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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. If you put it in actual pounds we'd probably be in space since we don't do notes anymore. The important thing is that, whatever the number, it's in british pounds not €uros. Good old fashioned British profligacy, what.
  2. It’s about a trillionth of the number of stars in the observable universe. I hope that helps
  3. People joining motorways at ridiculously low speeds. Stuck on a slip behind an old c**t* who didn't get above 45 before joining a busy M5. I managed to hang back a bit and join the pack of frantically swerving vehicles behind him. *didn't actually see the offending driver but the car was a weird looking thing in an unusual colour (sort of tobacco). Along with salmon, aquamarine and taupe that's a colour exclusive to elderly drivers.
  4. They'll just get some older boys to go in the shop for them.
  5. Options can be "put" or "call". I've never heard of a put option in a loan contract, but having seen that boy try to play last season it's almost believable that his parent club would want the option to get rid.
  6. I'm starting to suspect that this government might not give a shit about benefits claimants after all.
  7. The potheads choice- tabs with roach included.
  8. Charles Stross - Invisible Sun Final book in the Empire Games trilogy. Nominally sci fi but with limited sci content, more spy thriller with bits of action. There's a multiverse which is used in quite a restrained way. The way it's used gives the feel of a cold war. The intrigue is done really well. I was going to complain about the time gap between this and the preceding books which meant i'd lost a lot of the threads but there's a postscript where he apologises for that due to multiple bereavements. Some good ideas and bits of the story are pageturners but overall a bit disjointed. A decent finale, but not great.
  9. You can earn a lot more than that and still get UC though. You could have one parent on £30k pa and another on £15k who are currently in danger of losing their childcare payment if they save above the limits. It's not easy to save up on those incomes but some people can manage it.
  10. I'm no Suzy Dent but i'd go for coincidence. Asteroid is something to do with astro- meaning star. Steroid is to do with sterols (like cholesterol) which are some class of organic chemical. Maybe.
  11. Hopefully the junior minister who decided this waits a reasonable amount of time before starting their highly paid consultancy role at Apple. Got to keep up appearances.
  12. Actually sounds like it will be help to the top of the income range of working people that get UC as a top up who could realistically save that much. But it sounds like it's only needed because of the way UC was designed. Child tax credits wouldn't have got cut off if you had savings. So they're looking for a pat on the head for partially fixing their own botch.
  13. "people say "where's your evidence? " - i have a feeling that a left wing influence has seeped in to the legal profession" Absolute moron. Then the cinnamon thing. Copying teenagers off of tik tok. What an utterly brainless buffoon. No idea who this guy is, but he's confirming all my prejudices about the cognitive abilities of your average gammon.
  14. A friend found a half ounce of skunk in the street a couple of weeks ago. No chance of handing that in.
  15. Some c**t on the bbc just now explaining that he thinks the policy will include lifting the savings cap so that people on Universal credit can save for a mortgage without losing their benefits. He didn't say how long it might take for someone on UC to save enough.
  16. I was vaguely acquainted with Callum Davidson in 90s Embra. He seemed ok.
  17. That's only part of the story. The rules do provide for clubs to withold their properties where the commercial agreement by the spfl conflicts with existing contracts. The rules also state that clubs need to make certain property available for sponsorship. If Rangers have entered into an exclusive agreement that means they can't deliver sponsorship obligations, they are about as far from "in the right" as it is possible to be. I guess that the clause about prior contracts is meant to protect against the spfl agreeing to commercial contracts that put obligations on clubs over and above the reserved sponsorship rights. I also think that it does remove Rangers obligation to comply with Cinch sponsorship. But Rangers have clearly breached their obligations to the spfl and all its member clubs and should be treated as a pariah.
  18. The squad page on the website needs a pronunciation guide.
  19. Hang on, my Wikipedia shows her as 11th, have i missed some exciting news and do we get a day off?
  20. It's possible for us to enquire and then not take it any further. I'd imagine that happens a lot when we find out what a player hopes to be paid.
  21. To parapgrase the British press's coverage of austerity and Tory mismanagement of the economy, "JEREMY CORBYN IS AN ANTISEMITE!"
  22. This is unfair They shrunk it a lot with Austerity first.
  23. If you can cut man hours by 20% without any loss in productivity then what other explanations are there? Productivity isn't the same as production. If you cut man hours by 20% and that cuts production by 19%, productivity will have increased but you won't have enough resource to do the 100% production that the firm was doing.
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