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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 12 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

    Farage has now gone full Trump, from the launch this morning,

    So he fully expects to take over a political party and be running for PM by the next GE.

    Has anyone explained how being UK PM works?

    Posted at 11:5711:57

    This morning's news in 150 words

    • Reform UK's Nigel Farage - set to launch the party's manifesto today - told the BBC the UK's "exploding population" should be a key election issue and he "absolutely" intends to run for PM in 2029



    Not sure if that's a reference to suicide bombers or Mr Creosote levels of obesity?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:


    When you lose the charging cable for a gizmo, type in the EXACT manufacturer's name and the item model number into your search engine and find about a billion 'hits', none of which mention the make and model number you type in, not even the fkkn company that made the d@mn thing.

    And...... breathe.....

    Most fleshlight chargers should work

  3. 20 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

    In Aldi earlier on.

    £7.29 for a litre of olive oil ?

    F*ck that.


    20 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

    In Aldi earlier on.

    £7.29 for a litre of olive oil ?

    F*ck that.

    Yeah, i wouldn't buy the cheap stuff, it's always cloudy. I'm sure Aldi buy the gunk from the bottom of the vat. 

    Olive oil expected to top £10/l at some point this year. There's a disease or a parasite or something killing off the trees. I'm sure a marinated tomato salad will be just as tasty with spray - on maizola. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    I sometime wonder how often people who don't go to international team sports events sing their national anthem. Most folk probably never have a reason to in their lives. I've never sung GST? and I'm struggling to remember a time when it could have happened anyway. 

    One of the highlights of the recent Usyk - Fury fight for me was the Usyk camp hands on hearts earnestmy belting out Ukraine's anthem on the verge of tears. Team Fury then ambled about having a chat while our Island's dreary dirge played in the background. 


  5. 10 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    With Swinney today saying that he would 'welcome a strengthening of 'powers' for the Scottish Parliament', a day after saying that 'Line 1 Page 1 means asking for a Referendum in the 'next 5 years'...what is the policy now?

    They have also of course, removed 'for Independence' from Ballot papers.

    We have gone from 'most seats, start negotiations, it's it's defacto Ref' to 'ask for a Ref with most seats', to 'get more powers for the Scottish Parliament'.

    What will the Devo Max Party's position be tomorrow?

    This is a "corruption, lies and hypocrisy" thread, not a "slightly unclear policy" thread. 


  6. 14 minutes ago, 1GregStewart said:

    I hear what you’re saying but it’s not a certainty that he plays every week for Sevco. That would be his biggest mistake, he doesn’t have a full season of that under his belt and he needs it to develop. 
    For me he should stay put and play every week for another year, maybe 2 if it takes that then get the right move. That’s not going to happen though so good luck to him unless he goes to Glasgow then Fuk um. 

    That’s pretty much how I see it, particularly with the Ferguson comparisons. Ferguson had a couple of years starting with us and really got to grips with how to impose himself on a game. I think Barron’s probably got a higher potential ceiling but doesn’t have the same maturity.

    Even if he does start every week for The the Rangers, he’s unlikely to have the same pressure or opportunity to be the main man.

  7. The hated sugar tax to be repealed and replaced by a statutory requirement to have eaten your vegetables before you can get any sweets. 

    Royal family to be guillotined.

    Audience “whooping” in the American style to be outlawed and punishable by death. Mandatory Bren gunners to be installed in all Saturday TV venues to facilitate innovative fast track scheme.

  8. 1 hour ago, GordonS said:

    The comfortable middle class truly believe that if you put these haufwits on TV everyone will see them as haufwits and it will go badly for them. Sherri Peach came across to people who can read as a slavering maniac, and they assume everyone will see that. Their incompetence is in not understanding how large a proportion of the British public will agree with it.

    You talk to these people about racism and they'll say things like it needs to be pulled out into the open so it can be dealt with, otherwise it just continues in private. That's how they think. 

    I think you're giving them to much credit. Farage = QT trending on the twitter = success. Anything else is incidental. 

  9. On 10/06/2024 at 14:06, Richey Edwards said:

    World's population is too high IMO. Need another major conflict/plague to bring it back to manageable levels.

    There’s a school of thought that the plague (Black Death edition)  caused the renaissance. Something to do with a scarcity of labour driving up prices and expectations for the labouring classes, increased social mobility, actual mobility and investment in skills. 

    Nature will get us eventually, but will have to do better than Covid. Fortunately we’ll help out with the old climate change and crowding poor people into mega cities.

  10. 1 minute ago, Hedgecutter said:

    I'd be more likely to embrace it if it didn't sound wrong.  Gil-ain (as it's probably meant to be) just rolls off the tongue, whereas Gil-zeen has the feel of "that's what The South keep calling it and I'm fed up of correcting it every day".

    I went to school with a boy whose surname (double barrelled) included Dalziel. He insisted on Dee yell so he got called Dazzle, or Daz for short. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Hedgecutter said:

    ... and so I'll ask again:

    Alan Gil-zeen,or Alan Gil-ain?

    Gilzean & Culzean need to have the same ending, Shirley?

    It sounds as though you’re trying to establish some kind of order in a disordered system.  In such a system small differences in initial conditions can alter the path of change in unpredictable ways. Embrace the entropy. 

  12. 6 hours ago, I Clavdivs said:

    Look at Labour's record in Wales,specifically the NHS which they have somehow managed to make worse than Tory run England ...then ask yourself "what is the point of Labour " ? .

    The NHS here is a joke. I've been lucky enough not to be ill but what i have seen has been very poor.

    Used to have to make average about 50-60 calls in the morning to get a GP, record being over 150. Often told no appointments, call tomorrow. 

    Maternity wards dilapidated boiling hot, noisy and understaffed and what staff there were were aggressively rude. 

    The Wife's elderly dad had a stroke, fell and gashed his head. The ambulance took over 24 hours to arrive. He then got covid twice in hospital and the hospital lost all his belongings when they moved him. 

    Kids A&E seems adequate tbf. 

    Apparently the ambulance thing isn't unusual. 

    I am in favour of the 20mph thing. It irritates all the right people. 

  13. From the Senedd, best non apology EVER

    "Of course, I regret the way that the last three months have been covered and reported, and I regret the impact of the choice I made within all of the rules at the time, and I would not want either myself or any of my colleagues to have had to go through that again.

    "I recognise that there has been real damage caused to a range of people in this place."

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