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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. Any word on Yogi and the Shreedom Party?
  2. SNP are done. What a lovely experiment it was. One I gave full backing to for many years. Finished.
  3. I only know Josh, but I’m going to say….. any of them, as long as they beat Trump
  4. When in doubt, use the P&B politics test. Would Hard Left Government A allow the existence of the P&B forum? Absolutely fucking not. Would Hard Right Government B allow the existence of the P&B forum? Absolutely fucking not. Would mincing, thumb-twiddling Centrist Government C allow the existence of the P&B forum? Abso-fucking-lutely. Thusly, if you didn’t vote for the SNP, Labour, Tories or any other of the doppelgänger centrist parties this year, then you are a counter-bovrilutionary.
  5. I sometimes wonder if this phenomenon accounts for part of the Trump vote too
  6. To be fair, it is quite difficult to tell them apart. Fascism and communism were both big government, centralised mechanisms for organising and controlling societies. Both required mass exterminations of certain groups. Neither were able to meet their stated goals. Both were led by psychopathic personalities with very little genuine empathy for the masses. I’m with the weedy, beige centrists on this one lads.
  7. Doesn’t matter to you anyway mate, you’re a Leninist. This voting nonsense is for the bourgeoisie.
  8. Gosh Mazzy, you’re quickly picking up that ‘be a dick to everyone’ baton from VT, huh?
  9. No no, he was worse than Hitler. I have a league table somewhere. Stalin first, Hitler and Lenin joint second, Bryan Ferry third
  10. Yes. Shall we start another thread on the matter so as not to diverge from the Wire memes? Unless you fancy metaphorically debating Lenin/Hitler using the characters of Frank Sobotka and Bill Rawls?
  11. Fucking hell. Wait am I being whooshed?
  12. Wait let me find a Hitler one too, mass murderers always have THE FUNNIEST quotes about democracy.
  13. Maybe chairs make his back uncomfortable?
  14. A group of folk at work (7 of them including myself, all from UK) only received our ballots yesterday and have been told there’s no way they will arrive in time. We’ve also been denied emergency proxies. So that’s a fucking shitshow then. Also bytheway - everyone from different constituencies, everyone with Reform candidates on their ballots. How did they get so many people?! WHO THE f**k IS CAMERON ROSE AND WHY DOESNT HE VISIT A DENTIST?!?
  15. That might be it. I’m also aware there is a widespread conspiracy theory that she’s actually a man. So that at least gets rid of half the distaste for republican voters.
  16. I’ve only seen polls that show support for various other Dem candidates, based on the opinions of Dem supporters. I haven’t seen much in terms of cross-party support for Dem candidates…though haven’t done much searching tbh. I recall seeing a poll taken about a month ago that showed a third of Republican supporters had an appreciation for Shapiro. With that in mind, I can see no other obvious candidate for the Dems. Edit to add: only took one search. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ Good lord TX, that Michelle v Trump poll is astonishing. Shapiro also loses against Trump. Michelle it is, lads.
  17. Firstly, it’s spelt ‘your’. Secondly, the murders in Vietnam should be enough embarrassment to quell any sense of reverence. Happy to help, you big conspiracy-loving rogue, you
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