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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I hear the youth team will be unpaid labourers as part of their "apprenticeship"
  2. How long has red wine vinegar been a basic ingredient for? The vinegar hierarchy is: basic- non-brewed condiment fancy-malt pretentious- the rest
  3. After a lazy weekend of cultivating my trampy stubble beard I went to have my 4 30 am shave to find that the wife had used and binned my last razor. £3.38 at a tesco metro for 4 razors! racketeering b*****ds.
  4. not just that, stuff that could go in the recycling at 1/20 of the volume that she can't be arsed crushing or flatpacking.
  5. Pretty sure paul was Greek. OK, Tarsus is in modern day Turkey but I think it was a Greek Town.
  6. Thanks for posting. I clicked on this against my better judgement and now i have to bleach my eyes clean. Thanks lot.
  7. I didn't know I supported sevco. it might explain the self loathing though.
  8. I wasn't at the game, nor have I seen the highlights but I can categorically state that it was unintentional. There is no evidence but it's a scientific fact.
  9. today's bbc: "I'd rather lose playing how we want to play and how we want to work as appose to sit in and defending for 90 minutes and still lose if that's the case," the Celtic manager said. Slightly pedantic, I know, but I'd expect journalists or subbies to be literate.
  10. This is no place for nuanced and balanced points. America is not the goodies. They are baddies.
  11. Scotland has gone to shit since I left. Imagine voting tory. Arseholes, the lot of you.
  12. 1stly- a honeycomb is hexagonal. that pattern alternates octagons and squares. 2ndly- a maze has an entrance and an exit. 3rdly- The firm that is quoted is a shoe firm. Think about it. why would a shoe firm supply slippers? don't believe everything you read.
  13. At least it's part of their stupid language. Brits mis-using it it worse. A solar eclipse, the angel falls, the great pyramid, may be awesome; some c***s youtube video is probably not.
  14. http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/homes/property_news/15544114.Shed_of_the_Week__Garden_shed_in_Newport/?ref=rss
  15. Thanks both. I'll watch that at lunch. In a sane world, the pipeline thing should demonstrate that the group raises invalid objections and can be safely ignored. on the other hand......
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