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Crazy Feet

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Posts posted by Crazy Feet

  1. 1 hour ago, Spyro said:

    Don’t know what the problem is. I’ve just played 90 in the rain, 10 mins at halftime, relax the rules around subs, enough time to get together for a drink and a team talk, maybe a change of top (or a smoke behind the goals) and away again. Everyone kept warm then a quick change into fresh shorts n T-shirt for the drive home to the shower. It’s not ideal but it was finally a game of football and no one was complaining. If it’s good enough for us Ammy’s then it’s good enough for tier 6-7... also a decent amount of passerby’s stopping to watch a game (not like they are allowed to go anywhere else to see a game) and keeping their distance.

    As for paying refs, I’m sure if there’s no other option, between the committee and players they can stump up a few quid each to cover it. Surely players at this level aren’t too high n mighty to help their clubs out if it means getting a game on

    The main problem for the semi pros is funding the wages without ticket revenue and revenue from the social clubs.

    Amateur football doesn't have these issues as most guys pay a tenner a week to play amateur. I dont see any reason why the amateurs can't get their season up and running and have to just turn up ready to play. Ref will be covered by the players paying their dues.

    How do semi pro clubs cover their operating costs though without income?

  2. Social media was terrific yesterday. It was fantastic to see so many people buzzing to get back playing football again. I'm sure if the players need to turn up ready to play as the alternative is no football then they will be more than happy to do that for the foreseeable future.

    I hope the Scottish Government think about the mental health impact of putting the breaks on this now. All of the science points to transmission of the virus outdoors being extremely difficult. Let's use some common sense here.

  3. 8 hours ago, the snudge said:

    Imagine some gullible plank fell for a joke, eh?

    Oh it was hilarious man. Cant believe I fell for that one. A career in stand up awaits for the person who runs that Twitter account....

  4. A certain team from Dumbarton tweeting last night about how they are looking forward to their 3rd friendly of this week today (when today is the first day friendlies are officially allowed).

    The level of stupidity some people show really astounds you at times.

  5. 1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Thing is though this isn't rational if the number of deaths does not also undergo an uptick because all that's happening is that a far larger percentage of infections are being identified now than was the case back in April. Hopefully, what comes next is a bit like the Glasgow "lockdown". A cosmetic measure that keeps the hypochondriacs placated but doesn't get in the way of most things that have been opened up and doesn't get in the way of outdoor live events where social distancing for spectators can easily be achieved. If they are too draconian on that sort of thing there are votes to be lost amongst the silent majority and Nicola and co probably realise that as well.

    I'm not saying I agree with further lockdown restrictions coming, I am just saying this is what I can see happening based on the number of positive test cases and the change in the tone from Sturgeon and the UK Government. There is no doubt they are really worried about the rise in cases, and they are looking at limiting the numbers of people meeting up indoors.

    It has just been announced tonight that Bolton's hospitality sector is closing as of tonight and will only be opening for takeaways. Sturgeon looking at the rules around the numbers of people allowed to meet indoors also.

    This will affect the grassroots game because there's no chance of us getting allowed inside a dressing room anytime soon. Turning up ready to play every week sounds lovely in theory but that simply won't work as we move into the winter months and it's pissing of rain most weeks.

    You also have the social clubs impact if they start looking at closing down pubs again.

    I genuinely think our game is f*cked for the foreseeable. If Darvel, Talbot and Pollok are all playing competitive league games next month I will be astounded. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Shanner said:

    Yes, being allowed to go and see a movie followed by a few beers and a bite to eat then jetting off abroad on holiday certainly sounds worse than what we had before. 

    You had a liquid lunch today big man? We've all been there.

  7. 7 minutes ago, andy25 said:

    Nobody's dying but you think we're heading for a more extreme lockdown emoji849.png

    Correct. Nobody is dying but over 1m people in Scotland have had additional lockdown measures imposed on them over the last week. The tone from Sturgeon and The UK Government is changing again, you can tell they are worried about the rise in cases.

    If you're too thick to read between the lines about what comes next then I can't help you.

  8. The Government are getting really worried about the rise in positive cases we are seeing. Looking at new lockdown measures which reduce the number of folk allowed to meet indoors.

    I honestly think we are pissing in the wind here. I'll be astounded if grassroots football season kicks off as normal next month. It feels to me, reading between the lines of what the governments are saying, that we are closer to a more extreme lockdown again than measures being relaxed further.

  9. How many Glasgow Life Facilities are even opening up this weekend for games to be played? I know that doesn't effect the semi pros as such with them having their own private facilities but where are they going to train when the dark nights come in?

    There's talk on twitter many of these facilities arent even planning to open.

  10. 19 minutes ago, TFW said:

    I fully concur. Absolutely diabolical that players won't be able to charge their phones in state of the art changing rooms that wouldn't look out of place in the SPL.

    How can the virus get into our dressing rooms anyway but it's ok for our kids not to wear masks in their classroom at school? This virus is a clever wee c*nt isn't he? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, The Ilford Drummer said:

    Wonder how teams are getting round the training facilities headache?

    Shared council Astros are still closed, private sites like Benburb and Renfrew fully booked.

    Training at you own park will soon become impossible without lights.

    Some " out the box "thinking required.

    The list of obstacles is endless. The just open the windows brigade can't see that though.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Darvel legend said:

    if thats the case be as well forgetting about the full thing , we are about to go into autumn and winter and lets have team talks on the pitch , just nonsense 

    Too many people living in denial mate. Cloud cuckoo land. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Andy groundhopper said:

    From last night's FA Cup games, players came in cars (wearing masks, windows open supposedly)  some had 10 minute changing windows, team talk on the pitch. Fans mostly bought tickets online up to day before, track and traced, max 20 in clubhouse, distanced, all following a one way system. Showers were available afterwards but players were told to be quick - can't be 100% sure, just what I've been told 💣 from what I've seen, fans weren't distanced that much.


  14. Just now, DanMan said:

    I wonder why there isn't the appetite from the government to get football back? Is it any less safe than a crowded bus, train or pub?? Is it perhaps because there isn't any financial benefit to them??  There might be a mental health bill to pay if tbey don't step in and assist ....

    The income it produces for the government is next to nothing. Alcohol duty though? There's your answer why you can sit in a pub all day but you can't have a kick about with your pals on a Saturday.

  15. 5 minutes ago, The Ilford Drummer said:

    There is a real possibility that some clubs won't make the strict protocol on facilities.

    This could lead to them having to ground share with ones who do.

    Could see a scenario where it may be better for a club  to take a season out rather than ruin themselves trying to play under theses conditions.

    In my humble opinion has to be  "all or nothing"

    I think we are reaching the stage now were they need to just come out and tell us football is done until next year. There's simply too many obstacles in the way of grassroots football to get started and up and running again.

  16. 1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Check out what has happened on daily deaths for a clear picture of the real trend on COVID infections:


    New case numbers are a misleading measure of what's happening because you had to have severe symptoms to get tested back when the main peak was happening. Now a far larger percentage of new infections are being diagnosed.

    Unless Nicola S goes completely mental there should be a season.

    More tests = more cases. 

    The main metric is number of deaths and people in ICU. Even though number of cases is looking high now, nobody is dying or in ICU. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


    I don’t think it is impossible to get started now but it depends on how what the guidance is and if clubs can meet the guidance. For some clubs it may be difficult and there is going to be an expense (at a minimum they are going to have to have plenty of hand sanitiser and cleaning products).

    The other thing to consider is that players, staff or committee members may wish to opt out. For example those with underlying health conditions may wish to not be involved in this season if they think the risk is to great which for clubs with smaller committees and playing pools could be an issue.

    Hopefully the guidance gives some clarity but it will be a tight turn around for clubs.


    The main issues I see are around the changing facilities. There's zero chance anytime soon you will be allowed to have 20 bodies inside a changing room at the one time, so how do we work around that? You could maybe allow 6 to go in at a time, but it's going to be farcical that way. Guys given 5 min slots to go in and get changed. What happens to the managers team talk if he can't get into the dressing room with all of his players? 

    After the game, there might be guys who need to get away quickly to get to work for example. Do they get priority for getting into the changing room after the game? What if it's pissing down and you have 20 bodies standing outside waiting for their slot to go in for a shower / get changed?

    Then, perhaps even more importantly, how will clubs fund themselves when they can't fill their social clubs with punters? Will they be able to survive on ticket revenue alone? Have all these clubs making signings all summer budgeted for the reduced revenue?

    There's just many more questions than answers for me and we aren't getting clarity from the authorities, it's all very vague.

  18. 15 hours ago, Burmah Oil said:

    South of Scotland meeting was today. Plan 10 October start. Home and Away league and two cups. Maybe more cups after Easter. From twitter.

    East of Scotland update on their Facebook. October start. Home and Away league and one cup. Another cup for the conferences. Maybe more cups after Easter.

    I think people really need to keep their powder dry here I don't think any leagues should even be providing provisional dates at the moment until the Scottish Government actually come out and detail in plain English exactly what measures need to be adhered to that will allow grassroots football to be played. 

    In England I don't think council facilities are up and running yet and we are generally quite far behind them with the lifting of restrictions. 

    My gut feeling is that we are more likely looking at next year. I think the governments are scared of a potential second wave coming in the winter.

  19. 12 hours ago, Andy groundhopper said:

    Parks level fixtures down here in Bristol are due to restart in September. Reserve teams, whose first teams are at County League level, are the only ones so far - no council pitches being used yet. Heard it's a maximum of 6 in the changing rooms at one time - doubt that will be enforced strictly ! Don't know how they'll cope if they can't use showers during the winter months.

    Doesn't bode well for up here in Scotland as we are generally quite a bit behind England with our lifting of restrictions. Genuinely think there's next to no chance of things being up and running in terms of leagues etc by October up here. 

  20. 1 hour ago, TheLad said:

    I would bet that, for any pre season games at least, there will be no use of changing facilities for games at this level.
    Players will have to turn up ready, no showers after etc.
    Arrive, play, go home.

    How does that work if it's pissing of rain on a coo field? Just jump back in the car bogging and drive up the road? 

  21. There's still more questions than answers. There's no sign of changing rooms opening anytime soon. Also legislation regarding crowds of over 30 people gathering together.

    How do we get games played? 

    As I said, more questions than answers currently. There are too many obstacles still in place and I would be astounded if the amateur leagues are back up and running for October.

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