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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Nah not quite, because unlike myself who isn't always being serious and am putting on an act to show up the obsessed Aberdeen, Falkirk, Hibs, Dundee Utd fans, these people are being completely serious and are spitting their dummy tits out on every single Rangers match thread over the slightest things when Rangers win. If ifs not mock outrage over songs, it's fans celebrating too much, or the colour of kit Rangers are wearing or some made up story about bottles being thrown, fish suppers getting kicked out of wee, young St.Johnstone/St.Mirren/Kilmarnock/Hibs fans hands or Aberdeen youngsters getting their sandcastles stomped on by raging Rangers bigoted louts bla, bla, bla. I enjoy showing up these people for their sad obsession and nonsense they post, but they don't seem to have the same level of enjoyment whenever they frequent such threads.
  2. Yeah it is pretty sad isn't it? Almost as sad as all these Aberdeen fans, Falkirk fans, Dundee fans who are always found on every Rangers thread greetin about the smallest of things from songs, to pitch invasions, to...anything basically. Imagine that was your life?
  3. A bigot? What type of bigot would this be now? I'm going to hazard a guess and say the type of bigot who supports Rangers, dislikes Catholics and bangs a big drum in July whilst wearing a sash and a bowlers hat. That type of bigot, yeah? Well the reason I don't come out as such type of bigot is because I am actually a Catholic myself and therefore the type of person who said bigots would hate, so I can't really be that type of bigot, can I?
  4. At least their support have actually bothered to turn up and support their team today. The home support is pathetic even by St.Johnstones standards.
  5. I don't expect Turnbull to play for us again but by God we could do with him right now. That team badly needs that wee bit of quality, that wee spark to turn our possession in the final third into goals. Campbell's goal today was an excellent one from a really good move but we just don't have enough of that currently.
  6. We took our goal very well and indeed that was a lovely move but to say we played well today is just wrong, our build up play was slow and laboured and our defending was terrible resulting in two poor goals conceded.
  7. I think we'll be fine over the course of the season in the sense that I don't think we'll be relegated, however I am allowed to be disappointed when we turn in a poor performance and that was most definitely a poor performance. I would question the quality of certain players and the manager who made a poor decision today which contributed to us chucking that away.
  8. Hello, I've missed you too. That was utterly dire from us today and we can have no complaints about losing that. Our final ball and general play in the final third just wasn't good enough, we are too slow and too lightweight. I've said it before but James Scott isn't ready yet to play regularly up front for us and he would have benefitted from being loaned out to a lower league club in order to develop his game,there is a player in there without doubt but we are doing him no favours playing him every week. The same could be said of Seedorf if I'm honest, again he looked out of his depth today. And as for our defending? Absolutely amateur stuff, especially for the second goal and I would again question Gillespie as from where I was that looked like his ball, although my vantage point wasn't the greatest so happy to be corrected on that one. A sore one today, but ultimately if you can't defend and have a slow, pedestrian and impotent attack then you will lose more than you win.
  9. They are Robinson's players though, he signed them so if they are not producing the goods then that's 100 per cent at his door. He better hope that they have more mental strength than they do quality, because throwing them under the bus like that has the potential to backfire on him big time, which could well have a detrimental effect on the squad. We have some players who will do a job for us, namely Gallagher, Tait, Gillespie/Carson, Campbell and potentially Polworth. Obviously Gillespie has had a nightmare in the last two games but he has proved that he is a good, solid goalkeeper for us and I don't think he deserves to be dropped quite yet, although the case for Carson returning will obviously strengthen if things don't improve. James Scott, as has been said, does have ability but he's simply not ready yet and it's unfair to expect him to be our main striker this season. The rest of the squad is average bordering on garbage and that's down to the manager as he recruited them, so if he's calling them out like that then that should be raising serious questions over his position. I know he's just been given a new contract but I genuinely would sack him today, because he's failed yet again to sign the right players for the team and it appears that he has learnt nothing tactically. He won't be sacked just now, obviously, but unless something drastic happens that improves our fortunes on the park then the support will turn on him big time. It was telling the amount of fans pouring out of the East Stand at half time last night, people are seriously fed up.
  10. We comfortably came through the League Cup group stages but that was against lower League and let's be honest, low quality opposition. In three matches against Premiership sides (two League, one cup) we have been awful and are lucky to be sitting with one point as we were second best against Livingston on day one, been hammered against Celtic and we'll beaten by an average Hearts side. That would point to us having a squad which is of Championship level, or at the very best a 12th-10th Premiership level but if that's all we have to look forward to then it all points to a long, hard season with little to be positive about.
  11. It's just so, so fucking scunnering to realise that we are yet again basically going to be relying on other teams being less shite than we are to keep us in the league this season. That is where we are at now under Robinson and his latest squad of mediocre, sub standard players. It's even worse this season because he recruited so many of them in a short space of time over the summer and bar Gallagher, they all look hopeless and one of them looks like he'll never play. As a club we can't afford that sort of poor business by the same manager two years running, as it will drive the support away in their hundreds. I know it's early days, but there is nothing about that team that suggests we are going to be anything other than shite this season and the only thing that will keep the heat off Robinson will be if we do what we did last season and every now and again pull an unexpected result out of the bag, ie. the 3-0 win against Aberdeen, the 1-0 win against Hibs, the draws at home against Rangers and Celtic...results which just kicked the can down the road and kept Robinson in a job. We will do nothing in the Scottish Cup either as as sure as night follows day we will be paired with a Premiership side or a high flying Championship side in the first round we enter and as I said last night there is no David Turnbull waiting in the wings this time around to save the season and give the support something to be excited or positive about. All we've got to look forward to is a season of bottom feeding dross with a tactically inept manager and a squad full of shite. Bleak, bleak times.
  12. David Turnbull will never kick another competitive ball for us again, unless he does a McFadden and returns as a 30y/o+ crock in 13 years time so put any idea of him coming in to save our season (again) firmly out of your head. As soon as he's fit again he'll be off. However it's worth mentioning his name in the sense that he basically saved Robinson's arse last season by offering something 'different' when we were otherwise hopeless. This season we look like we are still hopeless, but this time have no Turnbull or Hastie waiting to burst into the side to change our style of play and actually give the support something to be excited about.
  13. If Robinson seriously thinks that "we've got the level of player recruited because that's all we can afford" then we are well and truly fucked. We knew before last season had ended that we needed to address the forward line, the wings and attacking midfield, just like we did in summer 2018 when we failed miserably to do so. And yet despite Robinson having one more year under his belt we have yet again failed in the transfer market. I hate to go on like a broken record but it is so painfully obvious that we have signed a crop of utter shite over the summer and Seedorf, Hylton, Long and Ilic just WILL..NOT..DO at the level we are supposed to be competing at. Hylton and Seedorf may have looked okay/the part against lower league sides like Morton but at SPFL level they look like fish out of water and it is painful watching them trying to compete, indeed that was obvious against Livingston two weeks ago, never mind against Celtic and then Hearts. I questioned whether giving Robinson and Lasley an extended two year deal was a gamble at the time it happened, given that we hadn't yet seen how the summer transfer business would go, but the early signs are that that business has been a fucking disaster and we have made a massive mistake in extending their deals.
  14. Utter shite from us tonight. Another summer of signing utter shite is coming home to roost early doors and for me there is only one outcome that is acceptable...Robinson OUT.
  15. Judging by the East Stand reaction alone, Robinson is going to be under pressure to see the Autumn at this rate. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have recruited abysmally for the second summer running and Robinson surely has to be on borrowed time now.
  16. I know it's early days, but I have the fear for us this season. Yet again it looks as though Robinson has made a pig's ear of the transfer window and failed to properly address key areas of the team. We have no striker worthy of the name at the club, Long looks poor on early evidence and Ilic, Seedorf and Hylton are nowhere near the standard we need. We carry no threat going forward and our defence is a shambles, as was evident last week when we were lucky to walk away from Livingston with a 0-0 draw but we were painfully put to the sword today. Last season we and Robinson got out of jail due to a combination of teams having a 'mare against us when the pressure was really on us and of course the emergence of Turnbull and Hastie which basically saved the managers skin. This season may only be two weeks old but already the signs are bleak and with no exciting youngster breaking through and an almost certain cup exit to Hearts on Friday night, there is very little to look forward to. Bleak times.
  17. Yes, there is a video readily available on YouTube that clearly shows a Hibs fan shoving the Rangers goalkeeper as he runs past him. That's up to you, but you don't have a leg to stand on if/when complaining when Rangers fans do likewise.
  18. It's not bait it's stating fact. Hibs fans did what they did in 2016 and it was dismissed as exuberance and everyone lapped it up because it was against Rangers. They received merely a slap on the wrist for it from the authorities and it was and is seen as one big laugh. Except when Rangers fans do it, and to a much lesser extent, Celtics fans as well, this board and social media as a whole absolutely errupts with outrage and there's calls for hefty sanctions, stadium bans, stand closures, strict liability and such like. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it, so if you are laughing and celebrating about Hibs fans invading the Hampden pitch then you can't be up in arms when other fans do likewise, otherwise it just sounds like sour grapes because the reality is that you are annoyed because Rangers won.
  19. In all seriousness, these pitch invasions do need to stop, but the authorities and the media need to take alot of responsibility for them, as the leniancy they showed Hibs after thousands of their fans invaded the Hampden pitch, assaulted opposition players, incited opposition fans to riot and destroyed the goalposts after the 2016 Scottish Cup Final is what planted the seeds for the now regular pitch invasions we see. That was dismissed as "ach, only a bit of exuberance by the media and Hibs received a very light punishment for their supporters misbehaviour that day, result of that means that other sets of supporters look at that and think "well if it was good enough for them, it's good enough for us". We obviously had our own pitch invasion on a smaller scale a year prior to that after the playoff and received a suspended sentence, but football supporters really should stay off the park and celebrate IN the stands, like what they managed to do for years and years.
  20. I love how folk don't know what to be more raging about here. The fact that Rangers won, the fact that it was in the last minute or the fact their fans invaded the pitch in celebration. And Killie were so nearly P&B heroes too. Unlucky chaps.
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