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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Well done Rangers on a fine and emphatic win, at the same time as Kilmarnock were embarrassing themselves and Scottish football, the Bears got the job done in style. I see Jake Hastie started, how did he play?
  2. Good luck to them and obviously we all hope this works out and we have a better season than last. I am slightly surprised by the timing of this given we don't yet know if Robinson's latest attempt at building a team will be better than last year's disastrous effort but it's done now and only time will tell.
  3. My memory might be playing tricks here and happy to be corrected, but was Pearson not in and out the side through injury when he returned in the playoff season? He did admittedly play a big part in that win and like everyone else who played in those ties, deserves huge credit for what was one of the most significant results in our recent history. Signing players who are over 30 is always a huge risk and even more so when it's a popular ex player, because their cult status with the support and from some inside the club affords them alot more 'grace' than they would otherwise get if they are not delivering - see McFadden's second and third spells with us as a classic example of that. Obviously there are occasions where it has worked well for us, Scott McDonald who saved us from relegation in 2016/17 and Phil O'Donnell who after a slow start to his second spell, went on to be an integral part of the team and squad and became club captain. I prefer to see us developing our own players and bringing them into the first team as youngsters - Faddy, Pearson, Hammell, Turnbull and Hastie - than signing ex players who are more or less over the hill. As much as I loved James McFadden playing for us as a youngster and when he returned and played in the team with Law, Ojamaa(another returnee who flopped), Higdon and Humphrey, but it was positively painful to watch him play in his next spells as injury and age had well and truly caught up with him by then and it was just, well, pretty sad to be honest seeing him like that.
  4. I was a fan of Jamie Murphy as a Motherwell player but I wouldn't take him back now and that is something that we as a club need to move away from, this culture of re-signing popular ex players who are injury prone and in their thirties. On the whole that's something that I've been impressed with Robinson by, that he has largely moved us away from that, though the recent Ross McCormack signing acted as a reminder as to why it's a bad idea. If you think back to pre-Robinson, we went through a period from 2013 - 2017 where we couldn't help ourselves but re-sign ax ex player who was the wrong side of 30 and with the exception of Scott McDonald, John Sutton and James McFadden for the first three months of his initial return, we got very little out of it. Offthe top of my head we signed McFadden three times, Stephen Pearson twice, David Clarkson and all offered very little to nothing. And of more recently we signed Ross McCormack who barely kicked a ball for us. Going further back we also signed Stephen Hughes under Stuart McCall and like those four offered us nothing in return. Clubs like ours need to develop and nurture our own talent, not look to the past and 'wonderkids' from the early 2000s.
  5. Good luck to him and welcome to the club. Hopefully he is the much needed goalscorer that we are crying out for and this move works out for all parties, though the six month contract concerns me as if he is even remotely decent I can see him joining somebody like Aberdeen in January.
  6. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Turnbull will still be a Celtic player before the transfer window shuts? This 'episode' is far from over I reckon.
  7. At the end of the day, a massive well done is due to Alan Burrows and the board for not caving in to Celtic and their bullying tactics. Many a previous Motherwell regime would have caved in to the low ball offer or loan offer from Celtic so I'm delighted that didn't happen. This entire episode has been a farce and while we and the player have conducted ourselves well, Celtic have been a disgrace, firstly with their petulant dummy spitting statement when he initially went to speak to Norwich and then by trying to get us to take a cut price deal for what is our prize asset. The arrogance and entitlement from Celtic is despicable so again, well done to Motherwell for not bowing down to them. (And reading steelmenonline, well done to 'steelboy' as he clearly 'gets it' when it comes to Celtic and isn't afraid to call it as it is.
  8. Hopefully this is the end of this saga, but I won't hold my breath. If it really is off then I'm delighted that he will not be joining Celtic.
  9. When is this Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Cup tie being played?
  10. I genuinely wouldn't put anything past Celtic. Folk can scoff all they like, but this is a club who have for years actively pushed the notion that they are victims of institutionalised bias from the games governing bodies and match referees and caused a refereeing strike in 2010 because of this, just months after their manager vowed to "get in referees faces" and question any decision they didn't like and they then received a record number of penalties awarded that season. They even have had club backed films produced which support their warped theories. They also have the media dancing to their tune who will vilify anyone who in their eyes does them wrong and similar support in Scottish government....see the various Neil Lennon episodes over the years. Don't underestimate Celtic's PR and clout. They are more than capable of 'finding' something wrong in Turnbull's medical to lower the fee and keeping everyone quiet about it, then they sign Turnbull for an 'undisclosed fee'. I've said it all along, they are a sinister outfit and they are running Scottish football for their own means.
  11. Neither can I and nor can I find any reports of him being injured or having any injury concerns at any point during last season. This is Celtic playing dirty to get what they want, like they always do. I'm calling it right now, we are going to get absolutely shafted here. These b*****ds are at it and frankly if anyone still thinks we are going to get £3.25M from this deal they are kidding themsves. I honestly reckon we'll be lucky if we get £1M.
  12. This is just getting weird now. Something dodgy is going on here I reckon.
  13. The same could have been said for Alex Burns when he played with Partick Thistle then he reverted to being the Alex Burns we all knew when we re-signed him.
  14. Would take him at Rugby Park anytime, horrible awkward fucker who scores goals & winds up the opposition, what's not to like. I dunno, a wee woman in the shop I buy rolls from told me that he eats catholic babies. But as a footballer, he'd be great for the side he plays for. The type of player you love if he plays for your team yet hate if he plays against you.
  15. Anyone who wouldn't take Lafferty at FP is off their rocker, or else blinded by his Rangers connection. The guy clearly has ability and has proved that he can score goals at our level. He would be a tremendous signing for us.
  16. It was not gossip, I am not about to name these people but they are highly credible & have no reason to make shit up. Davie Cooper was not exactly shy about his dislike of theyum back in the 80s. "It wisny gossip, somebody who I don't want to/can't name telt me bad things aboot this person" If that isn't gossip then I don't know what is. Nae bother Isa. Anyway, I personally couldn't give a f**k whether Davie Cooper disliked people because of any particular religion or not, he is a club legend for us and was an integral part of us winning our last major trophy in 1991 so that's good enough for me. And I say that as someone who is of the same religion that you and your sweety wife pals claim that he hated.
  17. We will have to agree to disagree on this one then, I never knew him, however I know a few people who did through links to Motherwell & Junior Football and this, alongside the wisdom of the day back then & his open admission of certain things, colours my judgement of him. So basically you just listen to gossip rather than forming an opinion based on experience. Your 'opinion' is therefore worthless to me.
  18. You can swop out everything you have just said there about the other arse cheek & the same holds true. Not a fan of people rejoicing in the death of anyone but that particular person would hate me simply because of my religion, i find that incredibly pathetic. Perhaps you could and if anyone holds those views on the other lot then I respect their right to hold those views. As for your remarks about Davie Cooper, that is just silly talk and unless you knew the man personally and got an in-depth insight into his personal views, then that comment is incredibly pathetic.
  19. There is nothing constructive about labelling a person you have never met and know nothing of apart from their views on a particular football club, as a bigot. I have explained my dislike for Celtic in detail and have done so in a perfectly reasonable and constructive manner. I am pretty sure that you could find supporters of any football club in the world who could list off a number of reasons why they dislike or are intolerant towards another club and I am pretty certain that you would not label any of them bigoted for doing so unless that club was Celtic. You clearly have no tolerance for anyone who criticises Celtic and cast completely unreasonable aspersions upon them for doing so, which in turn makes YOU a bigot in my opinion.
  20. 'Bigoted view'... away and take your face for a shite with that patter. That's another reason why I dislike Celtic so much, because anyone who criticises them in any way is labelled as bigoted. That is complete nonsense and ironically, a bigoted view in itself. I have explained my reasons for disliking Celtic and all of them are perfectly reasonable and based on my own experience of them and their support.
  21. I don't think folk do get the message to be honest. I keep reading posts saying that they can't understand why some Motherwell fans are annoyed at losing Turnbull to Celtic, so I like to remind them why.
  22. At the end of the day, money your club makes is one thing, but I always value what happens ON the park more than I value what happens in the boardroom and rivalry is something that happens in football and it's not pleasant seeing one of your best players move to one of your least favourite clubs. Now I know, Celtic aren't a 'rival' in terms of competing for trophies (although we did lose two cup finals to them a couple of seasons ago) or in terms of club size, but they are a club that alot of Motherwell fans quite rightly dislike. They are a thoroughly dislikeable bunch as a support and have a pious, sanctimonious, self righteous, hypocritical complex and at the same time 'play the tough guy' as we've seen on numerous occasions at Fir Park over the years, see Skippy Sunday and their destruction of the South Stand for a couple of examples. They are also extremely arrogant, as a club and support, and thanks to support in the media and in some cases, politics, have an air of 'we'll do what we like, cos we're Celtic' about them. And all that before you even go into their IRA songs, and chants mocking the death of one of our 1991 Cup winning team. Well I make no apology for not wishing any player well who leaves us to join that club and will take no enjoyment watching him score at Fir Park then seeing him and the rest of his team jumping around in front of the South Stand after they've beaten us at Fir Park. I don't begrudge him the move and I don't blame the in for accepting it, I just will not wish any player well who plays for Celtic.
  23. About a player who is a proven goalscorer in the Scottish top flight potentially being linked with us? I don't know about a stauner or a stauncher as you put it, but the prospect of us signing that player appeals to me. He'd score goals for us, I'm sure of that.
  24. He'd be a great signing for us. A proven goalscorer in the Scottish Premiership with two different clubs (or three). At 32 years of age he's obviously a veteran but I certainly think he could do a job for us for a season or two. I can't see it though.
  25. Why has this got you so angry, is it because the ***'s couldn't afford 3 million ? This has nothing to do with them. I'm angry because he has signed for a club which I absolutely despise. It's that simple.
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