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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I thought that the "people in power" had come up with an elaborate subterfuge by one of them sacrificing themselves at the end of HP4 to get close to Voldemort for some reason. Not sure he's thought this analogy through.
  2. Apparently none of our existing royalist tory party mouthpiece, fawning over kleptocratic "business leaders" sorry excuses for news channels count as right leaning? Leaning to the right of what exactly?
  3. My wife had some syndicated commercial radio on in her car one time and the phone in topic was "do you like chips?" Substance of any sort is frowned on.
  4. Vets' lack of attention to detail. "she" has a willy, although admittedly no nuts, which they'd know if they glanced at the records for anything other than billing
  5. Still baffled. Is this one of those old lady things like not scrubbing her step?
  6. Why? Won't there be any ability to transit through england like every other country has?
  7. Ok. False equivalence is a rhetorical device employed to demonstrate a concept by analogy where the situations being compared are unsuited to such an analogy. This device can often be used to frame debates by suggesting inappropriate analogues which may have greater persuasive power than simply referring to the situation at hand. It is often regarded as an argument in bad faith. A related rhetorical device is the reductum ad absurdum, whereby one participant takes a point made by another (for example an illustration that there are benefits to "weak" currency) and rebutts the most ridiculous conclusion that could superficially be drawn from the point. This is special case of non sequitur and regarded as both a bad faith argument and a sign of very low levels of cognitive ability. You're welcome
  8. Interesting. Irvine's potentially a good signing but if we are looking at more centre mids i doubt we're even contemplating trying to keep Ferguson and wonder if another may be off too.
  9. Makes you wonder why China puts so much effort into keeping the Yuan low.
  10. My work, and also my last work, does hour for hour flexi for more junior employees. Then at a given level it's all "reasonable requests to work extra hours". Mostly that amounts to more or less the same hours but the junior staff can sell flexi back for their hourly rate. It means that there's normally a pay cut or measly rise for getting promoted to manager.
  11. Popped the telly on for 5 minutes at lunchtime. There's a complete arsehole on Come Dine With Me and now i need to keep watching until they all slag off his food. "i associate tattoos with the lowuh clawses" fud.
  12. Dogshit everywhere. Obviously out of order. Baffled by the washing thing though. Is this a whoosh? Why would that bother you?
  13. I thought it was too. Apart from covid, that was abolished in 2014.
  14. You could also lift the ink off the beano with it and have Dennis the Menace's face on your putty.
  15. I always thought it was possessive not plural, like Sainsbury's. I was going to say like Morrison's too but they don't have an apostrophe so there must be a few Morrison c***s. Maybe one in each shop?
  16. I had my jab last week, was the oldest in the very large room by about 20 years. Waited less than 5 minutes in about each of three queues and was injected with microchips by a very friendly young lady who seemed to know exactly what she was doing. The venue was a bit shabby, but of historical interest (hosted a Calzaghe fight in 1996). Would recommend to friends. 7/10
  17. The latest craze is for fidget toys. These are wee crappy bits of plastic that just bend, click, pop, etc. The ones my kids like are completely unbranded, at least so far. These are like the toy equivalent of abstract expressionism. Give it a couple of months and there will be Paw Patrol and Peppa all over the Home Bargains versions. My guess is that the branding is more for the grown ups buying the toys than the kids. Us grown ups have no idea what's fun for today's wee shites, so go for the lazy "she likes night garden: buy night garden thing" approach.
  18. Almost started a new thread but have upcycled this antique instead. Some that sounded much better on paper than in the ears: I blame respectively : heroin, cocaine, amphetamines.
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