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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Before we had big oil, lots of our food production was powered by water. Then big oil comes along and suddenly no more water mills. You think that's a coincidence?
  2. We have an energy crisis and lots of poor people. We will simply hook up generators to treadmills or spin bikes and pay 3p kw/hr. Refuseniks to Rwanda. Plebs too, not just "economic migrants" -extract from Tory manifesto, 2023.
  3. Good to see the Staines Massive still on the go although the skip business isn't what i thought they'd end up doing. Booyakasha.
  4. I have actually witnessed a more tragic celebration of historical battles than Orange marches. At Faslane, the navy brass had a big formal dinner to celebrate Trafalgar day. After a lot of port, they had two massive chocolate old fashioned boats with rigging and everything, one with french and spanish flags and the other with british. They got carried in opposite directions around the room and when they passed at the top table people walking round fired party poppers from each boat at the other. The French/Spanish boat then had sparklers lit on board and got gradually lowered to much whooping and hollering. Gammons are fucking weird.
  5. UEFA doesn't have anything similar in its rules. Clubs just have to go with the sponsorship they arrange. Clubs are supposed to respect the existing arrangements they have with other clubs through the competition authorities and not go giving exclusivity that isn’t theirs to give.
  6. You don't think Rangers engineered the dispute? Incredible. I agree the bit in bold. No one comes out of this well, except Cinch do not too badly.
  7. The SPFL have dropped a bollock by including rule 17. Rule 17 in itself looks fairly straightforward but the scenario engineered deliberately and maliciously by Rangers brought rule 17 into conflict with other rules about clubs' obligations. That conflict meant that how rule 17 applied in practice was not obvious. Only a fucking idiot would fail to recognise that.
  8. Rangers don't have a veto. You'll need +1 to agree.
  9. I don't think it was decided in court. The grown ups have done the grown up thing and conceded some ground to minimise the disruption caused by a ten year-old having a tantrum. Hopefully the entitled little shit doesn't take it as an invitation to throw it's toys whenever it doesn't like something, but i'm not optimistic.
  10. I'm imagining an "IT crowd" style recorded message saying "hi boris, your ethics adviser here. Your proposal is immoral and potentially illegal. Please ditch it and try another one"
  11. I agree that the trade figures aren't evidence of a farce. Proposing legislation to override the government's own treaty, however, is farcial.
  12. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_18_901 https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/publication/annex-memorandum-understanding-between-european-commission-united-nations-environment_en https://operationalsupport.un.org/en/un-and-eu-sign-agreement Couldn't find anything with the Northern Hemisphere right enough.
  13. A cursory glance at that report shows exports slightly higher than pre brexit, but the figures are on a different basis. Pre brexit we didn't actually have imports and exports to count but did have a reporting system for inter-state transfers of goods (intrastat). It's hard to say how accurate the reporting was and not everything was counted-low value consignments were excluded. We now have actual imports and exports of goods to count. The services figure is based on surveys, so has all the uncertainty that entails. I can't quite see how things going to NI from mainland UK are treated or how stuff is counted going from NI over its land border. As @welshbairn says, the biggest single increase is in fuel, which is hardly structural and quite unusual in that most countries don't have a domestic oil extraction industry to protect and fuel can go most places without tarrifs. Also the price has increased by way more than inflation so there will be a big price component to this increase. A 150% increase where the price has doubled is something like a 25% increase in volume. Like employment or growth data, this stuff is useful for seeing long term trends but looking at changes month by month is trying to find a signal in noise. One trend is that our trade balance deficit is still increasing. Maybe in five years or so we could draw some useful conclusion about how brexit is going from the headline stats but not yet.
  14. It's really nothing to do with the EU though. Russia is in it for starters. And the UK. There are no members of the EU that aren't in UEFA, the UN or the Northern hemisphere either.
  15. The "speeding up" aspect is lost on me. Free kicks take longer tgan throw ins surely?
  16. What makes you think that honouring existing commitments is even a consideration? That can't be real surely? Even that stupid c**t can't be that ill informed
  17. Not convinced by Lauritsen at all. His name sounds a bit weird but could almost be British. Totally sold on Ramadani though, "Ylber" is brilliantly exotic.
  18. It's not about services. Pensions and care are funded from current taxation. Fewer workers means less tax. The obvious answer is to allow more immigration to equalise the distribution with countries with excess young people. Apparently that's bad for our way of life because foreign people don't jizz over poppies and the queen so is politically inexpedient. So we've decided to let tensions build and wait for society to fail even more. As much as i enjoyed robocop 2, i'm not sure i want to live in it.
  19. I'm on board with 1) and 2) but i do struggle with 3)
  20. The best one's the decrepit guy who gets tetchy with his butler for pointing him in the right direction.
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