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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I don't know how i missed this little beauty. What a banner! Get it on a spike. BBC apologise to Rangers and Ryan Jack over ‘severed head’ picture used alongside Aberdeen ticket story https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/3371582/ryan-jack-bbc-rangers-picture-aberdeen-image-tickets?utm_source=native_share&utm_medium=sharebar_native&utm_campaign=sharebaramp
  2. I think i've provided an exhaustive list. The transfer one is truly pathetic and no other club would have complained about it. Imagine a world where all incorrect transfer gossip merited an apology. Michael Stewart was out of order (or at least too candid and blunt) but he was a guest on radio and not editorialising or reporting on behalf of the BBC. I don't know much about the McCoist one but it sounds like standard documentary creative editing and probably out of order. It's a really intensive campaign of harassment and hate and i don't know how the poor wee things can sleep at night.
  3. Mccoist 2011, Issedane on Morelos xfer 2018, Michael Stewart tells it like it is. All apologised for. None were the subject of the dispute. There is no apology for mcglaughlins reporting. Rangers "lost" their dispute
  4. Are the BBC not referring to the apology that Michael Stewart had to give for upsetting Jabba's lawyers? I can't recall them ever having apologised for their truthful reporting of sectarian singing that Rangers would rather sweep away. I'm sure there will be a public record of this apology and / or admission somewhere that you can share with us all? That reads to me like "Rangers want to be on telly again so will hypothetically let Chris McGlaughlin back in and we can all go back to normal. But Rangers fans are really weird about this stuff and quite thick so we'll make a general statement that really refers to Stewart/ Jabba but the thick c***s will see as vindication of their imagined oppression "
  5. Jim looked like he was enjoying it. I'm sure Celtic will repay the favour next August.
  6. I had radio four on for 20 minutes and it was about some guy called Michael going to dignitas then leaving his bird to surprise his Mum with the news. Then "Coming up shortly, The Archers". Wise move.
  7. It still blows my mind that France and Spain are separate countries. They're right next to each other!
  8. Sonic (2020) As a rule i don't watch movies of computer games because they're faeces. My youngest wanted to see this though. Was actually ok on its own terms. Jim Carey's Robotnik steals the show. Not too long, a few laughs. 6/10 Emoji Movie. (2017) The opening 10-15 minutes had it set up as a charmless remake of Wreck it Ralph. I don't know how it panned out because i fell asleep. Unscored, but -1 for James Corden Die Hard 4 (2007) I posted a review of die hard 2 recently, see that but replace "airport" with "internet". 6/10 I Robot (2004) Some interesting questions about the nature of free will and the relativistic nature of morality skated over to cram in too much low quality CGI. Almost works as a big summer blockbuster. Fails horribly as Sci Fi. Will Smith is a decent lead, as usual, but the love interest's acting was woeful to the point of being hard to watch. And if it wasn't annoying enough there's a gratuitously annoying Shia LeBeouf thrown in for no reason. The big silly main plot is engaging enough though and there's enough action to keep it ticking along. 5/10
  9. I had a stint as a "hygeine technician". Cleaner
  10. Such a waste. Fill it with Sarin on an OF matchday.
  11. Can i just add that i wasn't really making a point. I was just arguing for the sake of it. Can't speak for anyone else.
  12. Up to almost 300,000 now according to ONS. That's why i said "Newcastle city" and not "the built up area around it"
  13. Game kicked off on time. The question is why we had to come out five minutes early for a shitey pep rally. If we'd prepared properly and had a team talk and proper warm up instead of standing about, we wouldn't have conceded a soft early goal. Pure gamesmanship, bordering on cheating.
  14. My take on the new signings after our first real test. Roos- looked decent stopping shots. Not very commanding. Some shite kicking. Richardson - i feared the worst but he looked better than expected. Raw and inexperienced, could have closed down crosses better. Can support attacks better with a bit more mutual understanding. Stewart - maybe suspect for first goal but generally solid. Erratic distribution but prefers a pass to a hoof. Coulson - one good run. Position a bit suspect at times. Doesn't look particularly solid but looks pacey and niggly. Ramadani - shocking first half hour good next 15, in and out of second half. To be convinced. Miovski- Limited sample, looks ok at holding up but had to drop too deep to see the ball. Duk- handful but ineffective Roberts- didn't notice him do anything. I'm sure i've missed someone.
  15. Newcastle city population is only a bit bigger than Aberdeen's at 280,000. Aberdeen city population is between Dudley's and Portsmouth's. A quick glance shows that. Dudley are non league and Portsmouth's attendances vary from 7-15k, much like ours. Football attendances tend to be proportionally higher in former centres of heavy industry for cultural and historical reasons. So clydeside is a more appropriate comparison for Tyneside. I'd say Plymouth (fairly isolated major port) is a better comparison for Aberdeen and they manage 10-15k out of 263k. (and they're one of only two sizeable clubs in the whole of Devon. So Aberdeen draw pretty much the crowd you'd expect. I've been unable to locate an industrial estate for suitable comparison with Livi.
  16. I get that's only a bit of banter. Doesn't help the "anyone would have him argument" though. I'd probably trade Bates for him but there's not a huge amount in it.
  17. He's ok. Touch of the Zander Diamonds about him though: looks slow to learn and not developing his early potential. Missing games through red cards for stupid shit like kicking Ramirez' nuts should annoy fans but there's childlike simpletons in all fanbases that lap that shit up. On strings indeed.
  18. It's about 6 posts ago. I've awoken strangely optimistic about this one. Let's get in to these unwashed glory hunting toothless grievance junkies.
  19. Only with five or six out of the seven principles. There is of course the unpublished 8th principle which is "get paid a lot". These things have to be viewed in the round.
  20. Not exactly the same thing but there have been historical alterations of people's physyical sexual characteristics. The Ottoman and other cultures used to castrate boys so they could be safely left with Harems and the Italians had castrato singers into the 20th century.
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