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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Not saying it disproves the narrative but it's not as obviously a change of gear as say, signing a 25 year old South American centre back we've never heard of with a youtube montage of bicycle kicks.
  2. Yeah i guess it's another of those false summits of the consumerist ideal in much the same way as the new iphone or a massive BMW
  3. Not sure it necessarily "works" for them. Surely they just need to think that it will? My guess is that the thought process is Low self esteem/unhappiness> beautiful people are confident /happy>beautiful people have big lips>if i have big lips i will be happy/confident. I doubt anyone sets out to look like a haemorrhoid cushion.
  4. I can see why people with thin lips might want to have theirs enlarged to average, to conform with perceived expectations of attractiveness. I can't understand why anyone wants to make part of their body look artificial though. I can't help making assumptions about people with exaggerated plastic surgery, usually just that the are vain, shallow and chronically unhappy. I doubt this assumption would be borne out by a proper analysis, but that's what my reaction is. For woman with massive lips i also assume that they're a porno slut.
  5. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion. I'd say qualifying for Europe every year is us hitting par. We've comfortably the third biggest playing budget. Qualifying for Europe doesn't even require us to finish third. It's now four years since we finished where our budget suggests we should. That's not a massive underachievement, but it's an underachievement. Personally i think Gallagher would (if he does sign, this is still just paper talk) be a decent signing. He'd be an incremental upgrade on considine, a bit younger and a bit better on the ball. Unsure if he's got hat trick hero abilities though. We've been told that we're getting a whole new style and philosophy and that Glass will be backed. Signing Gallagher doesn't support that narrative. That aspect is a bit disappointing.
  6. Nice to have a bit of proof that not everyone in Aberdeenshire shags sheep.
  7. Anyone better than Declan Gallagher plays for the likes of Bayern or Barcelona.
  8. The CFP was basically seen as a maritime equivalent of a land grab by the british fleet, with some justification. It didn't matter whose national waters the fish were in, they were EU property to be fished in proportion to historical catches. For white fish in particular this meant that the stocks in the UK territorial waters were shared with the Spanish (in particular) who'd exhausted their waters. That was deemed worthwhile for the economy as a whole to have access to the common market. I'm sure that judgement had nothing to do with the location of the fishing ports. A more insidious and in my view damaging impact was that we'd traditionally not fished sand eels but the Danes love using them to feed their battery pigs. So the huge stocks in the North Sea got fished out. Unfortunately they were a major component in the food web and fed cod, haddock and a load of seabirds. White fish stocks won't recover without them. So in my partially informed opinion, the UK fleet and communities have legitimate cause to feel like they've been ridden by the EU lube free for years. Why they thought that a Tory Government, with market access for financial services to protect, would ever give a shit about them is anyone's guess.
  9. Bottle of Don Papa rum, couple of bags of limes, bag of ice, some mint. Mojitos for the wife, rum sours for me. Lovely.
  10. Exports are a tiny proportion of production so any effect would be small. Imports have also got more expensive so there is upwards pressure on prices too, and the net effect of the opposing forces is hard to determine.
  11. Apologies for the delay in responding. I used an internet search facility to help locate suitable evidence and it turns out that a young lady named Niki Minaj has made a popular video about anacondas. I became distracted.
  12. I bet he's not as good as the Pet Shop Boys in Neighbours.
  13. Try that with a green anaconda and see how it goes.
  14. Harold Shipman was a bigfoot! I see it now.
  15. A very drunk and eccied red faced man in the Y about 20 years ago. Dundee's wee team were visiting and sounded like he was making it up as he went (to the tune of winter wonderland) : "f**k off, dundee united. f**k off, dundee united, With your sackful of jute, your wife wears a shellsuit, Erm, you've only got one shoe and you stink of pee"
  16. I was a proper grown up when i saw the first one and thought it was ok but nothing special. Surprised it got a sequel.
  17. The vast quantity of overpriced merchandise in the Disney store says different.
  18. Ip Man Kung Fu Master (2019) Another reboot of the Ip Man franchise. There were about 6 storylines, none of which made sense nor were they entertaining. The fight choreography was poor and was mostly slomo close ups. Even the stock drunken master character managed to be dull (and looked like a man in his forties with grey sprayed on his hair). Nationalism was always present in the Ip Man story as it starts with the Japanese invading China. This one goes way over the top with China good, Japan bad and even has a scene with a crowd punching the air chanting Chi-na! Chi-na! Chi-na! Some good looking set peices and some good performances. But the tone was all over the place. Comedy moments with swannee whistles ffs. Best avoided 3/10
  19. Plenty do. Apparently if it's only just turned red in the last few seconds it's fine. But we're not here to talk about people in cars. They're great.
  20. Stop driving fast around blind corners then.
  21. On my regular cycling route into town, one of three main arteries into the city centre, the bus/cycle lanes stop about 10 yards from the junction at which point the pavements become shared pedestrian /cycle routes and the crossings are included. So i can legitimately bump up onto the traffic islands and keep going when the traffic lights are at red. It works fine early in the morning when there's no pedestrians about but in the evening it's potentially lethal. The cycle path joins the pavement about 2m before a bus stop, leaving about 2ft to get past it. On top of that it's extremely confusing and pedestrians don't expect cyclists to suddenly swerve up beside them. If cars have to get past me twice that's just tough titties, no matter how infuriating it may be. In fact, the more infuriating the better.
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