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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Jeez oh, I had totally forgotten about Moore being Arbroath manager
  2. It is, and last season is the last time I'm renewing, there really is no point. Where are the minutes of the recent AGM?? There were a number of survey's over the years about what membership model could work for the club, whatever happened to that?? I know a lot of people who were happy to make monthly payments into the club, similar to what other fan owned clubs do....what happened to that idea?? I get that the Trust board don't want to get involved in the day to day running of the club, however they should be updating the members on what they are doing. It's radio silence from the Trust and from the Club Board at every turn, which makes me think the Trust board are doing nothing, and are no more than a holding company for shares. They didn't even want a representative on The Stirling Albion Foundation board when it was first launched, which is an a way for the club to really get involved in the community and raise the profile locally. Why would you not want involved in something that puts the club in a positive light? It's only a small petty thing, but for a few years all the membership entitled you to do was vote for the change of strip at the end of the season....we weren't even allowed to do that last year, the club decided to go with the black strip without it, and stand for election onto the Trust board and this year......well my money has gone where exactly?? I'm a firm believer if you're not happy, you vote with your feet, I suspect it will make no difference, but I won't renew until there's a point to renewing.
  3. He does, he is/was a Youth Coach at Hearts (going by a YouTube interview he was in last year) and met James Creaney on his pro-licence, which is when he recommended him to KR. There’s no sure fire, successful way to appoint a manager and I wouldn’t be against a rookie, whether that be Carrick, Pabs or Snodgrass…or someone else who’s hanging up the boots…I just want a positive appointment that attacks and tries to play football, not another KR sort that talks the talk, hoofs the ball and is eye bleedingly awful to watch and makes you question why you go to the football on a Saturday.
  4. Bored at work so had a wee click through transfermarket.co.uk.......going by that, Lewis Milne didn't sign a 2 year deal in the summer, just a 1. Also, the Alloa fan who posted earlier is correct, it seems that Crane did signed until the end of next season. So the players under contract, going by transfermarket, are Blair Currie, Callum Crane, Ross Davidson, Dale Carrick & Dale Hilston. That's not a disaster to build from imho.
  5. Fair enough LeodhasXD, and thanks for educating me. I didn't realise that and have never actually seen one up close
  6. Was it actually a flare?? A lot of these lads are using smoke cannons and not flares. It's just that when people see them they instantly think flare. To my knowledge, a smoke cannon is just that, a tube of smoke, a flare has the heat element inside which is what makes them dangerous.
  7. Can't say I would blame them, when you are out of contract then players need to look out for themselves. If someone comes in with a move that suits then they simply have to take it, as the next guy could empty you anyway.....then what? I think we are in for a serious rebuild, but don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, it's if we get the right guy to do that rebuild which is key. If we are going to do what Clyde did last season and signed a bunch of jobbers that never made any impact at development squads higher up the food chain, and mix them with lower WOSFL players, then we will be in trouble. If the new guy comes in and builds using his contacts and with players he knows or "his people" know then I think we have a chance. Like everyone in football, there are players in the current squad that I don't particularly rate and wouldn't be too fussed about leaving, but in general, I think this squad is probably at the end of it's shelf life and needed serious surgery anyway, regardless if it was with Darren Young at the helm or someone else. The problem is, I do think we will miss out on players that we could have attracted here.
  8. Must admit to be gutted that there hasn't been a derby for so long and now there'll not be one for another year at least. It's always the first thing that I looked for and when the roles were reversed, I actually wanted Alloa to come up to have them back. I'd be surprised if the majority of Alloa fans wanted us to go down, other than for the quick "hahahahahah, you're sh-e". This, 100% this. If I had my way, Alloa & Stirling would always be in the same league, as I'm sure fans of other rivalries are the same. Life is dull enough, you need something to wet the appetite and continually getting 1 over your rivals always makes things that bit better.
  9. If I was you I would.. Pretty sure he'll not be on the shelve for long though.
  10. I think the YouTube comments came from the minority and from internet loudmouths to be honest. I think it's been clear since the sacking that Young still had the backing of the support and to be honest, apart from a couple of lone wolf shouts, I don't think I even heard of anyone calling for his head. Listen, people can argue that it's successful all they want and that's fine, however if a manager is now appointed that plays the game in that manner then I'm walking away. Watching players do that every week is not what I come along to football, travelling up and down the country, to see. I thought that kind of "anti-football" left the lower leagues when the likes of John Coughlan couldn't get back in. Yes, as I said, it has worked for Annan and for Peter Murphy but count me out if we start doing that. All clubs are partial to a bit of "game management" and being hard to beat but that is just on a different level.
  11. It sure is @Ye Olde Hamiltonian. They were Edusport when they played at Annan, however when they sourced their current ground, they changed name to allow them an identity to get into the local community and start to build a fanbase
  12. Not sure that matters, I'm sure Peter MacDonald worked within the Rangers academy whilst playing for us and Dale Carrick is a youth coach at Hearts. When Stuart McLaren was Manager, he worked for Edusport, as did Barry Ferguson and Colin Cameron when they were at Kelty and Cowdenbeath, Edusport were a Lowland League side at the time.
  13. He was caretaker after Stuart McLaren from memory and was offered the job but knocked it back to become Assistant Manager to Jack Ross at St.mIrren. Has worked in both the Management, Coaching and Administration side of the game, so could be a good shout. Bartley......please god no!! Danny Lennon....hhhmmmmm, still lives around Cumbernauld I believe from a Sportsound episode I heard awhile back, but not for me. Stevie Aitken and Tiff Aitken was a shout before Darren Young got the job, this had the backing of a number of fans and one that interested me, has since failed at East Kilbride but is it a shout?? Or even Tiff himself, I believe he applied for the Stenny job when Swift was sacked.
  14. Someone attack minded……what’s John Hughes up to these days??
  15. Likewise. However whoever gets the job, I hope they are attack minded, watching boring defensive, must not lose football in the senior league cesspit gives me the fear.
  16. The website is down, but it would appear from a link on the social media channels that Darren Young is no longer our manager and has stepped down!! If this is indeed the case, then I would like to thank Darren for all the work he has put in over the past 2 and a half seasons and thank him for some of the best memories during the course of the promotion winning season, and I wish him all the best for whatever the future brings for him.
  17. Again, I have to agree. We were promised transparency when the current Trust board were able to appoint the club board......appointments that would make the back pages, 1 Trust member said, and we've had nothing. We have no idea who our Chairman is or who is running our club day to day and I heard a rumour on Saturday that our General Manager might be causing trouble behind the scenes as well......to who?? Jim McAllister, Robert Chubb and Duncan Strathdee.....it must be as they're the only people I see. I couldn't care less if she is or isn't, ground down by events off the pitch, I'm now only interested in getting involved with what is on it, but it's still bloody annoying when we're a fan run club that fails to communicate with the fans, except to sell hospitality tables. Off the field, nothing, that I can see, has improved at the club since Stuart Brown and Colin Rowley left. The Trust have gone back to radio silence as well....where's their transparency?? Where are the minutes of the recent AGM, as an example??
  18. Sadly for us, Hilson signed a 2 year deal in the summer, so I suspect he's going nowhere. I'm sure 99% of the Stirling support would be happy for you to take him off our hands though. Denholm actually went to Spartans from us, he was the only player of the League 2 winning squad that didn't re-sign in the summer. His social media message at the time was that he was finding it hard to commute from Edinburgh, so was looking for something within that area. You'll all have watched Spartans more than me this season, however going on last years performances, I would be surprised if he's a player that will stay in League 2 any longer than he has and I'd be surprised if he was of interest to the Campbell's.
  19. I think if this season was an episode of Friends, it would be the one where everyone failed, because ultimately that’s what’s happened at the club, both on and off the pitch! I just spent an hour typing on my phone, venting, only to just delete it…..what is the point?? Ultimately Currie, Milne, Hilson, Davidson & Carrick are the players we have signed up for next season, along with Stirling Uni’s Cameron McKinley (i’d get shot of Milne & Hilson in a heart beat if we could). These are the players we need to start the rebuild on. Forget what players have done for us previously, what can they do now is what matters and Darren Young has remained loyal to too many that have let him down.
  20. Quite possibly the best post I’ve read on here, in some time
  21. Well done Dumbarton, well done lads Abject failure all round and there should be no hiding place for anyone associated with the club. Young needs to take the buck of the blame, I hope he’s ruthless over the next few weeks!!
  22. Yip, and they even took that away from us….who could forget that dreadful Greig McDonald/Stuart McLaren side!!
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