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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. The announcement that VAR had decided it was a penalty for handball was bizarre and, I assume, a mistake. They were unlikely to state it was for a clattering to be honest. I only heard Paton had signed about lunchtime so was very surprised to see him come on. You do wonder what message it sends to the likes of Tierney and Danzaki though. Very enjoyable day out all round - great result and a few beers with pals, what's not to like?
  2. Surely we should get them? We're the ones with the Harry Potter scarves.
  3. I have absolutely no recollection of that game- feels like the first time I've seen it. Very weird looking at those Covid games again, real training game vibes.
  4. Banana Bread Beer from Marston is surprisingly nice. Not sue if there have been any bananas anywhere near it though or it would be one of my five a day.
  5. The Hibs guys will know better than me but if you're driving along Ferry Road, the last few times I've driven I've gone up Pilrig Street as far as I can towards Leith Walk and it's worked pretty well. I'm going for a train day though tomorrow. Looking forward to it as it's the first in a while due to mates working or daft kick off times. Tend to be pretty good games as well even though our recent record is poor.
  6. Great to see that again. I said as I was leaving work yesterday that I'd seen us beat Spain in the 80's so, who knows, we might manage it again. Delighted to say we did and I was there to see it again. I can still vividly remember that Dalglish goal as I was a small boy standing in the enclosure in front of the stand in line with Dalglish's run. Couldn't have told you Johnston scored the other two though.
  7. The paragraph about the financial misery affecting Motherwell, Dundee and Airdrie is astounding. That's exactly why people were concerned- they'd seen it all before.
  8. Yeah, I think there's an element of having to fit in which means those of school age change to the local accent. It also depends where you move to - I've got pals that have moved to London who've toned down their accent just to be understood whereas other friends who've moved to the North of England haven't changed a bit.
  9. Opened a bottle of Cardhu I was given for Christmas. I've had bottles before so shouldn't be surprised but I don't think I've had a better supermarket level, budget NAS.
  10. It's fantastic stuff but yeah, got to be careful with it. I like a nice, smokey whisky with it as well! Sounds great. Anyway, I found a Juicy Joker in Sainsbury's. Lovely NEIPA.
  11. I saw a little bit of that coverage and you could tell Martin Geissler was struggling with the inanity of it.
  12. The thing that I find strange is the vagueness and 'I know things ' vibe from both sides in that Heavy Hands thread. Surely you can say things without names or incriminating evidence (not that anyone is standing in court as a SO or P&B poster).
  13. I went over to SO for a look at the Heavy Hands Empty Stands thread. There would be a few references to it in the Heads Gone thread if it was on here. Good to see MJC still going strong over there.
  14. We say that pretty much every season but they somehow manage it time and time again.
  15. Shields is probably more suited to the current system but quite a few of the January signings just don't suit it never mind McKinstry and Tierney.
  16. Don't let a great song be ruined just because another football team seem to have adopted (and b*****dised) it. Just ignore them and plead ignorance if they cast it up - there's nothing they hate more than finding out the world doesn't revolve around them for everyone.
  17. Some of the one on one (no hangers on) interviews are very good and I went back through the catalogue and listened to those when I first became aware of them. I tend to listen to the podcast version rather than sitting down to watch them.
  18. The ref wasn't bothered about the Aberdeen player on the line saving the first shot with his hand either. He just seemed to decide anything goes. Which is quite something when you realise it meant we won second place instead of Aberdeen on the final game of the season with the additional prize money that went with it.
  19. I had a rare trip Morrison's a few days ago who seem to be the only supermarket who sell more than one Fyne Ale. Highlander is a lovely Amber ale. I like the stronger tasting or darker beers when I want to go with the more peaty whiskies fora hauf and hauf.
  20. This seems to be a new one from Broughton. A lovely, smooth stout without the bitterness you get in Guinness.
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