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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I think he’s coming from the wrong place but the regime that he’s proposing, cunty though it is, would be better than what we have, let alone what the nut job wing of the nut job party is putting in place.
  2. I’ll be sharing this with my daughter as part of my nagging campaign.
  3. Is it not barcodes that are the mark of the beast because the 3 long bars are sixes? (Spoiler-They’re not) Or is this bit enough: ”they could not buy or sell without the mark” A minister (one with links to a hippy commune admittedly) once told me that St John had been off his head on hallucinogenic desert plants when he wrote the revelation. It always amuses me to think of bible wankers living their lives according to the tripped out ranting of a second century Jim Morrison.
  4. A mixed race person, women’s football and the Commonwealth games! What a country! I expect better from your wind ups to be honest, you usually manage to actually hook a few McGlashans into a silly argument. This is really poor, low level trolling even allowing for the state you must have been in at 2am to think it was funny. Real point and laugh, desperation stuff.
  5. The club didn't have an agreement with the player. He'd made a "gentleman's agreement" with a previous manager personally. As said manager wasn't his employer it turned out to be worthless. I think it was £2m.
  6. Maybe i'm not taking this seriously enough or don't understand the internet slang right. He signals a complete lack of any virtues whatsoever to me and signals that he's a massive c**t.
  7. That's not how they'd like to control asset prices though. I like your fairy story, but it won't happen. There is a strong and persistent negative correlation between changes in inflation and changes in unemployment. So they're not separate problems. How they're linked is a bit more of a mystery. Global fuel price contributes to inflation but isn't all. Brexit isn't just about labour. Balance of trade deterioration has reduced the relative price of sterling increasing the cost of all imports, including but not limited to fuel. Traditionally the government would be raising interest rates to control inflation. That can work by suppressing demand, where there's more of a demand component than there appears to be now. It can also work by raising demand for Sterling gilts internationally (so increasing exchange rates and making imports cheaper). If they do that then they'll inevitably hurt asset prices. I don't know if they will do that but the cental bank has indicated that they will (but they might be hoping that the stated intent will have the desired effect. Britain is doing worse than most peers on inflation and growth due to incompetent management. It's really unlikely that we'll get competent any time soon. Politics turning into mob rule is really the last thing we need right now, but it's happening. These are dangerous times.
  8. He was really good for us. Looks like we were good for him too. Big shoes to fill. Over to you, Ylber.
  9. Possibly. You assume that the political class can control this as they'd like in extremis. We currently have full employment and inflation, which suggests that there's a good chance they've fucked it. Maybe they'll find a way but i hope not.
  10. I'll see your "parking at the drop off zone" and raise you "hazard lights on, middle of road beside parked cars, gone into takeaway"
  11. Policies that protect asset prices and returns on assets held by (relatively) wealthy people by suppressing inflation and real interest rates at the expense of full employment made this possible. If real interest rates rise in response to perceived and/or real inflationary pressures, the returns on other asset classes will come down and will reduce their price. A tidy portfolio of buy to let and trackers could be worth a lot less this time next year. So in might not just be the expense side of the household budget that brings people back into work.
  12. Hopefully there's some sort of professionalism or fitness clause that meant certain players cost nothing to bin. No idea if they exist or are feasible.
  13. Yes, good point. Andrew Lloyd Weber has an art charity. He put his personal multi million pound collection in so he could claim tax relief on the cost and is the trustee. He kindly looks after the art at his house and meets the charitable objectives by lending the odd piece to pleb galleries. So they could give to that, or the many like them.
  14. No but i'll sell you half a tin of refill gas i've had in the garage since i stopped smoking ten years ago
  15. A few years ago the train i was on from Kirkcaldy to Aberdeen picked up a load of shitfaced golf watching people at leuchars. They got off at Dundee after realising it was the opposite way from their hotel in Embra and that there were no more trains. I hope the people of Dundee were hospitable.
  16. It's about three lines of text more work for a parliamentary draftsman to make the allowance payable only in respect of your only or main residence as defined for capital gains purposes. That changes the potential claimant's decision for claiming on a second home from "shall i claim what's due to me? " to "shall i commit fraud for a few hundred pounds? ". It's probably not worth putting in an enforcement framework but high risk claims (eg multiple from same name) could be audited by existing agencies - hmrc, police, audit office etc. The cost benefit analysis and optics is vastly different than on a £7 prescription. On the charity point, it's not giving the money that's the problem, it's how he got it. But you knew that and were deliberately missing the point.
  17. We won't only have reduced income. I'm sure we wouldn't have budgeted for severance pay for a management team and disinterested or shite players.
  18. Looks like our new strategy is a 1/10 budget version of Celtic's. Pay a reasonable fee for a youngster who's not a total punt who wants in the shop window. If we can sell one in five for a decent fee it should pay for itself. If it works it will be great. If not we'll have a more cosmopolitan squad of journeymen.
  19. Oh good. Videos of songs are evidence of a problem soooo: I don't dispute that there's bits of sectarianism in the wider culture. It's not something i encountered at all, outside of football songs, growing up in Aberdeen. That's a common experience. You dispute that there's any problem at Celtic. That's wild.
  20. How does this prove that Celtic doesn't have an issue with sectarianism? How does this disprove people's lived experiences that it's rare to encounter sectarianism outside a football context and outwith greater Glasgow? Some Jambos being twatty doesn't reduce Celtic's twat score.
  21. Get with the double standard. FTP = anti catholic hatred FTQ = fighting tyranny and oppression FTOF
  22. Fucking right. Accountants are usually shit at tax, or enthusiastic amateurs at best. Pay a dedicated tax specialist instead.
  23. The Abhergreen establishment wishes The Rangers a happy 10th birthday this month. 10 already! Where does the time go? Empty seats are more intelligent and contribute more to society than Celtic fans.
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