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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I didn't watch any of the hearing. Can somebody please explain what the terrorist/ pipeline based objection is all about. I am very concerned.
  2. brummi behind me has just been reading his wife an article about brexit negotiations. He sounds upset about the Europeans. He is now debating whether to have fish for tea. i am thinking about using my pen to burst both of my ear drums.
  3. i have seen loads of folk doing this. Why do something more boring than work?
  4. the mannie who stands by the ticket barriers letting people through made me take my season ticket out of the plastic thing and operate the gate myself. This has added literally seconds to my journey that i could have spent waiting on the platform instead. what a tit
  5. I met a guy on a bus one time who had come to Scotland from Malawi specifically to see Blantyre. would he not have liked it?
  6. finished "the night's dawn trilogy" supernatural scifi stupidity. sometimes thought it was ace, sometimes shite.
  7. after reading the last four pages I think that Mark Reynolds is ace. Jerel Ifil Dave Bus Zander Diamond I think we even played Stuart Duff at CB v Sigma, but it could have been Derek Young. see. Mark Reynolds is Ace.
  8. He certainly has form. He was an adviser to the Grantham Witch in the early 80s who argued that stopping subsidies for coal mining dead would lead to an entrepreneurial boom as former miners and their communities would adapt quickly. This didn't pan out quite as planned and most of the former mining areas are poverty stricken hellholes to this day. The Beeb should be ashamed for reporting this as if it was even partly credible. This is nothing but delusional fantasy.
  9. pedro's underworld homage from the beeb: "We did everything everything we could to win the game, we had the chances to win it, but we could not do it." This is the highlight of a mindless 1000 word space filling drivel.
  10. a quick look on the tractor boys forum suggests that this is not a universally held view. "my initial reaction is one of disappointment" "not exactly excited" the most enthusiastic? "I reckon he'll be ok" I'm not even criticising your team and the lies and spin get wheeled out.
  11. even £400k is great business for rangers, considering that's about what Motherwell are looking for for Moult. I reckon Pedro's probably quite the salesman and mick mcarthy is clearly thick as shite, so i could almost believe £1m
  12. it's in quotes, so mr wilkos must have seen it in writing. i reckon he wrote it himself, in shite, on the padded wall, while screaming, "look at me, look at me, look at me"
  13. in other news, pedro is apparently still after Mclean (and walker). I hope we tell them to f**k off. If we don't, because of release clauses or whatever, I hope Kenny tells them to f**k off. Tapping b*****ds.
  14. i'm still not reading past macnamara, so i don't see your point. plus i'm already ill disposed towards the author due to an earlier suggestion that the dons might interview Ray Mckinnon when the workshy twat still owes us a year's wages.
  15. that is bad. macnamara for consistency? I admit to not reading any further after that.
  16. I agree with wiggy. We all know they cheated and died. Who cares what the records of a corrupt administration say? looking back is for the OF.
  17. At least levein and his puppet will ensure no jambos have to risk euro away days.
  18. I think that the rangers fans' new found commitment to accurate reporting and to holding publishers to account is to be applauded. That article, however, appears to have been typed by a pished chimp wearing boxing gloves.
  19. It says a lot for the credibility of the BBC that you went to wikipedia to double-check.
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