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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Not having it, the referees mullet was the worst closely followed by the torn faced Rangers coach who didn't even crack a smile once his team had won the cup but the rest of the haircuts were shockers aswell. That's the exact opposite of a mullet. I don't know what it actually is though.
  2. I was surprised by how much has actually been achieved on corporate tax: No more Irish “nowhere” companies; our abusive patent box cleaned up; interest restriction, multilateral treaties etc. It’s probably too much to hope that it continues into personal tax but I’m not as cynical as I once was.
  3. No investment income has NIs. They're for working people to contribute to social security for each other (in theory). Rent and interest are also NI free. Dividends are at a lower rate to account for the corporation tax already paid, although the arithmetic has drifted out over time. All are things that you need some wealth to benefit from. To have a truly progressive tax system we should either have higher marginal tax rates on investment income or tax wealth directly. We could protect pensions as needed. The real risk would be capital flight so it would need to be an international effort. But that can be done. Cooperation on changes over the last 10 years on corporate avoidance shows that. It requires political will. Personally i think taxing unearned income more would be easier and more practical than taxing wealth, because of measurement and cashflow issues.
  4. Just having rich people here won't directly produce huge amounts of revenue but it will bring some money in. I agree that the tories see tax breaks as a way to attract the wealthy. Personally i think that attracts the wrong sort of wealthy. We should be competing on openness, rule of law, tolerance and opportunities and attracting actual wealth creators and not corrupt kleptocrats, heirs and heiresses. I agree that tax can act as a disincentive. We would still have a competitive regime even without the non dom break. The remittance basis is the sort of thing you'd expect from a proper haven that is desperate and has nothing better to offer. Despite this government's efforts, we're not there yet You'd think someone getting millions of pounds would contribute to NI. But that's only on earned income. Because our tax system rewards wealth more than work.
  5. It might sound pedantic (because it is really) but she doesn't pay that for non dom status, she pays that to not pay tax on overseas income. If she stops paying (and is still uk resident) then she'll still be a non dom but will just be taxable on her global income in the UK. That might sound like a mere detail but i suspect it will play a massive part in the weasel worded assurances that they'll give. I expect that they will confirm that she is no longer paying the charge and is taxable on her global income. Then when it all blows over she can start paying again and not be taxed.
  6. I'd say Souttar is arguably better than McCrorie but not obviously. I've not seen as much of McKay as i guess you have but didn't see anything about him to merit a special mention against us and in the SC semi all he did was some unsporting rolling about to try to get a young hibs player sent off. I guess i've missed all his good stuff.
  7. Gordon and Kingsley are better than what we have but Halkett isn't obviously better than Gallagher Souttar isn't obviously better than McCrorie McKay isn't obviously very good at all. Arguably they have slightly better players than us but the difference in quality is fairly insignificant. The difference is mainly that they're well drilled and play as a team, with purpose.
  8. Was it all in his head though?
  9. There is no offence of obstruction. Impeding a player is an offence and is defined though. Running in front of the goalie if he has the ball is perfectly acceptable. IMPEDING THE PROGRESS OF AN OPPONENT WITHOUT CONTACT Impeding the progress of an opponent means moving into the opponent’s path to obstruct, block, slow down or force a change of direction when the ball is not within playing distance of either player. All players have a right to their position on the field of play; being in the way of an opponent is not the same as moving into the way of an opponent.
  10. How's it obstruction? The keeper had the ball in his hands.
  11. This is why colonialism was a better idea than their mediaeval style imperialism. We don't need to give a shit about the lines on the map because they're halfway around the world.
  12. Love the thick currant in the comments calling bullshit because it wasn't busy at a regional airport. Although fair play to him for getting the right country.
  13. It's being reported in the usual suspects as an embarrassing defeat for the (sinister) EU in their attempt to punish brits for the brexit rebellion. The suggestion is that Portugal wants us so much they're going against EU rules for us. They're not of course. They're exercising their sovereign powers to make their own laws on border controls like all EU countries can do to a significant degree. It's not quite a return though because you can't easily stay as long as you like. It is good news unless you like airport queues, just not quite for the reasons some are implying.
  14. It's ok, the Indian government passed legislation which discriminates against muslims while the BNP uses dog whistles to stoke anti muslim violence for political ends. I'm sure they can sell that to Tory voters. Plus the caste system. Plus removing autonomy for the troublesome Northern province. If they could just be a bit whiter they'd be perfect tories.
  15. It is true that sectarianism isn't just a west coast problem. It's just that there are fewer practising sectarianists (not sure of the correct word- "c***s" seems insufficient) in the North East and they're shunned by polite society, rather than having the roads closed for them.
  16. The Murdoch/Moron axis of evil kicks off their "TalkTV" circle jerk for gammony trolls tonight. I'd rather sand my glans than watch that.
  17. To my mind, separating the two is more stupid and dense.
  18. The radio advert parodying the judas priest case with the wurzells was the best thing about it.
  19. Dangerous hubris. Wouldn't be safely safe with a draw. We need to win, and Dundee not to, to avoid automatic relegation this week. Even with a win this week we'd be nothing like safe from the play offs.
  20. I last heard this sort of thing about 18 months ago. There should be very few specialist offices receiving post directly as everything mainstream gets scanned in on arrival. Sounds like someone just can't be arsed dealing with you. Lol.
  21. The absolute period of time is less important than the trajectory and circumstances. For Glass at Aberdeen, he'd had 2 transfer windows and we were getting worse. There was some early promise (Hacken at home) that never showed up again and he clearly had no idea what to do. Goodwin has had shit results so far but we have mainly looked like we have more direction and he's clear what he wants to do. It does look like Hibs were harsh on Maloney but qualitatively he looked more like Glass than Goodwin. I can see why the board would want to cut their losses.
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