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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The whole justification for tuition fees was that markets know best and if people pay then they’ll invest wisely. They wouldn’t just make shit up to suit an agenda would they?
  2. Some AI/click bait site this morning suggesting that Celtic’s greasy faced weirdo has started telling players he doesn’t want that they can go. Is Scales one of them?
  3. I don’t live in Scotland and couldn’t give a shite about the SNP or Scottish Independence. Starmer’s ham fisted triangulation, aiming for the centre and grabbing the centre right has alienated me to the point I can’t vote for Labour any more. I think it might work electorally but what’s the point if they’re not Labour any more. And that party isn’t the Labour Party I knew.
  4. I did notice IT was missing. Maybe they don’t have that in England. Geography is in the same boat as English for my money. I could be very wrong and this is a sweeping assumption, but they’re both subjects that lots of comfortable middle class middle ability students do because they’re expected to go to Uni. So the differential could be as much because of background and networks as because of any value or skills added by studies. That probably accounts for a lot of the difference above the average lifetime earnings for most subjects to be fair but I’m guessing more in some than in others.
  5. Had to look it up. Britranica says: The Stranger, enigmatic first novel by Albert Camus, published in French as L'Étranger in 1942. It was published as The Outsider in England and as The Stranger in the United States. Which explains it i think. Translate suggests foreigner too. I think i prefer "Stranger" or "Foreigner" - "Outsider" does too much of the novel's work i think, like if Irvine Welsh had called his debut novel "Heroin addiction". Anyway I'm rambling. The reason i asked was i didn't know it was also called The Stranger and that makes more sense of one of the nihilistic angsty anthems of my early youth, Killing an Arab, by the Cure, where the lyric is "I'm the stranger"
  6. I know most posters on here will be mainly concerned with Scotland but i can't imagine the overall picture being too different. Thought this was interesting. There's a very good chance that investing in Uni is worth it financially, but it's not a slam dunk. Of course it's not all about the profit and loss ledger, least not for everyone. Surprised by engineering not being higher and by English being positive. It's correlation not causation i suppose. (accompanied an article about Sunak's latest brainfart but this isn't in the politics forum).
  7. I think that's harsh on Barron, although i do think that if he wants to develop he needs to sign a new contract. The club needs incentivised to invest in him, or we can give minutes to another youngster.
  8. Is the stranger an alternative translation of the title of the same book? If it was fashionable a few years back it almost certainly won't be anymore so you should be alright on the "being mistaken for a hipster" front.
  9. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't. But liking films is subjective so that's fair comment whereas ... in a world where there are sequels to Sharknado, is crazy talk.
  10. If i'm doing 70 and the car in front is at 65, i've got quarter of a mile of clear road behind me but i can see some bellend closing the distance because they're doing over a hundred, one of us is going to have to slow down. I vote for the other guy.
  11. I am shite at cancelling subscriptions. I'd the New York Times for about 18 months because i watched one thing on it. But cheers , i'll look into it
  12. As a bit of a sci fi nerd, i'd quite like to see the tv adaptation of foundation but it's on apple tv which i don't have. Is it any good? If i was to fork out for apple, is there anything else worth watching on there?
  13. I've got a question for the panel here. Often on a motoway there’s a dedicated lane for a left turn, sometimes up to a mile or so from the junction, and marked by shorter, closer dotted lines. I've always thought that those mean you're OK to undertake. Is that right?
  14. No, if you're making people brake unexpectedly and suddenly it's dangerous. If they've got plenty time to react and just don't like slowing down, then start tailgating and flashing their lights, while gesticulating impotently, then that's a bonus.
  15. ? I didn't say anything about hogging the outside lane or pulling out dangerously. You don't get right of way for driving faster. That's bollocks.
  16. You might not have had to break at all. If i need to overtake at 70, and some high blood pressure tit is raging up the outside, they'll be braking. I wouldn’t make them have to slam them on, mainly out of self preservation, but they can just wait till i'm finished overtaking. Maintaining that bubble is precisely why normal drivers may need to overake the lorry overtaking at 57 mph in the middle lane, and is made more difficult by antisocial drivers going too fast in the outside lane.
  17. Is the guy travelling within the speed limit right? Or is it the guy speeding? It's a puzzler right enough.
  18. Sounds about right, unfortunately. I had to renew a passport recently but could only find one that expired in 1995 (at first). Because i was born outside the UK they wanted originals of My Dad's birth certificate and marriage certificates. It doesn't take much for them to lose their grip on reality and request way too much stuff.
  19. Stewart isn't very good but was better than Mulgrew last season, assuming that's who you mean. I'm not sure many managers would see his dressing room influence as a positive either. But no, i don't think he's the "learning from mistakes" type
  20. It’s aspirational People don’t necessarily vote for what’s actually best for them but for what they think will be best for them in their own deluded fantasies. Lots of stupid people think that they will become very wealthy simply by owning increasingly expensive houses and are too stupid to realise that they might not do that, and even if they do they’ll take on increasingly large mortgages that would also come out of their estate. There are millions of stupid people and stupid people are disproportionately likely to vote Tory. Low income workers in Basildon and East Grinstead will vote for this despite having a minuscule chance of it saving them money just because they can picture themselves living in a mansion.
  21. Yas, Magna Carta innit if I remember rightly one of these tits got to a crown court to appeal fines for ignoring some law, parking or planning or the likes, and the legal arguments could be summed up as follows (I paraphrase): appellant -I don’t consent to be subject to the law. judge- so fucking what? Tough titties, you loonball.
  22. Ainsley Harriott’s Caribbean cup a soup. Out of Home Bargains. Serve with some hot water or it’s a bit powdery. Good stuff.
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