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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. 4 signings in less than 24 hours! That implies 76 still to come before we face Peterhead.
  2. The loan is a minus but if he's as good as some posters have said that's a plus. Yin and Yang.
  3. It's going to be Dunne isn't it? I don't think i've even noticed him playing before but i'm convinced he's shite.
  4. Is it greedy to hope for all three? Saw that someone bid £600k for Lauritsen. I'd imagine that ends our interest there.
  5. That cb from Celtic? Not a loan please (unless it's like the HP thing we did with McCrorie).
  6. I was at HMRC when Mckinsey did a massive re-organisation that made getting anything done a massive arseache. Turns out that changing line management and re-naming departments is of limited practical use. On the other hand, at my current job we had an old and inefficient process and we got a couple of guys in, for two days, that helped make it function better. I think if you have a specific issue and ask the right questions consultants can be helpful. If you're shit at management and want someone to tell you how to do your job, then you're a legitimate mark for and will get rinsed.
  7. Can you not get around that just by saying "If you would recommend this person please get back to me." or such? My specialism is a fairly small and well connected one, so people have off the record conversations about candidates all the time. A glowing reference usually means they're shit and a bad one means they're worth hiring. No one wants to lose good staff to the competition.
  8. Went on strike once. Picketed for about an hour with four others. Had a minor counter demonstration from the car when i went by an antivax rally by the Iceland / aldi car park. Didn't get more eloquent than calling them stupid c***s.
  9. National League team of the season, only 21, one for the near future? https://boards.footymad.net/showthread.php?t=38291333
  10. The orange and white triangles have swapped. Not sure that the negative space is much more elegant.
  11. Thanks. It's a good way of showing the data. I'll stop geeking out now.
  12. Sinus damage is often associated with cocaine use.
  13. Surprising number of stories about women's prison. That doesn't necessarily mean he is a deviant.
  14. Hadn't appreciated the multiple seasons and thought that was a huge number of full backs. The club bit is useful too- is that the full backs only at the same club or all players? So him having the 1000th best defensive anticipation stat doesn't mean he's the 1000th best "at" defensive anticipation overall because it's his stats at league 2 level vs other players' stats at a higher level. One last one- the names at the top right, are they the top of the rankings?
  15. I believe their prices are similar in other countries, too. Tch, this planet.
  16. I've a question about how these work, but i'm not sure i can express it very well, so bear with me. My understanding is that the numbers are percentiles. Showing the players position on the distribution over the whole sample? So if there's 4,800 full backs in the sample, a 75% rating implies better stats than 3,600 but that there's 1,200 out there with better stats. If that's wrong then my question will be gibberish. My question is, are those stats weighted at all for the quality of the division? So are we looking at how good this guy is in league 2 or overall? Not trying to be critical, just trying to understand. If it is how good he is in league 2 then that's still useful information and i guess his relative strengths wouldn't change much.
  17. 2 kids. 2 sets of shower gel and deodorant. "are you trying to tell me something?" "yes, you smell."
  18. I've had to look up what GANT polos are. Relieved it's not mints. £75 though. For a tshirt. This country.
  19. coprolite

    The Boys

    Ah. Probably was, yes.
  20. I believe you have to pay a subscription. You going for something more fitting? You seem more perma-raging than apathetic.
  21. coprolite

    The Boys

    It looks like she's lost an unhealthy amount of weight. I hope she's well. Where is Black Noir? Assuming he's going to be significant as he's in the historical bits. Really enjoying this series so far. Every episode has bits that make me glad i deemed it unsuitable for the wife and told her she wouldn't like it.
  22. The original was basically rehashing Westworld anyway. But dinosaurs are cooler than androids, except Yul Brynner.
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