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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I don't even know what you're talking about so i might do this. Apart from muppets. i know who they are.
  2. you can minimise the noise by ramming the phone into her rectum.
  3. I'm sure some of it does. Not an expert and it might be different in Scotland but aren't the car parks usually run by NCP (or similar bloodsuckers) who pay for the concession? probably after deducting interest paid to their parent company, management fees and all sorts of other scams.
  4. In the part of my business I work in, there are far more females in senior positions than there males, so this seems an HR box-ticking exercise (lapsed into management-bollocks myself.) The apostrophe in "leader's" appears misplaced. You should feed that back before any more cascading or people might think the Exco are a bunch of fannies.
  5. There is a c**t on the next table (which was my table) doing big snottery snorty sniffs every 30 secs then letting out a sigh like he just came. I may try tutting in a minute.
  6. i walked to the station with my waterproof trews on this morning. I was quite windy following last nights home made onion gravy washed down with mcewans champion and old peculiar. It turns out that plastic trousers not only do a splendid job of keeping rain out, but they also retain and concentrate flatulence. I was a smelly c''t on a train. I apologise to anyone who was affected by the issues raised in this post.
  7. hand dryers where the motion sensor is pointed 4 inches from the hot air, and the motor only stays on 2 seconds. i used my trousers.
  8. That decider is an absolute watershed to me. Sliding Doors moment. 20 years of shite followed.
  9. just flushed the train toilet in the station. only no 1, nobody died.
  10. Utter khunts failed to collect my food bin. Fortunately the council here has committed to collect missed food bins within 5 working days. So it won't be sitting out on the pavement for a week. I also forgot to buy a poppy. Since a former associate of mine joined the marines to "shoot sand ni$$ers" I have doubted the whole "they died for us" angle. Conscription was a long time ago and the last truly just war ended 72 years ago.
  11. of the 5th dimension, and as predicted by general relativity, that the earth is topographically flat? People who dispute this in terms of Euclidean geometry are clearly simpletons.
  12. can any string theorists please confirm my understanding that from tbe perspective
  13. in response to your other point it's not dirty cos it's just been washed. hence the need to dry it. sink users of the world unite. death to tbe bourgoise dishwasher users.
  14. It's only a small thing, but she puts the cutlery in the drying basket the wrong way up. Can any lawyers advise whether this is grounds for divorce?
  15. is that the big one i hear in the background? Die you lizard scum!
  16. I had the exact same issue with my cable account.
  17. http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/gwentnews/15675161.This_Newport_man_has_a_room_filled_with_4_000_mini_bottles_of_booze/ any scientists confirm if the wife's explanation stacks up, or is someone at it?
  18. This is definitely a hoax. I expect a movie or some such soon from the folk that did one about made up celeb stories. there might be one or two raging simpletons who buy it but they are mostly having a laugh.
  19. It's because it is politically expedient for us to be seen to be doing something but electoral suicide to send lots of troops. War by proxy and remote control is the only viable option. We don't have a clue what is actually going on so just pick a team to back at random until it becomes public that they are also the baddies. And repeat. What's everybody's predictions for a square go between ISIS and the Taliban?
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