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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Whatever floats your boat. I almost want you to repeat that comment on the next podcast, just so I can get a mention. But that would be pretty sad, wouldn't it?
  2. Just like you and your ilk have never moved on from Mo Johnston doing the dirty on you thirty years ago. I was young at the time so didn't get to fully appreciate it in all its glory, but if the teary eyed, snottery nosed outpouring that followed Brendan Rodgers ditching you lot for Leicester back in February was anything to go by, it would have been pretty special for any Celtic hater back in 1989.
  3. I wouldn't have been over the moon about it but it certainly wouldn't have bothered me as much as I don't have the same dislike for Rangers as I do Celtic. It would still have been a hard watch to see him play against us as it was when Jamie Murphy played and scored against us for Rangers a couple of seasons ago.
  4. Obviously saying I'm "a little disheartened" is an understatement, but then again I thought that would be obvious. Motherwell were powerless to stop this and I don't blame them one bit, indeed, they have conducted themselves well throughout this saga and done very well to get such a good fee. No blame can be attached to the club here. I don't blame the player either, he's a 19 year old lad who's got the chance of a lifetime to make life changing money and join a club where he will win trophies and probably play in the Champions League. No one can realistically expect him to knock that back to stay at Motherwell. However, as I said, I hate Celtic and if a Motherwell player leaves us to join them then I will say nothing other than "f**k him". And now we move on.
  5. That walloper would be myself, a Motherwell fan through and through who is just a little bit disheartened and bitter to see us lose yet another key player to what is my most hated club. I understand the way it works in terms of the 'food chain' in football, but it still doesn't make it any easier to stomach when it happens and now that Turnbull is a Celtic player, I wish him no good will whatsoever, he's on a par with Scott Brown, Leigh Griffiths or Kieran Tierney as far as I'm concerned now. I wouldn't wish any of them any good will and I won't for David Turnbull. Celtic may not be a direct rival to us, but they are a club that I and alot of other Motherwell fans dislike for various reasons, not least the way they have poached players off us on numerous occasions over the years and their supporters are largely obnoxious, bullying c***s who have previous for smashing up stands in our home.ground and glorifying the death of a former Motherwell legend, so us losing yet another player to them does not sit well. Can I also add, the manner in which Celtic and their media placemen have conducted themselves this week is yet another reason why I won't wish Turnbull well going there. The petulant and arrogant statement on Tuesday about magnificent offers, followed by two days of dummy spitting and "we'll no lose any sleep" from both Celtic and the media only for them to now welcome him with open arms just makes me sick. If there is a more arrogant and self righteous club and support in world football then I've yet to encounter them.
  6. Can you please explain why you hate Celtic so much but don't seem to mind Rangers? I am intrigued as frankly I hope both of the vile institutions fall victim to a very localised Nuclear disaster. For a variety of reasons. - as a Motherwell fan, they are the club with the support whom I have suffered most grief from. I find their support, particularly their travelling support far more intimidating and prone to violence than any other in Scotland - as a club, we have lost more players to Celtic than Rangers over the years - it's happening again here. Naturally that annoys me. - I have nothing but contempt for a club who's support regularly sing about the death of a former Motherwell FC player - I hate them for their faux victim mentality, which they shove in everyone's faces with one hand, yet use the other to shove their sense of entitlement and arrogance in everyone's faces. They use this to bully and manipulate everyone in Scottish football and it works for them. They portray themselves as downtrodden victims yet on the other hand smash up away stands, carry out political demonstrations for any left wing cause they decide to hijack for their own attention seeking means. And they get away with it all Celtic FC are the playground bully of Scottish football and they have shat on the club I support time and time again over the years, therefore I will wish no player well who leaves us for them and I don't care if the sale nets us £3M or £10M.
  7. Can we keep this on topic please? If anyone wants to go down the Rangers route I'll happily go to a Rangers thread with you and we can discuss them there, this is the Motherwell FC thread and something I take seriously, so keep to the point eh?
  8. Frankly, I couldn't care less. He's leaving us for Celtic, a club I despise. I don't wish him anything but failure, the same as I did with Tom Boyd, Phil O'Donnell, Scott McDonald or Stephen Pearson before him.
  9. f**k him, he gets no good wishes from me joining those b*****ds and to anyone that upsets, tough...put it in your pipe and smoke it. Any other club I would have been fine with, but not that shower. I will seriously need to consider avoiding the first home of the season against that lot, as no doubt the usual mugs in our support will applaud him, then he'll score and we'll have to listen to their hoardes singing One David Turnbull or whatever. I think I'd blow a fucking gasket. As a club we need to forget about Turnbull and move on to the new season.
  10. Oh yes. Oh fucking yes! THAT is a proper couple of Motherwell strips. None of your white/amber shorts with the home kit nonsense, just the proper combination of a predominantly amber top and predominantly claret shorts. I like the stripes across the front as well. The away kit is beautiful and easily our best away effort in years, certainly blows last year's out of the water. It's just a pity we still have to fit a sponsor onto that because as it is without it is just perfection and I shall certainly be purchasing that.
  11. And bags a winner against Celtic whilst he's at it. Those c***s would fucking explode.
  12. Or the Faddy fanboys in their 'McFadden 11' Everton kits and who put him on a pedestal higher than the club itself and in some cases still do. Not for me that sort of nonsense, no player is bigger than the club.
  13. Good luck to him, hopefully he gets the deal he's looking for from Norwich and we get what we're looking for in terms of a transfer fee.
  14. This saga is far from over I reckon. If we are honest we all know that David Turnbull will not play another game for Motherwell so the sooner he gets his move to wherever then all the better for us and we can move on and focus on the new season. I don't blame him one bit for holding out for the best possible offer and he has conducted himself impeccably throughout the whole affair, but we as a club need this resolved so we can look ahead. I still suspect that he'll end up at Celtic unfortunately.
  15. I wouldn't feel as strongly but I certainly would not wish him well. Sssshhhhh, don't give the game away.
  16. Well who we are actually developing them for isn't really important to me. It wasn't important when we had John Ruddy on loan ten years ago and were potentially developing for Everton, the only thing that mattered to me at the time was that he was bringing something positive to our team and the same would apply to Hastie AND/OR Turnbull if either were ever loaned back to us. I agree that the club have, so far, played this as well as could be hoped for and certainly better than they have done in the past. That's not my issue here at all, my only issue is, the potential club that David Turnbull is joining. I don't want to see him playing for them, simple as that. Call me petty, call me 'bigoted' as no doubt some utter clown no doubt will sooner or later as that seems to be the way of it in the West of Scotland when Celtic are concerned, but there it is. I do not want to see David Turnbull playing for Celtic because I don't like that club. It's that simple.
  17. I couldn't give a f**k about 'developing a player for Rangers' as I couldn't give a f**k about Rangers. What I do care about is us getting a player who would improve our team and Jake Hastie would do that, in my opinion, based on what I have seen of him. The money side of things isn't a major factor for me, although as I have already said I hope we have/will get what we were looking for for Turnbull, I just want to see us getting the best players on the park that we can possibly get. And yes, I know, for that we need money and transfer money received etc. etc. Call me petty and perhaps I am, I'll accept the charge here, but to put it bluntly, I fucking hate Celtic and it irks me to see us lose players to them. It did so with Phil O'Donnell and it will do so with David Turnbull. I will not wish any Celtic player well, regardless of whether he's played for us or not or how much money he earned us. And do you know what? I reckon I'll be far, far from alone in thinking along those lines here.
  18. Saying that I wished him(Turnbull) failure in his future career was a bit much and was pretty silly, I accept that. However I absolutely stand by my saying that I wish him failure at Celtic. Why would I take Hastie on loan? Because he is a player who would be an asset to us, simple as that.
  19. That'd be a sore one if true, we should be in there for Hastie if he's going to be punted out on loan.
  20. I don't think there was anything crackpot about saying move on and consign a former player to the history books to be honest. In any event it was you who said that the world will keep turning, not me. My views on the player joining Celtic are nothing to do with anyone other than myself and I don't claim to speak for anyone else.
  21. Exactly, we've lost players to bigger clubs before and it'll happen again. Consign Turnbull to the history books and move on.
  22. It honestly makes no difference to me whatsoever what happens once a player has left Motherwell FC, I support the club not any particular player so what happens once they leave us doesn't really matter to me. In this case, it's a player signing for what is my (to put it lightly) least favourite club so I certainly don't wish him any success in his career with them. David Turnbull is a very good player who in all likelihood will do well at the club he's likely to be joining, but I certainly don't wish him well there. Had he gone anywhere else I would still have been gutted to see him go but I would have wished him well, though my interest in his career path would end in the same way it would with any other players who leave Motherwell.
  23. I'm as grown up as I'm ever going to be. I don't hide my views on that particular club and I reiterate, if David Turnbull ends up there then f**k him, I will wish him nothing but failure.
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