Scottish player playing now, that would go down as a successful career if he could establish himself at that level for long enough. Long term, probably looking for him to be the linchpin at the back for us, thankfully the current Defenders (Handley apart) will be around for the next 2 or 3 campaigns, but Portious should have more in him as he’s still a young lad with 10 or so years in front of him
  13. Rory Gallagher - Don’t Know Where I’m Going
  14. I'd say he is, but he falls under the category of a number of players at the moment. When do you call him up to have this look?? There's no friendlies at International level these days or B camps. Then you're going "is he better than what's in front of him?".....Adam, Dykes, Shankland, Nisbett, Brown or Stewart.......maybe even throw Christie in that as well.....i'm not really sure he is. If he keeps up this form then maybe he can force his way in, or if there's a few injuries it might be the time to have a look, however I just don't see it and to be honest, i'm not sure I would have him in front of the established members personally.
  15. I like that if it's the case.
  16. This is the second time Budgie has come up today. I was listening to Big Sam’s No Tippy Tappy Football podcast earlier today and he came up in that and now this. It’s funny because I remember him at Hibs, at was at the start of High School then and hadn’t seen anyone like him before. I remember him leaving Hibs, then a few months later popping up at Dunfermline to sit on the bench for a few games due to an injury crisis. Few years after that, he was on MOTD at City becoming the oldest Premier League Goalkeeper ever then I never heard of him again. It wasn’t until reading this that I realised he was in at a good number of Scottish clubs during his career, maybe didn’t play but he racked up some amount of clubs. Absolute maverick!!
  17. Games between the 2 sides are indeed rare. A quick Google search shows that the last time we met was in the 2010/11 season. QoS won twice (2-0 then 4-1) and the other 2 games were 2-2 and 0-0 draws. 2007, 2005 and 2000 were the only seasons after the 90’s. I’ll not make the trip down, but I don’t fear the trip and think we have a chance. Would be good if a couple of our injured players were back fit, I’m sure Dale Carrick would love to be.
  18. Might go against the grain, but I actually think a draw was probably about fair. Yes it’s frustrating in the way we lost 3 points, however I don’t think we capitalised on our man advantage, and we seem to be set up this season, not to loose and not to give much away. That’s not a dig at Darren Young or any of the coaches or players, I think we are good at what we do and I think it will bring us the success at the end of the season, but the danger is, if we don’t create or take enough, and we let the opposition have as much of the ball, there’s always the chance of what happened happening. With Carrick, Davidson, Leitch and Hilson out, that’s a lot of our attacking impetus right there, so is it any wonder? However I did think Spence put a good shift in once again, I thought Cooper was possibly more effective than Leitch has been in spells this season and Banner was rightly awarded Man of the Match, what a shift he put in, chased everything, battled for every ball and really did leave everything he had out on the park. I standard of Refereeing really does seem to get worse every year, and last night was simply baffling. No wonder players and supporters get so frustrated. Neither penalty was a penalty, from what I could see….the Stirling one was closer to me…and the drop ball decision was mind blowing but thankfully had no impact on the game. We shouldn’t be walking away from games talking about the officials, but every year this seems to becoming more and more common. I get they have a hard job to do, but people like him do themselves no favours by being so inconsistent with decisions, or by just being plain and simply wrong. I really don’t know how we address this problem when Reds can’t come out to speak and others in the game can’t question them. I can’t comment on the Red Card, I didn’t see it so will need to watch the TV back, although well done to the Ref if it was indeed a head butt: Another poster above has said about the admission fee putting fans off coming to games or even casual observers. I agree. Due to the rising costs of everything, I’m attending less Away games now because of the price, in fact Alloa is the only away game I have been to this season. I don’t think clubs are doing themselves any favours charging what they do, I get that we have high running costs but SPFL football is just not affordable for many. I’ve been watching various “non-league” games over the years, but even more so now with the SPFL admission prices, I don’t have enough disposable income and I’m sure many others are in the same boat, and I’m sure my wife and I would fall into a relatively well paid pay band in comparison to others. Anyway, a frustrating night in the end last night, but another point closer to the 40 mark. I think every player can be proud of the shift they put in, and I thought Ewan Wilson looked like a good addition. Onto next week and another battle.
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