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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. When is this farce going to be over? I mean the Tory leader election.
  2. I can think of several posters with McGlashan tendencies that will be heading for the Tower if this comes to pass.
  3. In the olden days you'd have been burned at the stake for this
  4. You're in luck. Sonic's live action with cgi. Fill yer boots!
  5. I love the tone of that. "you've brought this on yourselves"
  6. It caused an outbreak of Zombies in South Park
  7. Yes but you thought voting for brexit was a good idea so any prediction you make needs to be viewed in light of that information and ignored.
  8. Actually acheiving things that positively impact people's lives is quite low down the list of election winning criterea nowadays. So long as she loudly blames foreigners for everything she'll skoosh an election.
  9. It's all going back to st mirren as an inexplicable transfer fee for Charles Dunne.
  10. He'd be an upgrade on Kennedy. Would be a decent signing football wise. Hilarity wise, he'd be a great signing. Jim did say that we weren't in the running, but did seem to know what it would take to get him so it sounds like we've at least had a conversation.
  11. Looks like they're just throwing money around Northumbria there. Are UKIP planning to cede territory?
  12. I'm sure "belief" is the deciding factor and not any of the usual things like "ability" or "tactics". We just don't want it enough.
  13. George Osborne wanted to introduce "market facing pay" because civil servants were overpaid and "crowding out" local businesses outside London. Except when they actually did some research they found that civil servants were generally underpaid. There's already "London weighting" that applies higher wages to large parts of Surrey (eg Croydon).
  14. R Kelly believed he could fly. He couldn't, but turned out to be a massive paedo. Ergo holding unsupportable beliefs is for sex offenders.
  15. There's some crossover, wibbling about sovereignty and self determination etc but there's very little (but not none) of the dog whistle "control our borders" really unsavoury xenophobia that characterised the Brexit campaign.
  16. Or the overwhelming majority of votes cast were for remain. Unlike in England where a smallish majority voted leave. The point was that there was a massive difference in preference from England, not whether there was over 50% of the electorate voting in favour.
  17. On most things in the Social attitudes survey (can't remember who publishes that, want to say the resolution foundation?) there's usually a 1%-5% difference and always the same way. Obviously Brexit was a lot more. That's enough of a difference to move enough swing seats in a fptp sytem. That's why Scotland's never had majority Tory seats in my lifetime but England has. I'd be interested to see the regional variation within nations and at fine city/ hinterland level but i don't think they interview enough people.
  18. The good thing about the use of the word "iconic" is that you know you can safely ignore all the other words around it because they're drivel.
  19. You don't need homogeneous populations for that opinion to be true or at least valid. A significantly different distribution of viwes within a population will do. I'm not a fan of nationalism as a philosophy and agree that othering can be a big part of it. Creating "in group" and "out group" mental models to classify people easily is apparently just a normal part of how the human mind works because people who think like that enhanced their survival prospects by forming tribes. Not sure that regular infantile mocking of your selected "out group" is doing much to resolve the problem.
  20. There's a bit of that about, but i think that most of the people advocating independence on here have an understandable and reasonable belief that there's persistent differences in political attitudes across the border, which can be resolved by independence.
  21. Should the families of all murderers be ostracised? Seems a bit unjust. I'd expect that most of Osama's siblings are probably no more than vaguely acquainted with him. It's not like the grovelling little b*****d's now a bagman for al quaeda.
  22. If you're discounting countries with minority support for independence....
  23. 6 months is more like late teens. They feed them to max size. Waste of money killing the little cute ones.
  24. Lamb can be up to a year old, which is way past full grown. I like mutton but i don't think the economics of keeping the sheep longer primarily for food make much sense. Mutton will be mostly a by product of lamb production. Also, kepping longer = more farts and burps so should be discouraged on environmental grounds. On the flipside, eat more veal.
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