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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The post just above yours is a possible shopping list.
  2. Coming up for Air is brilliant. By which i mean "very good" and not "really shiny", so apologies for that.
  3. Everyone doing it does make it ok. That's how language evolves. It doesn't mean literally "like George Orwell" any more.
  4. I particularly like his essay on drinking tea. Absolute scorn for the use of teabags or taking milk. Big caveat on some of his non-fiction: it has a lot of fiction in it.
  5. You're assuming we'll still be a democracy by then?
  6. Britain's got Talent is back! It's even more excruciating pish than ever. Really painful viewing.
  7. Bad manners are good live. Or i was really pished. It's hard to tell sometimes
  8. What's so woke about it? Shite, apparently “Predators tend to just fight all the time and we wanted to show them pooing.”
  9. Brian Rice is a bit of an over trendy fashionista type for me. I prefer the John Mcglynn look.
  10. Looked up his bio. 33 yo. No experience outside politics. Rabid brexiteer who spoke at UKIP conference. Anti wind, pro fracking climate change sceptic. It doesn't actually say "thick dupe and massive VL" , but you can tell.
  11. Outwitted by Charlie Stayt Is not a phrase i thought i'd ever need
  12. One of the problems with domicile is that, unless you've actually booked a burial plot, it's difficult to disprove someone's stated intentions.
  13. There’s quite a high chance that these people will just get abandoned in a lay by in some random country or will drown when their dinghy overturns. If that doesn’t put them off I’m not sure Rwanda will
  14. I thought people signed up for the navy to avoid prosecution or fatherhood?
  15. I doubt Celtic fans would be offended, they're usually fairly thick skinned and keep things in proportion.
  16. Hook line and sinker. Or trolling. I never can tell
  17. They definitely don't grow on trees - is this a trick question?
  18. Apparently restricted to single men? Equalities act anyone?
  19. Who to believe, a Tory, or Human Rights Watch? The ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) continues to target those perceived as a threat to the government. Several high-profile critics have been arrested or threatened and authorities regularly fail to conduct credible investigations into cases of enforced disappearances and suspicious deaths of government opponents. Arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture in official and unofficial detention facilities is commonplace, and fair trial standards are routinely flouted in many sensitive political cases, in which security-related charges are often used to prosecute prominent government critics. Arbitrary detention and mistreatment of street children, sex workers and petty vendors occurs widely.
  20. This is why we don’t jail murderers. It won’t bring anyone back and so achieves nothing. and there’s a war
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