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Posts posted by thistledo

  1. 1 hour ago, Fuctifano said:

    Yeah I did but think that sheet died with an old laptop.

    I remember there being a surprise in that the 15/16 season we actually gained more points in last 5 minutes than lost (late winners for Stevenson vs ICT and Lawless vs Motherwell come to mind) but the other seasons were brutal in terms of points lost late on, top 6 season in particular. 


    I think that's probably for the best if I'm honest. 

  2. 19 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    To be fair, I definitely remember a game where we made it 1-0 in about the 88th minute and still lost 2-1. I’m sure Higginbotham scored so would’ve been about 2014-ish. Can’t mind who against thought. 


    18 hours ago, Nightmare said:

    Hamilton Accies at home. That was an era where it felt like we chucked late leads a bunch of times.

    There was another Accies game around that time where Andreu scored very late for a 3-3 draw. I can also remember St Mirren scoring a last second penalty to take points at Firhill, which maybe happened more than once? As well that there were a couple of stinkers against Hibs, and the infamous Motherwell away where Higginbotham was incredible but still ended up on the losing side as we conceded two late goals to lose 4-3.

    And don't get me started on the abject bottle jobs when the blue bigots returned to the league a couple of years later.

    "Thistle'd it" is not something which began in Dingwall a few months ago.

    The 3-3 game with Hamilton was unreal, we were 2-0 down early on, said to my brother if this hits 3 am away back to the pub, we then scored three and it was an absolute riot as it felt like revenge for the 2-1 game... Then Andreu scored with basically the last kick of the ball. Was awful. 

    Remember the Motherwell game as well, leaving thinking it's hard to deny that was quite a spectacle of football but at the same time absolutely brutal.

    All in I've lost count the amount of points we threw away from winning positions in those days, vaguely recall someone calculating it and posting it on here, perhaps @Fuctifano?

    Hope to f**k we don't return to those days of bottling games regularly. 

  3. QP now 14/5 on B365 for this, mental stuff, we look quite off the pace compared to last season at the moment and our defence gives me very little confidence right now. 

    Don't actually want to score first in this one after the last two league games, if by some miracle we can keep it 0-0 until a 93rd minute winner for us then I'd be confident of a draw. 

  4. Drowning a Sunday roast in too much gravy is fucking pointless man, might as well have had anything and just put gravy all over it to kill the flavour. 

    You want just enough gravy on the meat and potatoes to enhance the flavour, wee bit in the yorkie as well if you're having them. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    My dad worked shifts, so often I'd go a week at a time without seeing him (say, if he was on back shift). But I do remember him taking me to the park to play football with me, taking me fishing (twice - I didn't like it; he took Scott loads though) and loads of other things. 

    I try - even if we're just inside, I make sure I'm watching stuff with my kids every day (an excuse to sit with them and talk). 

    It isn't difficult. It isn't work. 

    Ah man going fishing with the auld man, like a rite of passage sort of thing, I loved it even though the first fish I ever got on a line managed to get away. (honest) sparked a like for fishing that continues to this day, used to go fishing with my grandpa all the time as well and taught me how to fly-fish. Only thing is I'm shite at tying lines and hooks so it'll be a right laugh when I attempt taking mine for the first time. 


  6. On 18/08/2023 at 12:14, Torpar said:

    Is, or was, the bar for being a "Good dad" ridiculously low?

    The amount of times I've heard from people "You're such a good dad" when all I'm doing is walking around with one or both of my kids. Or I'll take my kid(s) to a doctor's appointment or the supermarket, "oh giving mom a break eh?" How shite were fathers in the past, that just actually being a dad to your kids is considered expectational parenting!  

    It is low I think. I'm not the most involved dad in the world I'd say, but I'll run around the garden with the older one like a big wean myself with water guns if the weather is decent and feed the wee man during the night if he wakes up for example. She's in one of these WhatsApp "mum groups" (sounds awful) and they are constantly moaning about their men doing nothing with the kid(s) or sitting playing video games in their free time. Makes me look like father of the year though, more they fuckup the more I look like a rockstar. All I ask in life is don't moan about me going to home games and the pub before it. 

    Weird thing is, I remember my dad playing in the garden with me for hours when I was a kid, so maybe it's worse now? 

  7. On 14/08/2023 at 16:53, Molotov said:

    It would have been a better story if you had lobbed the beans through her back window. 😂 

    Waist of a good tin of beans... 

    On 15/08/2023 at 12:15, Alert Mongoose said:

    Wanting pumped imo.

    Had more of a "Look at you having to walk further to your car you peasant f**k"

    16 hours ago, Paxo said:

    And I'll bet you pulled this 'fat slob' up and gave her a right good piece of your mind like the hard man you are and didn't just slink back to your car to greet about it online like a wimp.

    Not sure it's particularly "hard" for a male to chin a lassie alone in a car park if I'm honest, so nah. Anyway, hiya chubby lycra clad lass, hope you got the right beans in the end. 

  8. I've said this before on here, but this specific person made me feel the need to mention it again. c***s that park in parent / child spaces without a child are utter c***s man, happens every time I'm at the shop. On Sunday this fat slob of a woman in her 40's, fake lips, jet black hair, a sort of modern-day Karen perhaps, lycra clad which was ironic given her BMI was dawdling around Asda and doing that leaning on the trolley push, like standing up right and doing it is too much for them (fucking hate that) anyway she constantly seems to be in my way, even looked me up and down when I had the audacity reach over and pick up a tin of beans that she seemed to have been mulling over for a ridiculously long time. Well that's the picture painted, I walked out and she's parked in the very closest parent and child bay, no kids and is kinda smirking at me with her big fat lips on her big fat face... I was like, the fucking hell is your deal hen? 

    Also a shoutout to the c***s that blocked a side road unloading logs while roadworks were going on, on the road adjacent, meaning every c**t turning down it had to try and 3-point turn with parked cars all along it and then try and re-join the traffic at the temp lights where obviously loads of people already waiting were really eager to let you in. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Torpar said:

    Youngest is now 6 months old and given the all clear yesterday to start trying solids, it's funny that when our first born started solids, we'd be sitting on the edge of our seats, ready to jump up and perform the heimlich maneuver at the first sign of choking. Now with our youngest, it's just "you alright? Good"  

    Meanwhile our almost 3 year old has turned into a wee shite at times, won't stay quiet when sister is sleeping, does stuff anyway when we tell her no. I understand not being an only child anymore must still be a big adjustment for her, but I really miss the sweet wee little girl she used to be. Fingers crossed it's just the "terrible twos" and she'll grow out of it


    Very similar situation to you right now, maybe just a month or so behind. Can definitely empathise with the terrible two's (approaching 3)

  10. On 23/07/2023 at 07:14, DA Baracus said:

    [Started writing this at the end of a boozing session on Saturday night when I was rather pished. Fell asleep on the couch (thanks caffeine pills!) and only now got to bed. Silly stuff. I will massively regret this when I sober up I imagine, but for now it's time for some good sleep. At least I fixed (most of) the spelling and grammar errors.]


    The folk who post on here are fucking tremendous. Your stories are really emotional and often deeply inspiring. I think it's brilliant that so many folk share their stuff here.

    I've posted loads on here, all pretty tediously. I've ruined my life.

    What follows below is mewling pish from a fucking idiot who was too weak to halt the waste of his best years.

    I would love to have had a kid. Think I would have been a good dad. Yeah it's a societal and/or biological need. I know. I've had a long, long time to think about my failures.

    I now know I'll never be a dad.

    Sadly I've fucked it. I'll be 39 in December. I'm currently 22 and a half stone. I'm a hideous disgrace who has run out of time. I've wasted my 30s hiding away in shame dealing with my mental issues poorly. I wasted my 20s too but at least I did some things then. I often wonder how/why I'm alive. I don't deserve to be is usually my conclusion.

    I got in to a routine years ago of eating badly throughout the week (by which I mean I eat the same stuff for lunch every single work day and have the same dinners on certain nights, as well as simiar snacks each night). I don't even remember when it started but if I don't stick by the routine I feel terrible, like there's a weight pushing down on the top of my head. It clouds my thoughts and smothers my common sense, suffocating positive arguments against the good and stopping them reaching my conscious mind, or if they do break through massively negging them and stripping them of their agency. I feel increasingly worse until I give in, which I always do.

    I have got in to an addiction/routine of eating in the evenings that I struggle to break.

    I struggle to eat better in general, even though I know how, as breaking my eating routines makes my head hurt and makes me feel terrible, but giving in feels terrible too. I have a healthy meal and I like it and it's tasty, but I always cannot defeat my bad routines and go back to shit so often. 

    When I was younger I used to fantasise about commiting crimes so that I'd be put in jail and forced to eat only certain things, which would break my addictions. I actually considered doing this a few times.

    I've been single since December 2010. There were a few things since that could have led to something but I fucked them. I've hidden myself away and isolated myself due to shame and massive self loathing. I lost loads of friends doing this before and lost more doing it now.

    Here's the massive minter, and I fully deserve ridicule for this; I haven't had sex since 2011. I'm so massively embarrassed and ashamed by this. I've never admitted this until now. Bad mental health has ruined my life. I often dream and fantasise about going back over 20 years and starting over. I know that won't happen. I deserve to die.

    Ach, I'm not actually suicidal just now.  Have been a lot of times before. 

    Used to indulge in self harm too. Ruined my the top of my right arm. Worst was when I placed a knife on my flesh then hit said knife with a hammer/mallet (yes, this was easy to do; yes it hurt and yes it bled, especially the shower the next morning). When I didn't do that I'd press the knife in to my skin then cut away.

    Did some bad shit to my left thigh. Cut a ring around my left ankle too. Have a scar on my stomach. Have a couple of (shitebag) ones on the inside of my left wrist. Thankfully been a while since I've self harmed (years since I last did it; I used to get unpleasant urges).


    Been back on fluoxetine for few months now and it's helped loads (was on it a few years back but stupidly punted it, thinking I was fine, which for a short spell I might have been but should have been back on them years ago)

    Been doing some online therapy which is helping too (I was cynical about it but it really has helped; shame I only have 2 more sessions left).

    Actually think I may be OK once I shed the weight. I know my weight is holding me back so much. My issues are breaking addictions and routines. Has been for so long.

    I've lost my chance at having a home and a kid.

    I now just want to meet someone but it will be at least 9 months until I'm close to being in shape. But I've been trying to do that for so long and mental health and addiction* had fucked that.


    Ah fucking hell. That's my nonsense. Yes, I'm drunk (I had/have a huge problem with booze; since Feb 2020 I have had multiple beers every Saturday since, with a few, but rare, exceptions).


    *Food. Yes, I am that piece of shit.


    Definitely not too old to be a dad and it's definitely not too late to change anything. As always, easier said than done, but use it as motivation to make changes. 


  11. On 25/07/2023 at 09:58, philpy said:

    This lot has been in the sink since yesterday lunchtime. Good to see the bosses instructions being adhered to.




    Get out clause on the final bullet point, only needing emptied if nearly full, so full and overflowing it's stack and run territory. 

    Also quite incredible the detail they felt they needed to go into for that final bullet, absolutely getting zero action at home or anywhere. 

  12. 21 hours ago, Nightmare said:

    There have been numerous f**k-ups under Britton's watch, whether he was directly responsible for them or not.

    In a rough chronological order, we've had:
    - The dire financial situation last season, as a consequence of a playing budget which should never have been authorised
    - The ticketing farce for the Ayr United playoff game
    - Renting out the stadium to Queens Park (apparently directly against the advice of the club's ground staff)
    - The entire Gary Caldwell episode which saw club legends unceremoniously and unnecessarily shown the door, and was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish

    I believe he was also involved/active in putting together the farcical PTFC Trust "fan ownership" episode, which in doing so was an attempt to block the club from truly becoming a fan-owned entity. He wanted to keep Jacqui Low in power and block TJF from gaining a meaningful stake in the football club.

    All the while, being paid handsomely for the privilege of this collection of incompetence and/or negligence.

    I'm not sure why Gerry is being afforded the get out clause that it was all big bad Jacqui and his hands were tied. He was the Chief Executive of the football club, ffs.

    Gerry Britton was a great player for Partick Thistle. Subsequently he was a poor manager, and recently an even worse CEO. I'll always have respect for what he did as a player, but anyone trying to paint his resignation as anything other than a positive thing for our football club just isn't seeing things clearly.

    Had been fairly reliably informed of this shortly after it was announced and that was it for me as far as he was concerned. 

  13. 13 hours ago, milton75 said:

    There's a guy at my work who I have long suspected may be the most boring man I have ever met. Today he told me that he likes going to airshows.
    It's nice to have long-standing prejudices confirmed.

    He went on, holding court at the next bank of desks to where I was sitting, to complain at length about how much it is to get in, and to compare in detail how much it has gone up in various years since he was a young man. He then expanded on this with a diatribe on how shocking it is that there's also a £5 charge for car parking.

    "I mean once you're in you'll be spending money on all sorts anyway.


    A beer... or a coke of course.

    A snack...

    Maybe a programme if you fancy...

    I mean, there's a lot of choice..."

    I got up and left the room in a rage.

    Might be able to raise you on this. 

    Worked with a guy who's entire personality was basically the keto diet and not eating sugar except occasionally ice cream. My fucking god he was a drag. The team he came into was a really good laugh as well, wee bank of desks you could all just turn around get a bit of craic then back to work, as soon as he joined it would just die, but he didn't understand social cues of someone turning back to their desk meaning 'right fuckoff and leave me alone now' nah he'd sit there talking to the back of your head detailing something like his dinner the night before "got home last night, made some mince, some stock, some onion, little bit salt and pepper and you know what my son absolutely loved it." His token phrase was claiming his son "absolutely loved" every bland dish he served up. 

    He was also a complete oddball, claimed many things like he couldn't find jeans or trousers to fit due to his thighs being so muscular but with a slim waist, all while wearing comfortably fitting trousers. Also that if he wasn't bald he'd be irresistible to women.  That women don't know what they want, but he does. He was divorced and single. 

    One of these c***s you just couldn't seem to be able to end the mind numbingly boring conversation with as he'd just move onto another boring topic. 

  14. 20 hours ago, parsforlife said:

    I believe it is expected most grow out of it, as they grow you can trial small amounts, starting as low as half a cracker containing milk and gradually build up until they are chasing cows in fields when their thirsty.

    Yeah that's kinda how we went with his sister, just realised I missed that word out earlier. Hopefully he will be similar. 

    2 hours ago, RH33 said:

    My middle child had this but then once weaning became apparent other food allergies.

    She was on a prescription only milk once the doctors finally decided it wasn't just reflux and had no top layer of skin. I think there may now be off the shelf options now as this was 12 years ago.

    She can take bits dairy but would get good dose if shits if she drank a glass of milk!

    Yeah doctors seem almost reluctant to admit it is cows milk protein allergy, but we actually got Aptimil pepti yesterday and so far he already looks happier, although he hates the stuff so we have to mix it with the old milk, still an improvement. 


    Cheers all! 

  15. 20 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

    Similar symptoms, but my wife can't remember what he was changed onto, it was SMA, but only suitable up to 18 months old.

    I'd ask your nurse/doctor to get him looked at, and if a different feed would help

    Doctors are murder at the moment, but they've written a prescription for milk to try, if they could just have told me a variation I'd have bought it. 


    20 hours ago, parsforlife said:

    If it’s a protein allergy then lactose free won’t fix it as this still contains the protein,  is means switching to the 10000 alternatives, which isn’t too bad, it’s avoiding milk in food that’s the far bigger pain.

    Ah I didn't realise that, really feeling sorry for him as he's normally such a happy wee baby but he's been raging and rubbing at his face for days. His sister had a similar problem but grew out of it and had whole milk without any problems now, hoping he'll be the same! 

  16. 1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

    We just changed to a different formula for the wee lad we fostered - worked like a dream. Can't remember the name of it, it was 20 + years ago.

    Was it the same sort of symptoms and just a different formula not necessarily lactose free? 

  17. The wee man has a sort of red rash / sore areas on his face, neck and head, the doctor without even seeing this wrote a prescription for a cream for eczema , which made things much worse and after an awful night of sleep I'm now angry the doctor never bothered to even ask to come in to see him. 

    So turning to google to try and work out what it could be and a lot of things are leading me to think a cow's milk protein allergy, which we already kind of thought he had as we need to put co-lactase stuff in his milk to break down protein enzymes. Any parents out there with wee ones with cow's milk protein allergy and any advice on how to solve it? Was it just a case of switching to lactose free milk. 

  18. Leaving gifts / events are weird, I'm never arsed about that sort of stuff, I'd usually just like to walk out the door and that's it. I once worked for a big distillery, where I got on with people, but I'm fully aware I was a c**t to people at times when they were pushing their luck, but when it came to leaving they handed me two bags of alcohol, a hefty Amazon voucher and they all stood there waiting on me to say a few words! I was stunned, it was weird as f**k and in the moment I made a bit of a cheeky comment that was clearly meant as a joke, but no one laughed and just looked awkward, some people even shuffled away at that point. I think I was escorted out the door after that. 

  19. Looks like a tougher league than last season I feel, will be doing very well to be above mid table I think. 

    Really nice to hear from Wasiri a lot of the reason for signing was down to the way Doolan conducts himself, seems like a good lad, had a look on Dundalk twitter account and a lot of people saying positive things about him. 

  20. On 27/06/2023 at 13:48, Pie Of The Month said:

    I watched someone cook up and inject what I assume was heroin right in front of Frankfurt Hbf a few years back in broad daylight so I agree with the assessment of it being sketchy as f**k.

    I went on a walking tour in Hamburg and saw this near the Reeperbahn funnily enough, although it was being injected into his boaby. Also on that walking tour a body of someone who'd jumped off something high to commit suicide. I'd recommend the walking tour in Hamburg to anyone, it was a rare day out. Not sure I'll ever be back to the Reeperbahn again, quite a grim place, other parts of Hamburg are really nice though. 

  21. 2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

    The wife started her new job last month. 

    On Monday her replacement started in her old job. He started at 9 am and quit the job at 3.45 pm. Apparently he got an email saying he was being offered a better job elsewhere, but nobody is sure if it was true or not.

    So...what's the least amount of time any P&Ber has lasted in a job?

    In a place I used to work for (multiple times) a guy started at 10am and left for lunch at 12pm and never came back, no idea what may have happened to him. He'd left a leather bound notepad behind and I always remember one of the lads saying "Hey boss, is this guy coming back, really fighting the urge to draw a boaby on his notepad the now" 

    It's also the shortest place I've ever worked (3 months albeit a contract) so you can draw your own conclusions about the place.


  22. On 22/06/2023 at 08:24, Aufc said:

    Right I realise i am going to come across like an arsehole here however i need a rant. I have two kids. One 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. Obviously I love them but i am absolutely hating it at the moment. My son is an absolute nightmare. Doesnt listen, absolutely wild, wakes up at 4.45-5am and is fucking nuts. Makes a mess of the house. We are in the process of trying to see someone about him but i dont think its ADHD as he is a complete angel in school apparently. He has always been a terrible sleeper. We have tried everything with him. Had 2 sleep consultants and tried every measure. 

    My daughter is a bit calmer but for the last 6 months has been getting up in the middle of the night and coming through to our bed which means i invariably end up in her bed. She then gets woken up by my son at 5am and he then gets her wound up as well. I leave for work at about 6.15am and dont get back till 6pm. I have a very busy job alongside other stuff i do out with of my day job. Can feel myself about to explode with it all. The only thing keeping me currently sane is going to the gym and exercising. 

    Mate, I really feel all of this. My almost 3 yr old wakes up every night, actually every night and wakes up the 3 month old, she says every night it's nightmares and worst thing is she only wants her maw who gets to sleep next to her and I basically feed, change and lie with the wee man for hours until he falls asleep. I just kinda exist around them, the thing that keeps me calm is lifting weights until I literally can't lift my arms. Years apart but the problems seem similar, drop me a wee shout if you fancy crying into a pint together 🫥

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