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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I would think so but i like boxing. It tends to be only the massive crossover fights that get reported on the main news irrespective of whether they're quality, important or Bellew v Haye. The Taylor fight was hugely undersold in the UK.
  2. I think i might just about be converted to using beans. Don't have room for a fancy machine but don't really need one because i won't take milk. Any recommendations for a compact, budget manual grinder?
  3. The Meg. Isolated oceanic research station (only a couple of hours sailing from a busy tourist beach though). Deep water submersibles. One dimensinal stock characters. Massive shark. Big budget. Had to stop myself saying "but that doesn't make any sense" at least 30 times. That's just the plot, the "science" is the funniest since The Core. Jason Statham was actually quite engaging and most of the support cast were decent. It was fairly good fun but in the end just too stupid to really enjoy. 6/10
  4. Mostly toy cars and soldiers with some transformers, star wars and a bit of action force. Others stuff: Zoids Fisher price space stuff:alpha probe Promotional tat Madballs
  5. As far as i know nothing has been agreed on food standards. The uk govt has insinuated that that's how they'll protect UK farmers, but I wouldn't trust a cast iron guarantee from that lot, never mind a nod and a wink. It's always swings and roundabouts. There's going to be winners and losers on every trade deal. There should be aggregate price reductions/welfare increases across the economy. There is a question of distribution of those gains and losses and whether the losses are ones we can afford. In theory we can deploy the labour no longer required to herd sheep to help with the increased whisky production. In practice, there will be unemployed shepherds and overworked distillers with any gains expropriated to capital returns. So it's not exactly swings and roundabouts. If you want to use that analogy it's like a swing with a brick wall on one side. The NFU absolutely should be sticking up for their members interests. The most affected will be the marginal hill farmers who won't be the big landowners or agribusiness that can stick up for themselves. Sneering at one of them isn't a good look.
  6. The worry is how those numbers might change though. Those sound more finely balanced than the beef numbers. Trading standards are a form of collective action and a main function of government. It's also a very useful non tarrif barrier that we can keep for protectionist purposes if that's what we want to do. Kind of see your point on the labelling but i'm more comfortable with a slightly paternalistic state that protects its weakest citizens. The people who are least equipped to understand and assess the risks are also likely to be among those most tempted by lower prices. But part of me would like the option to buy a massive US style t bone that won't fit on the plate.
  7. Mango, chilli and lime salsa goes perfectly with a seared tuna steak you fucking heathen
  8. From the limited information in this post i've gained the impression that you're a serial killer. I think it's all the bleach.
  9. Apparently when people are having intercourse they temporarily believe in intelligent design and a geocentric universe. At least i think that's what he's getting at.
  10. The "aliens" in 2001 weren't visitors from another part of our space time. They're a consciousness from a higher dimension which we can't begin to understand. Arthur c Clarke's less nuanced version of Ancient Aliens is in Childhood's End where the head alien takes the familiar form of a cloven hoofed horned red guy. I'm sure i read an interview with him where he said he was embarrassed that he'd once bought into Von Danniken's shite about aliens and crystal skulls.
  11. It's hard to tell from that article. The arguments don't really flow and that might be because of the reporting, or just because they are shite arguments. It looks like he is saying that income in Scotland would fall. That's a fairly sound conclusion to draw from trade theory and the likelihood of barriers to trade with England. It is the same argument that people made against Brexit. I can't see what figure he's put on fall that nor whether he thinks it's permanent. To my mind, it is inevitable that there would be a cost to the economy of going independent. I can't see how that's even being questioned. The more interesting questions are whether the benefits would outweigh those costs, by how much and over what time scale. Economics can privide a framework for attempting to answer those questions too. One (or even many) ideologically driven economists are making arguments against a policy you favour. That isn't a fault with economics or with all economists.
  12. By this logic, plate tectonics is a load of shite because geologists can't predict earthquakes
  13. The best bit was when the police bailed out because it was a wee bit rough and the didn't have their big sticks, leaving the locals to protect their own stuff and gather all the evidence for prosecution at huge risk to their personal safety. Heroes.
  14. One of my mates at uni blew 3/4 of his loan on a ridiculous pair of designer trousers and the rest on a t shirt by the same guy. I was sensible and bought a 12 string semi acoustic and a four track demo machine and still had enough left over for an ounce of red leb and a slab of tennents. If only everyone had their head screwed on like me.
  15. I agree with you about the big picture but we should be able to tell if we've been more more attacking from the number of chances (or a nice heatmap). Being more attacking isn't the same as being more successful with it.
  16. I don't believe Derek McInnes would have been paying Ferguson, nor Ferguson working for McInnes personally. He wouldn't be in any position to give a personal assurance. Any agent advising their client to rely on any such assurance from someone in a role as insecure as a football manager would be stupid and negligent.
  17. Was he responsible for all our signings from England?
  18. Someone else made that point about bargaining power and i meant to disagree earlier. Anyone who might be interested will speak to his agent and they wouldn't make any secret of him being "unsettled" I've put that in speech marks because i'm not convinced that the tranfer request means that. McKenna and Nisbet didn't go in a huff when theirs were rejected.
  19. Alan Hutton was sold for £9m and was shite. We shouldn't take any less than that.
  20. Me yesterday "work's asked us to go in on Thursdays. Don't know if I'll go in this week or not" Me today "i'm going to go to work tomorrow" Her "well you could have bloody well told me! Blah blah blah etc" I don't know how she found out.
  21. Disappointing. Transfer requests are not received they are slapped in. Hopefully we get a decent fee here. Making a big issue of it in public should help hype his profile. Sensible approach.
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