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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Got a rare shot of the telly during the day the other day and got in a couple of episodes of "how it's made". Never knew how much effort went into a curved door for a corner cabinet.
  2. I see. I'd thought you were serious. Apologies for any misunderstanding
  3. Nah, the caledonii were just hard as nails compared to the subservient and cowardly southerners who rolled over at the mere sight of a spear.
  4. To be clear, i don't mean good, i mean entertaining
  5. I think taking Disney to court might have settled that issue.
  6. Does anyone else think that Derek Adams would be a great laugh?
  7. Fair. If it had been an exam i'd have used a calculator
  8. Time travel as a narrative device always kills stories. I find it only works when used in a silly way (back to the future) or is largely unexplained (twelve monkeys). The MCU should be silly enough to just wave away concerns about the logic. They did way more explaining than was needed in Endgame though. But it does look like it's going to go the way of Heroes or something where no one really dies, they just rewind 5 minutes and dodge the bullet.
  9. You're nowhere near the comedic brilliance of those Hearts fans yet.
  10. I've seen movies about the US fighting the Russians and the Russians are definitely the baddies. Drago had a treadmill and PEDs and Rocky only had a side of beef. Then Rocky teamed up with the mujahideen and took out a whole Rusky tank batallion with some horses, rifles and a bow and arrow. I expect this is probably more intellectually rigourous than Fox news' take anyway.
  11. I see we can't actually threaten the Russians with sanctions yet because Parliament is in recess. So emergency powers are fine for handing out lucrative contracts to the chaps or for closing Parliament to avoid an embarrassing vote. A cynical person might conclude that the government actually thinks there's little chance of Russia invading.
  12. Looks like a sustained period of punching by your lot then. I shouldn't be surprised that the embra yo yo sides have done worse than us but i actually am. I guess that says something about a pessimistic worldview. Incidentally i recently worked out the Dons average placings for the last 30 and 25 years (6.4 and 7.0). I it's fair to say that Milne did a respectable job for us as chairman, despite only wanting the land for flats.
  13. Ironically our average placing would be way better if it wasn't for the successive managers we poached off you. You shouldn't really expect the average placing to be proportionate to spend. The relationship between spend and placing is more likely to be better expressed in ordinal numbers than cardinal ones- i.e. How that spending ranks against the competition. I'd bet over that period we've spent fourth most, maybe fifth depending on hibs, so are probably on average where we should be. It's not that surprising that Motherwell average just behind the five big city clubs, although i don't know how that relates to budget- i'd guess the dundee clubs and Killie are the closest spenders? You've almost certainly outperformed them. Anyway, both Jimmy and Derek kept us respectable but were clearly in decline. I wasn't in favour of the timing of binning either but could see the arguments. Derek was clearly more consistent and better, but i liked Jimmy too.
  14. The point is that you got all defensive about a comment that had nothing to do with your team and have gone on to escalate and make a bit of a tit of yourself. Drink plenty of water before bed, that's my advice.
  15. There are other teams in the league you numbskull. We've been on the end of some absolute howlers. Much more egregious shit than a clearly accidental (but fortunate) handball and tonight's pen that looked a pen in real time.
  16. If we did get on the right end of a dodgy penalty decision then it's about time. Still another 2 or three to go before these things even themselves out. Only three points off Europe but that feels like a big ask while we still can't break down a defence.
  17. Only saw the second half. Big improvement, but still quite shit.
  18. Looked a pen to me. As did the late challenge on Ferguson in injury time.
  19. One of the things about judicial review is that the judge won’t take it on if it’s “vexatious”. And yes, the government should have gone through “diversity procedures” because that is the law. That’s the law they broke. Or one of them, I mean, that’s the law they broke this time. I fail to see how the character of the person prosecuting the case impacts on the merits or otherwise of the facts and judgement. Would you prefer the government to not be held to account?
  20. I watched his and Kris Boyd’s Scottish league programme on BT sports, once. They were well matched in their knowledge of the game and in wit and wisdom. here’s a still:
  21. Context. Signing Gogic out of an £8m wage budget to have Hibs seventh is below expectations. Signing Gogic out of a £2m wage budget to have St Mirren 7th is slightly exceeding expectations.
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