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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I think all you remoaners would do well to remember that the government will only exercise this power in very tightly defined circumstances. Like if the Jerries forget who won the bloody war.
  2. Ffs. I couldn't do one of those to that standard.
  3. Haha. I was thinking while i wrote it that that might sound like a novelty act off Britain's got talent, doing three keepy ups at a time while doing basic Bob Dylan covers.
  4. My dream careers didn't need a pandemic to thwart them. Being shit at playing football, singing and playing the guitar was all it took.
  5. I find a slipper easier to remove and more manoeuvrable than boots or trainers when there is a bluebottle that needs despatched. One downside to the decline of print media is the absence of handy fly-swats lying about
  6. I'd say there are two good alternatives. Make sure you're paid enough to compensate. Decide what you want to do, retrain and give it a good go. The most common reaction is to let inertia take over and sleepwalk towards middle age getting underpaid for a job you despise.
  7. Well done getting half a mil for Erwin. You'd be hoping for more than that for Campbell? Maybe we could use our Atlanta tie up for some unethical shafting.
  8. This prompted me to look up the spfl rule, they have £5k a season for 12-16 then £10k for the next 5 years. But that's the bare minimum training fee. Compensation will be set higher if the training club has spent a lot more, turned down bids, offered a high salary or if the player has played internationals. On a completely unrelated note, what's Cambell's contractual situation?
  9. I nominated Raith in place of Dunfermline in a half hearted and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to get a rise out of Dunfermline fans. To my mind that's a far better use of a thread like this than squabbling over the minutiae of what criteria to use.
  10. My wife went as far as booking me a hearing test because i kept saying she was mumbling, despite me having no difficulty hearing anyone else. It has now been confirmed by a qualified clinician that she is a mumbling b*****d. Ha.
  11. If you really want to create some outrage you should have said you coughed on a pensioner or something
  12. What was the science behind it? The Welsh government explained their reason for closing pubs at 10 was because people who'd been out later had limited recollection which was no good for track and trace. That actually sounds plausible.
  13. Has everyone forgotten that alcohol kills covid? It's after lunch so i'm going to get stuck in to a nice bottle of eradication strategy. Slainte!
  14. Some newsreader, whose job is to keep tidy and be able to read out loud, fired a question about covid spending to some stuffed suit prefaced with "obviously the government will need to balance the books" Firstly, this is actually meaningless. Assuming the accounts are right the books will "balance" . I doubt she meant "balance the books" and more likely meant reduce the deficit or the debt. That's certainly what the public would hear. This is a hugely politically loaded statement and is the sort of framing that got us into the austerity mess. Any amount of interviewing gobshites with opposing views can't give a balanced view when the whole game is rigged from the start. I no longer care if the etonians get their way and shut down the bbc. It seems like an enormous act of self harm to close down the main mouthpiece for their cunty system, so should be encouraged.
  15. He never mentioned them. I always found his views on that problematic, but it's in the context of them providing an alternative to guns and crack.
  16. You all sound like nagging old boots to be honest. Discarded clothes should just be left wherever you take them off. They make their way through the washing and drying process through some sort of osmosis as far as I can tell.
  17. I’m not familiar with his work. His approach to setting out his policies is really quite clever (by the standards of gammon). Not enough detail to actually mean anything so people can project whatever they want onto it while maintaining plausible deniability for the dog Whistler. Who wouldn’t want to live in a “respectful nation where all are included”
  18. It will have a negative impact insofar as Hoban can’t play twice in a week.
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