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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Again, your opinion. Your opinion, like @oaksoft's happens to be similar to mine. The difference is that you are both insisting that your opinion is the only valid one. I don't think i've smeared or threatened anyone. Not yet anyway, but the night is young.
  2. Your opinion is that the man/woman dichotomy is a biological question. Biology deals in one type of knowledge, empirical knowledge. There is a whole body of philosophy about the nature of knowledge. Empirical knowledge is only one type. The question of what words mean is obviously a linguistic matter. Does "woman" mean biologically female? Is a linguistic question, with the empirical science defining the latter but not the former term.
  3. You didn't exactly "deal with it" You said something nonsensical and came up with alternative data which was shit, while saying you wouldn't believe evidence.
  4. 1980 the average was 12.5%. Maybe something happened to council housing between then and 1990? Turns out the cost of buying proportional to wages has roughly (just under) doubled over that time, so i was wrong about that. The relative cost of renting is up about 3.5 times though. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ifs.org.uk/uploads/publications/bns/BN161.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwil6LqO8_34AhVKXsAKHfQrA7UQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2017D3pVwXRZaELvWqt7Kn
  5. I've a bit of sympathy for ageing townies that are shiting themselves on the country roads. It's the continuing into 30 zones that annoys me. If they're so shit at driving that they can't back themselves to get round corners at normal speeds then the're probably not going to be great at stopping for village stuff. Like cars pulling out of junctions, people, animals and crossings.
  6. My grandparents (except 1) were each one of about 8 kids and their material wealth was nothing like what most ordinary people have now. Those kids wouldn't be each in their own bedroom. The cost of owning a house is proportionally much the same now as it was in the 80s. The price of the property is only one component. The price of mortgages is much less now. But people on average spent less on housing in the 80s because more people rented and rent was much cheaper. I don't think the expense has gone up, like for like. People's expectations of what they need to provide a child have changed.
  7. Labour had televised leadership debates only two years ago. I can't even remember what Rebecca Long - Bailey looks like. The promotional value of this could be overstated.
  8. Some suggestions. Across the world the birth rate still exceeds the replacement rate. People are just having babies in the wrong countries. We could bring in more young people fron those countries. A lot of people are put off having children by how annoying they are. Make children less annoying and people will have more. Finally, baby factories: All better ideas than that clickbait brainfart.
  9. Good of you to enlighten the rest of civilisation you selfish gits. I also looked it up and am also not sharing.
  10. There must be more ferret walkers than i though
  11. That wasn't the west end of Aberdeen centre by any chance? Used to see one on a lead on Chapel st. My wife, the loony, is training the cat to go in the garden (honestly, f**k knows) by making it wear a pink harness with a lead and walking around with it. Seen a few people do a double take then pish themselves laughing going past our drive.
  12. Is the whole series streaming anywhere? Watched GBH a few years ago and it was quality so fancy this.
  13. Yes you should, while we duke it out with Celtic for the title.
  14. Thor Love and Thunder Took a bit to get into its stride but was very entertaining when it got going. If you're doing a film about viking gods from space, it's going to be silly so embrace the silliness i say. And they did. It's absolutely ridiculous. Definitely better than the first two Thors. Not as good as ragnarok though. Christian Bale was a proper baddie and scared the kids. Some very enjoyable scenes with half the budget on show, but overall a bit of a muddle. 7/10
  15. Don't you go all factual on my prejudice and confirmation bias
  16. Looks like the Tory membership might not be as comfortable with brown skin as the MPs are. And everyone thinks Hunt is a c**t.
  17. I reckon this is more cause and effect than coincidence. Your conversation probably made him very aware that he was long overdue a sickie and he'd still be well below average. Add in the pleasant weather and bingo. Clutch my arse.
  18. That's incredibly fucked up. "Elected to stick it to the elite" "Sucked into the Globalist liberal agenda of Greta Thunberg" (he might have said "thunbergism") "The people had enough of globalism" Here's me thinking it was because he kept lying about breaking the law and got caught multi-lying about hiring sex pests.
  19. It’s not about spending time as a slave. It’s about Olympic medals. If that story had come from Hussein the part-time kitchen porter with a string of petty drug convictions I’m certain he’d have been ranting about the ECHR snowflakes stopping us from repatriating/ executing him. My point was more that it says a lot about how shit the current situation is.
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