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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Please keep your filthy mitts off young Kenneth. He's too good for the likes of you. You may carry on the troll squabble.
  2. in the continuing absence of the promised signing news, i thought you might be interested to know that I am considering going for a shite. I only 80% need it so I might let it bake for a while.
  3. always black and white with your lot, eh? I think that it is an improvement, so that's good. the starting point was pretty shit though, so i doubt that it is a deal that most comparable clubs would consider good. I don't think it's a victory for Rangers v Ashley nor for Ashley over rangers. Its's not a zero sum game, you all lost out because of ego and pride but now something has been rescued. if i had to choose a simplistic answer i would probably say on balance "good" happy?
  4. I don't know the ins and outs of the deal. Dave King's statement was clearly carefully worded to convey a message while being less than candid. It was clearly spin and if you took it at face value you are a moron (i'm sure you didn't though, cos you're not) I don't believe that there were seven years left to run. If the deal has been shortened then surely that makes it more likely that you've been sodomised on this year's deal- a sort of termination payment? make sure you get the socks as well so you can wear them to work. That's what a real fan would do.
  5. The fraudster was insistent that the club get the lion's share of the net profit from each operation. If he was the sort to use weasel words and half truths this could conceal Sd actually still getting the lion's share of system profit. eg: this could be the case if the price the club shop pays is defined as, say, resale minus 5%. if overheads come out of this then the margin is lower say 2%. say the price paid to indonesian children including materials is 20 per shirt and they sell for 50. sd gets 30 profit to rangers 1. Dave Kings statement would still be true. i don't think those figures are nuts. Ashley would not have given a generous deal. I think Rangers need whatever small change they can get and blinked first. i take no joy in Ashley winning as he is a massive cvnt.
  6. Good plan. premier tier, champion tier then tier 1 and 2 it is.
  7. Some of us are just middle aged gits who can't keep up with all the new fangled names. I expect many pundits are similar. Without looking it up, i couldn't confidently say what meaningless title the league has this week, nor what the new name is for the skol cup. This is not connected to doncaster or reagan other than they're the tits that keep changing it.
  8. I can't be the only one who doesn't care what pundits call the league can i? Does this really anger people? There are many reasons to despise our msm press corps but i can't see why this matters at all. get some hole.
  9. i have real stamina when it comes to old jokes. i am not ashamed
  10. The timmy ad hom on this thread is shite bantz and extremely tedious. in keeping with that theme: I hear that, now Rangers have Moreloss they will be getting Hujdet and Ençolvensi. That, timmies, is a bant. (albeit a shite one)
  11. Maloney signs: http://www.redriderstudios.com/?page_id=2773
  12. This is the sunk cost fallacy in action. They have already spunked their cash. The decision should be whether to take our money or keep spending their own on his wages. A lot depends on whether the manager who did the spunking is still the manager.
  13. we have craig brown on the board. Winning by most corners counts for something here.
  14. i don't know how i quoted your post. i guess i can't type and masturbate at the same time. it does make sense in response to the other one quoted though
  15. beeb saying hayes agreed signed for poverty fc subject to a medical. if anyone sees him, can you break his leg a little bit?
  16. Aye you can, and you have done it well. I have always been jealous of hibs (and to a lesser extent utd's) ability to get good fees for unspectacular players while we lose ours on frees or development fees.
  17. No. I'm just lashing out to make myself feel better. He's ok, but so was Goodwillie, for example. And he scored against us. the twat.
  18. It's not just you. Total hypejob. He will spend a season on loan in league 2 then be back at hibs when they return to the championship.
  19. I'm not 100% convinced that McInnes's hit rate with signings would be up to the major rebuild that we have on our hands. Ross for me.
  20. I just tried to think of recent players with vowels at the end of their names to see whether it is a benchmark of quality. The first one that popped in to my head was Mackie, which doesn't support the theory. The second was Rooney, which has made me concerned that i might be dyslexic.
  21. Beeb going with the headline "craig whyte's rangers villainny remains" for a story that contains a bona fide scoop about david murray misleading the board. shite.
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