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Everything posted by sureiknow

  1. A Labour Party activist previously jailed for Election fraud, 15 months jail, was on the Peterborough campaign team i see. Seems 83% of the postal votes were for Labour. Any connection i wonder.
  2. He still thinks remain is the best option though he backs the leave vote. At least he supports Democrary. Yes he is a bit of a c**t right enough.
  3. It's this the first time the whole panel of five are Remainers? Even for the B.B.C.'s biased standards i am surprised.
  4. I just watched that video. That's the end of Galloway on M.S.M. surely. Bye George.
  5. Anna Sourface now in charge. Just resign, don't even try to stand again. Take your Pension and go.
  6. I blame Obama. Well he was President when Oxfam reported that.
  7. Melissa Ede, Transgendered 4 million pound Lottery Scratchcard winner dead aged 58. Died early in May. Her videos were a bit odd.
  8. Why this is being highlighted, to me harks back to the time of Hitler. He blamed the Jews for everything that was wrong in the World. Labour and their supporters are not excatly doing this but they are hinting at it. And it's only the Jews that Labour seem to be attacking, no other Religion. This stands out.
  9. Maybe two leave. That guy with the funny hair though sure looks like a SJW. Have to add i haven't watched it, just Googled the Panel. Google shows three supported leave. Strange that on here the far left seem to think the Panel is always leave?
  10. It looks like Groundhog Day again. To me, four remainers and one leave. Getting so bad you would near think the EU pay towards the BBC. Oh wait i hear you say, they do! Boy i'm trying my best to be shocked.
  11. Michael Gove. Slime Ball but will be a more acceptable one than Boris. That is if she dosen't win ...
  12. Sajid Javid? Oh! No, won't be him as he's not white. Though he may be a good choice as Leader.
  13. And .... It didn't take long. The Left on here don't seem to care that they are the Facists.
  14. Andrew Hall, actor who played Wendy Craig's ( wid ) Son in the TV series Butterflies dead aged 65.
  15. It starts with a Cake, Milkshake etc. Ends with 5 bullets in the head. Pim Fortuyn.
  16. Herman Wouk aged 103. American Author of The Caine Munity.
  17. Well time will tell. Every warning about leaving the E.U. and also for example not joining the Euro has been false. We will prosper outside the E.U. Of course other opinions are avaliable.
  18. Well i did a search on who was on tonight. It showed the voting of those on.
  19. If you are not in you can't win.
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