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Everything posted by Lordofthewing

  1. Much obliged. This allowed me to cancel my rather overpriced pre-order from Play
  2. It's been a while since I've listened to Bjork, still strangely wonderful, I see;
  3. I usually can't stand most of what's in the charts, and that Otto Knows tune is doing my fucking head in, but I have to admit I quite like this (even though I find Example to be pretty pish as well);
  4. I don't have any German friends on my FB, but looking at some of the borderline illiterates on my friends list, I wouldn't be in any way surprised at this;
  5. I have just copied and pasted this as my status, in the hope that those who copy and paste shite as their status, will learn not to copy and paste shite as their status (insert Xzibit meme here).
  6. This may be an utterly stupid question, but how do I remove this small caption box? Edit: I have tried googling this, but to no avail. Could be using wrong keywords, though.
  7. I can understand the temptation, but if I'm going to have to put up with neds posting semi-literate pish, I'd rather it was idiots I know.
  8. There's one guy on my Facebook who likes the Dead Baby Jokes page, and the amount of idiots wishing death on anyone who likes the page is fucking mental. The morons seem more likely to fall into categories 1 and 3, and pretty much all of them are borderline illiterate simpletons who probably have trouble tying their own shoelaces. It's actually quite entertaining to read some of the exchanges that appear on my newsfeed
  9. That's the one, pretty fucking cool video as well.
  10. Pretty shit-hot track, but your link's fucked (probably as it's a mobile link ). The first one YouTube comes up with is pretty fucking decent, though. If it's a remix, can you chuck up the link? Anyway, since you mentioned Gatecrashers, (and as I'm trying out a new pair of Skullcandy earphones) I have this on;
  11. Fuck knows why this hasn't embedded properly.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFLalyjr4D0
  13. Having had the misfortune of living in Bo'ness for a year and a half, and having been to a derby in the Linlithgow Rose end, and also having been to the miners' club you mention (Fisons) a few times, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised if that were true (that said, the miners' club wasn't too bad most of the times I went in). On to a different topic, this comment about 50 shades of grey appeared on my news feed a few minutes ago: He might have a point
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuK1q1SsigU
  15. What did he get banned for again? I only vaguely remember some of his ramblings, but his demand for 'evidence please,' does seem to stick in my mind. Even Bhoys67 and OrangeMalky would, to an extent, seem like intellectual heavyweights in comparison to some of the brain donors that have been cutting about the OF (now sans Rangers ) Forum in the last few months/years. I also recall Ron Burgundy's somewhat unhealthy obsession with xbl What the fuck was that all about? Finally, why does Perthshire Bell insist on coming back under different aliases, when his posts are always complete fucking eye-rape, and his views are constantly (and correctly) ridiculed? Unless it's Savo, in that case I'd guess it's just plain and simply trolling (and I'd also have to add "Fuck off you tedious cunt" if it is).
  16. I don't know if he did, but he certainly could have asked Rangers' representative for the information. I wonder why he didn't Edit: Beaten to it.
  17. I do, on occasion, and usually end up looking for similar stuff on YouTube. Granted it's usually the more dedicated threads on this sub-forum that I'll tend to get more out of (e.g. through looking at the Dance Songs thread I started listening to a bit of Orjan Nilsen and also looking for more of Dash Berlin etc.), but this thread is (if you can be arsed looking) a good way of finding new (and old) music that you wouldn't have bothered looking for otherwise. Another artist I hadn't really heard of until reading a thread on here, and now I have two of his albums; Edit: Can't beat a bit of Mr Scruff at times, fucking weird, but class at the same time.
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