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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. No real good guys, no real bad guys here. Johnnies should be significantly better over two legs. All feels a bit anticlimactic. Hopefully some brutality, diving or refereeing insanity will liven it up.
  2. My daughter likes the pizza hut lunchtime buffet so that she can have a bowl of bacon bits with mayonnaise. It looks like cereal for dogs. A neighbour of mine at uni asked how to cook potatoes. We told him to boil them for 25 mins. He complained that they were charred and raw in the middle. He hadn't put water in the pan. She's not trying to do an analysis of why she's struggling though. She's making the narrow point that when people quote ridiculous prices for a meal, that's not the full story. Nobody reading that could think that she's actually saying it costs over two grand to make a bowl of pasta.
  3. My theory is that they hire ignoramuses (ignorami?) on purpose to make the viewer feel like an expert.
  4. Definitely a foul from the sneckie fly half there. Debatable whether it was a clear goalscoring opportunity but can see why he walked.
  5. My cat was already eating this one. If it was me, i'd rather an overwhelming and quick blunt trauma than being slowly disembowelled by a cat 200 times my size over a few hours.
  6. It looks like the Manchester evening news has picked up a story from Ireland (which does have a Dr O'Shea as a clinical lead at its HSE). I understand that Irish meal deals are mainly potatoes and guiness so i can see his point.
  7. I thought i understood higher dimensions when i was on acid one time. I did also pick up a dog shit though, so i'm not convinced it's an all purpose IQ enhancer.
  8. Absolutely buzzing with anticipation for this. By 1400 on Sunday this season will finally be over. Can't wait.
  9. I thought i knew a bit about Thai food but i'm clearly a beginner. Will give this a go.
  10. Over my head i'm afraid. Why would i curry a shoe?
  11. Obstacles like the law, economics and reality in general presumably.
  12. This morning I beat a mouse to death with a shoe.
  13. Civil service back in the cross hairs i see. I was surprised to hear that civil service numbers had increased so much since 2016 as my experience of dealing with any departments was that service hadn't improved and had become more automated. I found this summary of the timing and nature of the changes. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/civil-service-staff-numbers#:~:text=In this way%2C civil servants,not counted as civil servants. General trends were for increases in Whitehall Ministerial department jobs and less in operations. Brexit was the major driver and increases since covid were negligible. Cuts of 50k were announced last year. My guess is that the cuts aren't going to be made up of the people that our idiocratic rulers rely on to do their jobs. Bound to be bad news for anyone waiting months for their universal credit or disability payments. Still with food at 30p a day, you can't need benefits that quickly.
  14. Pretty much what i was thinking. I fully expected it to be about dickie-bowed hooray henry's betting on a thunderdome full of tramps.
  15. Not at all obvious why wearing a reasonably practical hat outside I’d moronic. Please explain.
  16. I said we couldn't see quantum phenomena, not that we couldn't indirectly observe them. The uncertainty principle relates to the nature of quantum "particles", in that you can only detect any properties by interacting with them, and any interaction changes their properties. You talk about "tracking" electrons. That's analogous thinking. I. E. That implies that they are things that move around spacetime in ways that are like the way things move around at a macroscopic level. But they don't. An electron isn't anywhere until it interacts with other particles. It is one place, then another and between those places its path is probalistic not real in our space. That doesn't make intuitive sense, because our brains can't really cope with quantum mechanics.
  17. That first bit sounds like some sort of projection theory. You need to be in a higher dimension to observe lower dimensions, but you can only see the outside of those dimensions. The second bit sounds too anthropocentric for my liking. We can't see quantum level phenomena because we've not had any evolutionary pressure to. We eat macroscopic food and worried about macroscopic rivals and predators, so we have developed sensory equipment and the appropriate conceptual ability to deal with that scale.
  18. I know you feel like shit now, but as time passes the pain will too. stay strong. x
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