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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Goalkeepers scoring goals from their own half is overrated as f**k. It’s just a wind assisted/lucky bounce sledge up the pitch. A bigger anticlimax watching it than getting pumped by me. Now a keeper slamming a header away in the box is different.
  2. In an utterly abysmal match thread you’ve somehow managed to win “worst post on the thread” with this number.
  3. My coworker would never scream at me to up my game. Or my manager would never scream at my if I’m in the wrong place. Football is different. You can’t just accept the good and want to remove all of the bad.
  4. While some of what you say is true this is nonsense. When I complete a project at work our clients don’t come down to my office and chant my name and celebrate wildly. Football is different from a normal working environment, as anyone with half a brain should be aware. To try and compare the two are wild. Football is emotive, passionate and that is what we all love about it. It has some really bad traits though, which I genuinely believe are improving. We have to be careful not to sanitise it at the same time.
  5. “Reasons why you’ve never been inside a woman” thread for this chat.
  6. I’d imagine we would do that anyway regardless of whether that article was printed. I’ve barely heard any vocal criticism of him from our fans let alone abuse about his mental health. Has anyone heard any such abuse? Lets not start witch-hunting fans.
  7. Monica couldn’t want Xose inside her any more.
  8. They didn’t really get abuse it seems though. If whats said is true, some goon has made a comment that idiotic football fans make countless times a season. “A pay ma money I’ll say what a want” hardly constitutes abuse. They must have been sitting next to the ‘abusers’ at Hampden as well to be 15 inches from them, weird one. Cox getting stick from Cowden fans for his erratic behaviour does not constitute abuse about his mental health. I’ve certainly only ever heard the former.
  9. Cox does come across a bit of a fanny on the football pitch however he should never, ever get abuse regarding his mental health. Particularly poor if oppositions players are taunting him to get a reaction. The article I read mentions him getting called a “psycho” from fans, the only thing I would say about that is he comes across a wee nutter on the pitch so opposition fans may make comments in that regards without referring to his mental health issues directly. Good that the club are fully backing him though and his suspension is probably a good thing for all parties right now. Edit: what we don’t need is comments from him saying he will knock fans out. I very much doubt Cowden fans would ever abuse him regarding his mental health so he can’t go about saying he will knock fans out if he gets any stick, imo.
  10. I can conclude that grown men that rate the standard of pies in football grounds are nonces.
  11. Go into your WiFi networks and “forget” that network and it won’t automatically connect. Easy.
  12. MS is a humourless, joyless being who won’t support anyone for fear of enjoyment.
  13. Les Miserables the staged musical with Alfie Boe. Cheerful is an understatement tbh.
  14. Okay, Gordon. They were both a lie. Are you happy now?!
  15. Considering the “mock grief” that exists within football that’s quite a take.
  16. Maybe I missed it as I’ve been out drinking and shagging all weekend (half truth) but how come there isn’t a thread on incidents that occurred in London over the weekend?
  17. Right we can all agree he got it wrong on the show. MT is fine to criticise him for it, others don’t feel the need to, and everyone can move on. Doesn’t really warrant any more discussion.
  18. Absolutely shocked to see Hickey getting bullied again. Absolutely shocked to see the Hearts keeper not save shots right at him as well.
  19. If that’s the reason behind the complaining it’s a beamer from the Hibs fans.
  20. A few Hibs fans are claiming Clancy treated them harshly. As a completely neutral observer I have absolutely no idea what this relates to - anyone shed any light? Sounds like standard football fans being idiots to me.
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