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Everything posted by MJC

  1. That's not an excuse for us, though no doubt it will be one that Stephen Robinson uses. We have seen this type of performance several times this season and nothing changes. Hamilton, St.Johnstone, Livingston, Hearts and Kilmarnock have all came to Fir Park this season and completely nullified us and all of them apart from Livingston who got a draw, have left Fir Park with maximum points so it was no surprise to see Ross County win today. We have learned absolutely nothing since the beginning of the season and we are in danger of whimpering into the playoffs or even worse.
  2. After today's disgraceful performance, Robinson's position is now untenable imo. How much money has he been allowed to spunk over this season on signings? And how many times have we seen this type of performance this season? A side sits in, gets control of the midfield and bides their time until we gift them a chance...that is how you beat this Motherwell side. Last season was good, but that's in the past (and we were very, very lucky in the Scottish Cup last season, how many o.gs, keeper/defender blunders did we get on the way?) and this season has been one utter clusterfuck from start to finish. Robinson has failed BIG TIME in all aspects of managing this season, from his signings to performances, he has fallen short. He has been lucky that we have been able to pick up the odd decent result here and there this season, mostly down to the opposition fucking up more than anything we did but overall his record doesn't lie. Our season is over as far as anything to look forward to this season, on the 19th of fucking January as we whimper out of the cup at home to a lower league club. There is no way of sugarcoating that, that is just not good enough and we need a change. Robinson Out.
  3. We would have lost 3-1 instead of 3-0. We were never winning that day for numerous reasons, not least that McCall's Motherwell couldn't buy a win in a game as big as that but we had no belief in ourselves either. Had that gone in and the match tied at 1-1 McCall would have opted to try and play it out at 1-1 and try and prevent Celtic scoring again, which wouldn't have happened as that tactic always backfired on us in 'big/cup' matches during McCall's tenure. See the League Cup Semi Final against Rangers from earlier that season for a pointer to that. We went into that one giving ourselves no hope and them the usual 'respect' and we set out to contain them, only to lose a (albeit, pretty decent) goal before actually having a bit of a go at the start of the second half which results in us equalising and us having them on the back foot. But what do we immediately do when level? Shite ourselves, sit back and and as sure as night follows day, gift them a cheap goal late on to win the tie. The 2011 Scottish Cup Final was an awful occasion for us and we were as awful as we could have been but given that Celtic were going into that one absolutely desperate to win something having just lost the league and all the circus surround Neil Lennon at the time, they were never going to lose that one, so had Gunning's thunderbolt been a few inches lower it would not have made any difference to the end result.
  4. Slightly different, but I can recall Kenny Wright - a former youth player from the early 2000s who never really made it - being the answer to all our problems back in the day, according to steelmenonline and FPC of course. As for Tanner, you've got to worry that this almost year long lay off will have taken a massive toll on him and his career. When or indeed if he ever gets back playing for us it'll be difficult for him to get back up to the pace for this level. I'd be surprised if we saw him play this season to be honest.
  5. Ooooooffffftttt! Don't get me wrong if he was a Motherwell player and he was posting stuff like that when he still had half a season to play with us then I'd be raging about it, that is one bold, bold thing to do at this time. Very disrespectful to the club he still plays for.
  6. Delighted with this signing and welcome back to Ross McCormack. A completely different type of player to what we've currently got but that was something we desperately needed in that squad. Hopefully he adds that much needed creativity and spark up front. Now to steer clear of the drop zone and have a good crack at the Scottish Cup.
  7. Pretty much every player signed by Harri Kampman in the summer of 1998 including a well over the hill Brian McClair. Alex Burns in both spells which was made all the more annoying by the fact he always scored against us for Partick Thistle. Stevie Woods - a monumentally woeful goalkeeper who hung around the club for the best part of ten years and was prone to many q blunder Mario Dorner and Franz Resch, two Austrians that Alex McLeish spent an entire summer trying to sign and they both turned out utter pish and were gone by the end of the August of that same summer. Maurice Malpas' trio of Irish league sissies, Murphy, Keegan and Molloy that were going to save our season and all turned out hopeless.
  8. Far from our biggest concern right now, but as an aside, just what was the point in the club spending money last summer to upgrade the scoreboard when it never works properly? Yet again yesterday it showed its inability to cope with having to update on more than one occasion in a short space of time, ie. the early subs. Just like in the Celtic game when similar happened it ended up freezing, then crashing altogether. It's the same before the game watching it trying to list the lineups. Everything about the club is so depressingly shite just now.
  9. If we have seriously been offered any sort of money for Bowman we need to rip the arm clean off the club offering, the guy is totally ineffective at this level for us. Yes, he had a decent spell at the beginning of 2017/18 when he was the main partner/foil to Louis Moult but has never looked the same or been anything like as effective since Moult's departure exactly a year ago now.
  10. There's only so much soft soaping that he can get away with, he needs to call a spade a spade and we were utter shite on Saturday. Not unlucky, not spirited, not battling away but just didn't get the break so we go again bla, bla, bla....we were utter shite and that needs to be highlighted. To save his job and our season Robinson really does need to produce similar in the window as he did at this time last year but that's a big, big ask in mid season to find players who can make the difference and who will be available and affordable to us. This month is absolutely massive for us and we need a massive improvement on the shambles that was the summer transfer window.
  11. To be fair, neither were getting much game time until very recently. Carson was the first choice so Gillespie wasn't getting a look in and for whatever reason, Robinson preferred Main & Bowman to Johnson from the beginning of September until mid November so the protestations over the summer transfer business were(and still are) completely justified. I think in the case of Gillespie, he was signed on the belief that Carson would be sold before the end of the summer transfer window so his signing was understandable in that respect, but with Johnson benched in favour of a failing partnership and the signings of Sammon and Gorrin who offer little then the support were right to.question our transfer dealings.
  12. Best of luck to Andy Rose in his new challenge. He wasn't the best but he certainly wasn't the worst from this current crop either and did a decent job of 'doing the donkey work' in the middle of the park whenever called upon, especially last season. Looking at our squad and at his position, I dont see anyone who stands out as being better to be honest.
  13. At a push, perhaps the 3-3 draw with Rangers in August but otherwise there's not one draw/defeat I could point to and say we were unlucky to drop points in.
  14. So after Wednesday's excellent, yet completely undeserved and hugely fortunate point, we serve up yet another dismal performance today and lose. This is a rotten team with a manager who has run his course and things won't improve until we have a change in the dugout - and that's just for starters. We have been awful all season and only did the business against the only two sides in the league that are actually worse than we are and one of those wins took a wonderful strike from the only player to give us something to smile about this season. And before anyone shoves the Aberdeen win and the draw against Celtic in my face, we were lucky in both of those games. We were lucky that Aberdeen didn't have their shooting boots on and then decided to gift us two goals from nothing and we were even luckier against Celtic in that they played in 2nd gear yet still bossed us throughout but had a goal wrongly disallowed and then missed a penalty before taking their foot off the pedal allowing us to snatch a point late on. Any positive result is welcome, but as I said all they do is paper over the ever growing cracks and give Robinson and this team a stay of execution as we inevitably get found out for the shower of shite that we are in the next match (7-1 at Ibrox, last week at Livingston and then again today at Hearts being clear examples of that). Nothing will change as the season progresses and the non football we offer up will drive away fans in their droves. We badly need a change.
  15. That lineup is up there with McCall playing Stevie Hammell in midfield in the 2011 SCF and Gannon giving young Meechan his debut against Celtic in 2009. Both of those backfired on us big time and tonight will be no different.
  16. Robinson really isn't doing himself any favours with his recent comments. In a season where entertainment and football playing has been virtually zero from the get go, it really doesn't bode well hearing the manager basically vowing to shitfest through games in the hope of getting something. Tomorrow night is a major mismatch but a heavy, demoralising defeat could well turn more of his remaining backers against him.
  17. St.Mirren losing Samson is a blow for us and anyone else playing them. He's off to be a coach then? Well if Stevie Woods can do it an be highly rated at Celtic then anyone can do it I suppose.
  18. While we'd all probably take that at the end of the day rather than relegation, I don't think that scenario would be good enough to see Robinson remain in position. The fans certainly would vote with their feet if we were toiling and only scraping the odd draw against everyone out with Saint Mitten and Dundee and it would make for an awful, awful season. The football we have served up this season has been utterly awful to watch and we're not even at half way point yet, but crowds have already dropped from the start of the season so that is very telling imo.
  19. I keep repeating this, but our summer transfer dealings were absolutely horrendous and they are biting us big time. Having reached two Cup finals we had the opportunity to address the weaknesses of the side from last season, namely our lack of a goalscorer, lack of a midfielder and lack of pace and width. Instead we 'strengthen' our fucking subs bench, something that the manager freely admits. For anyone who is in any doubt that we are in serious trouble, that alone should set alarm bells ringing loud and clear. As has been said, we have been awful all season, going right back to the League Cup group matches in July and with the exception of the Rangers home game and our results against the two worst sides in the division we have not improved one bit. We were poor last season, but we had a battling quality about us which helped us to two cup finals and undoubtedly got the support inside, but we have seen none of that this season and as I said further up the thread, today's collapse and hammering will undoubtedly be the last straw for a number of our support. Last season we found ourselves down to 10 against Celtic twice yet never came close to being humiliated like today and only the 5-1 loss at Celtic Park, the 5-1 loss to St.Johnstone at the end of the season where we were clearly not playing 100% and the farcical game at Perth at the start of the season came anywhere near today. That was McGhee-esq capitulation.
  20. If we're being honest it was the two Cup runs last season which put so much credit in the bank for Robinson, rightly so as for clubs like ours they generate excitement and good feeling, but we didn't half have some luck especially in the Scottish Cup and were soundly beaten in both finals so it wasn't a massive achievement so to speak. Our league form since around about October of last year has been pretty horrific and it was the Scottish Cup which took so much of the heat off that, otherwise there would be a great deal more pressure on Stephen Robinson right now. Our record against the 'city clubs' last season was slightly better than this season but that was mostly down to the Cups where we got 3-0 wins in both cups against Aberdeen, beat Hearts and of course beat Rangers at Hampden. In the league we took two points from Celtic, one from Rangers & Hibs and three from Aberdeen having played each side three times. Against Hearts we had our best return with four points from three meetings. Capitulations like today were a rarity and only the 5-1 loss to Celtic at the end of that exhausting week of three games against them came anywhere close to it since Robinson has been in post. There definitely is a feel of the dismal 16/17 campaign about this season and today was reminiscent of that time with us basically playing with the heads down and meekly accepting our fate but there are other similarities too. There is zero entertainment on offer, the 'brand' of football we are playing is awful to watch and unlike last season, the players look disheartened and lacking direction and confidence. All of that happened two seasons ago and only Accies and ICT being worse than we were over the piece, plus binning McGhee when we finally did, prevented us finishing 11th at best. I fear that we need to rely on similar to keep us out of the brown stuff come May.
  21. Time to go Robinson. We've been awful all season and two wins against the two worst sides in the league don't change that. The one thing his sides had going for them was that they could compete and battle, yet today we chucked in the towel and deservedly lost 7-1. I don't care how big a budget Rangers have, that is not an excuse, that performance and result was not acceptable in any way whatsoever. Robinson out.
  22. He'd provide some healthy competition for Johnson to see who could get off the bench to replace Bowman or Main/Sammon to be fair.
  23. That's true though I'm never confident playing St.Mirren no matter how bad they are. That said anything less than a win against them next week will be completely unacceptable, though not in any way surprising.
  24. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest. On Saturday after the game in his interview he looked crestfallen and just scunnered with the whole thing, even as he churned out his usual soundbites. As I said earlier, it appears that he won't/can't change the way he sets the team up and the players themselves seem to be lacking in confidence in general, so there could well be something in that.
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