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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I remember IDS being the fringe loony with no chance, shortly before sneaking in while Portillo and Clarke beat the shit out of each other.
  2. Don't you know that the public sector is bloated and inefficient? Simply stopping spending money on woke nonsense will save 10%. The remaining 8% will come from efficiency savings generated by private sector investment. Torynomics.
  3. I lived in SE Asia when i was wee. My sister's friends kitten didn't come in when called one night. In the morning there was a five foot cobra basking on the drive with a kitten sized bulge in it.
  4. I hope our limited third world facilities aren't too hard for her this time.
  5. "we lied through our teeth about brexit" is a refreshingly honest approach. Shame about having the Daily Express's worldview though.
  6. I had a really enjoyable drive this morning, sticking to the 20 limit in front of people with patience disorders. A bmw then a Range Rover (white, naturally) 2ft from my bumper, swerving like they want to overtake and gesticulating frantically. I'm not sure why they're so desperate to get to the next traffic light queue four seconds earlier, but their inability to function normally really entertains me. I think i'll experiment with 18mph next.
  7. I find it hard to believe that people travelling the country in a transit to put on weekly shows for 30 people in gym halls and function rooms get paid that much. https://www.wrestleforce.com/ ... for example.
  8. Not a big fan of ITV's Sunday evening detective shows in general, but this has potential.
  9. Supporting labour and being right wing are sadly no longer incompatible.
  10. May i suggest that Radio 1 might not be the best source for your news and current affairs? It sounds like it's catering to the sort of simpletons that like Ed Sheeran.
  11. They'll be due training compensation and a solidarity payment. If he was with them 12-18 they'll get at least 2.5 % of the fee under solidarity. The training element is cost based and wouldn't come out of the transfer fee. The way that's calculated looks like Hamilton (or any club whose former player moves twice before turning 23) get compensated twice for the same training costs. Our shite season cost us £2m here easily. With a solid defence behind him and creative players in front Ferguson would have looked much better. Glad we kept him for the extra year and fair play to him for not sulking.
  12. Climate change is the phenomenon in which the average weather changes and in particular at the moment refers to average temperature rising. It's not the cause of rising temperatures. The greenhouse effect could be said to be a cause, or increased atmosheric CO2. So it's pretty dumb and shows a lack of understanding. Not sure it counts as propaganda though.
  13. Bunch of scruffs on this thread. The country started going to the dogs when the banks let people come in with a single windsor knot in their tie and plastic buttons on their cuffs.
  14. The question of what is a man and what is a woman is as much in the realm of linguistics and philosophy as it is in the realm of science. I heard a biology professor on the radio stating unequivocally that genetics don't determine maleness or femaleness. It's determined by whether you produce the mobile or static gamete. Whether that biological definition can be extrapolated to define the term man/woman is subjective. Personally i do have difficulty accepting that someone born biologically male can be fully a woman. But my understanding of the definition doesn't matter. If someone wants to live as a woman, my understanding simply isn't a consideration. Neither is yours. I can see why people who understand the man/woman dichotomy in cultural terms can conceive of a biological male as being fully a woman. I can also understand the much maligned Terf view that says that trans women can't say that they feel like women, because they can't know how women feel. I don't think you're being a transphobe. I do think that you're trying to apply science inappropriately to find the answer, when in fact it's not a science question and there isn't an objective answer.
  15. Last time we united Ireland lots of Irish people didn't like it. Not a good idea.
  16. Johnson will draw on his classical education for precedents and have himself declared dictator
  17. She might ask him to stick around. With Phil gone there’s an vacancy for an offensive racist.
  18. He eradicated Covid and beat Russia and got Brexit done.
  19. You’re very generous with that description
  20. I addressed your weak and incoherent points. You said I didn’t. That’s bad faith, canto. now shut up
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