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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Thanks, although to be fair that was piss easy. You've been moisturising the cat again i see?
  2. There are a lot of similarities in the end of JC's and DM's tenure and both were relatively successful over their time. Extending the analogy to cover Glass and McGhee is nothing more than wishful thinking on their part. They want us to fail.
  3. I guess the rare cases like that are why they don't want to declare victory. Bad PR for a picture of them popping a large champagne bottle to share the front page with one of a mum of four on a ventilator. Pictures of unemployed caterers don't have the same emotional impact.
  4. A guy i used to work with and occasionally played 5s with who was a total gym nut was in ICU when it first hit last year. Mid Forties, nothing underlying.
  5. He did have Mcgeough, and Campbell looked like he was shiteing himself from about 15 minutes in. McLennan was on the teamline too but has been shite recently so probably wouldn't have helped. But that's not a lot of options.
  6. To the extent that the press is interested in Aberdeen, you're probably right. I'd hope our fans were a bit more level headed though.
  7. I disagree. He's pretty much got a free pass until he has his own signings on the park. At the moment he's doing what he can with someone else's cast offs.
  8. I'll stick my neck out and say that we've seen enough to suggest that we're at least not in the same ballpark of total disaster that McGhee was. And Glass will get funded which McGhee didn't.
  9. I'm not suggesting they cycle there exclusively. Car swerve to avoid potholes all the time, I wouldn't grudge cyclists doing the same. Cycling in the middle of the road the entire time is just arsehole behaviour though. Swerving to avoid the drains and crumbling tarmac on a bike is made much more difficult by the cars going past at 40mph 2 feet away though. Best to pick a line that avoids them and stick to it.
  10. Was on a fairly tranquil touristy river cruise in narrowly brexitish Chester today and saw one of the riverside cabins (which go for stupid money) flying a St Andrews cross with a circle of stars on it. It was beautiful.
  11. We'll see, three games in without a transfer is maybe a bit premature. I didn't want McInnes out and i can see where you're going, but it's a bit early. The first one of them can get to f**k the useless c**t.
  12. At least we're not hard to beat anymore. That shit was boring.
  13. It is absolutely a virtue and valuable characteristic to be able to wake up immediately. Anyone who takes a couple of minutes is subhuman scum who should be ashamed of themselves.
  14. My mate was due to leave the army, and didn't shave before the parade thingy on his last full day. Having been warned about this before and due to giving the supervisor manny (is it a Sergeant?) cheek when bollocked about it, he had to spend a week in the Colchester jail before they'd let him leave. This was like 20 odd years ago so i don't know if they'd still pull that.
  15. Completely agree that increasing health and care services capacity and capability (including residential homes) should be the number one lesson and priority. It's ridiculously optimistic to think that that will be an honest conversation about public spending though. If anything it will be used as cover for more privatisation and profit motive being introduced with as little scrutiny as they can get away with.
  16. Rangers love the Queen and Celtic are institutionally racist so i'd guess they'd welcome them.
  17. Scott Brown was a wee ned p***k at hibs then a dirty bassa at Celtic but went on to become a dons legend by helping us to a league and cup double.
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