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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. He said women that wear a specific garment not all Muslim women. The brass neck of you btw. This thread of all threads, you seemed to take issue with Scottish Jewish people the other day and you're in here defending antisemitism, if you weren't such a detestable c**t it might have been amusing.
  2. What about them? You in favour?
  3. Yeah they look like ripper weirdos to me as does anyone that wears religious garments.
  4. Are we allowed to say the Pope wears a funny looking hat..? Asking for a friend.
  5. Yes he did say you can wear what you want but if you wear religious garments that cover all your face but your eyes then people can accordingly poke fun as it looks a bit silly. I also think if he had said that in the capacity of PM he would/should have resigned, also in 2003 when he wrote it I wouldn't have used such language but it's barely comparable to the deep rooted antisemitism that was allowed to fester and grow under Corbyns Labour. Whataboutery as I said, it does nothing.
  6. I'm a centrist in the detestable Blairite mould.
  7. Try not to make things up online for internet plaudits ***.
  8. Whataboutery and making things up... Big Boris never referred to anyone as a letterbox or a bank robber but said certain clothes makes people look like those things. Big difference.
  9. When did he challenge power?
  10. This thread title is a bit strange I must say, I shudder to think what's going to be in here after reading posters like Bawwatching post blatant antisemitic sentiments and their having been barely a ripple made. Anyway here is a quote from the report as the previous poster seems to have misread it and is now perhaps accidentally downplaying the severity of the claims and conclusions.. "Its report said the party was responsible for three breaches of the Equality Act: political interference in anti-Semitism complaints, failure to provide adequate training to those handling anti-Semitism complaints and harassment. In a statement, it said: "The equality body's analysis points to a culture within the party which, at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it."
  11. That took me like 20 minutes to read and I barely even understood it, it was like lofty slam poetry about browsing the internet.
  12. No no no, feels bad man.. I remember early internet days seeing that meme used in a funny/positive way and then ignored it til recently when I realised it had become a symbol of right wing hate speech and was fully of the opinion that it's just a frog but it is crazy how much that meme became a staple for far right nutjobs. The poor man that created Pepe is such a down to earth wholesome guy, such a shame.
  13. Anyone watched the documentary on Pepe the frog and the way it became a hate symbol? Very interesting watch. Also the recent Trump one they did was very enjoyable.
  14. My dad was born and raised Glasgow and a Rangers fan as was his dad before him so I was always going to follow my parents team rather than local, I only lived in Leeds for 2 years and don't have much of an affinity with them but it is nice to see them back in the prem!
  15. I'm not a Tory. I'd vote Labour preferably if they hadn't shat out of the whole Indy debate. + not Corbyn, if anything I'm a filthy centrist Blairite.
  16. I've lived in the Borders for 22 years but was born in Leeds and then travelled Europe for 3 years. I'm 27 and I spent 6 months in Murcia when I made this account. I've never been to Australia because f**k the flight, f**k the heat and f**k the insects. I'd love to live in Canada though. The sooner this forum gets over Brexit and the Union and the fact Rangers will win the league again then the sooner we can move onto CANZUK and all be happy.
  17. I didnt say that but I'm calm if people think that.
  18. I thought the whole "f**k the government and f**k Boris line" would've ruined the jig. For what it's worth I no longer like Stormzy.
  19. Great post. I'm English though but I agree as Brits whatever happens we are going to have to get along with each other.
  20. When people check your recent posts to red dot daily it's hardly based on merit.
  21. Of course. You seem to be particularly clingy today though..
  22. I actually remember that guy, which is surprising considering people regularly try and tell me I'm some former banned poster but no I don't post antisemitic content on Scottish football forums unlike some.
  23. Have you explained your antisemitic post yet?
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