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Everything posted by Bing.McCrosby

  1. Likely to be our keeper for the next ten years
  2. Now overall minutes Tierney 1168 Tomiyasu 1259 If were talking minutes in the league Tierney 486 Tomiyasu 651 Closed the gap and blown past him since that comment. Bit embarrassing for you
  3. Aye but had he actually been to nandos tho?
  4. Gunns competition is Tim Krull, a guy with a better pedigree whos played at a higher level more consistently than both players mentioned at league and international level. So its all relative, he may well be the best in the division. I've not watched enough championship football to have an informed opinion.
  5. Whos been the best keeper in the English championship for you then?
  6. Your welcome to your opinion, but its absolute pie in the sky stuff. Simply compare their respective careers, gunn is absolutely miles ahead. If championship clubs thought Clarke was worth it they could snap him up in a heart beat. I think they will be aware of keepers in and around the Scotland squad. They could double his wage with ease and have him as one of their lowest paid players. Yet they don't even consider it.
  7. Ill be completely honest I've not really seen the guy play apart from highlights. Tbh im unlikely to be going out of my way to watch Brighton unless gilmour is going to be playing. But just looking at his career he's 31 and his previous club experience isn't exactly like he's a top player. He reads like he's a bit of a lower end of the league journeyman. Im sure your right and he's playing well, but surely at this point in Gilmours career if he can't win that place in the team its time for some real concern.
  8. I think gilmour can play any of those positions. So in a way they all are, but yeah his most likely and natural slot would be Gross's position. Which is as you say a concern. Id say its 100% a physical thing, hes just not big or strong enough to get the job. Or it seems good enough to convince managers that he doesn't have to be.
  9. Yeah just seen that as well, a bit concerning
  10. Hes no Stuart Armstrong, but hes a handsome lad. Theres every chance
  11. A proper binning rather than a timeout would ideal for the forum
  12. The further they get in the Europa, the more seriously they will take it. Meaning the less likely Tierney will play. As hes nowhere near a first choice now.
  13. Tbh I dont think he believes any of it himself anymore. Hes a parody account now, unfortunately one with no humor.
  14. One was around 20, one was round 24. Hardly different stages of life Your grasping at straws
  15. Where did you read Che Adams wasn't sure, but Angus Gunn didn't fancy it? That's just made up. Both of them turned us down previously, both of them represented England. The circumstances are exactly the same. It was you who tried to say a picture of Gunn in an England Jersey was proof he wouldn't value a cap for us. So the Che Adams picture is im afraid a smoking "Gunn".
  16. A picture of Angus Gunn wearing an England top isn't in any way evidence he wouldn't value playing for us. Heres an article I found in seconds confirming Adams initially knocking us back in 2017. And also details his involvement with England at u20 level. https://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/international/is-che-adams-scottish-who-is-england-born-southampton-star-3278375 And here's Che in an England Jersey https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9698919/amp/Striker-Che-Adams-decided-represent-Scotland-instead-England.html And here's me delivering checkmate
  17. Why would it be good to see? Would you not want him playing for us. It was reported before we asked him and he turned us down. And was asked again at a later date. So potentially the same as Gunn, if he is even selected. Or wants to be. Can you provide evidence that Gunn wouldn't feel value getting capped?
  18. Yeah I'd say knob was like a door knob, but nob is the insulting term. In this instance used correctly in every sense.
  19. I shouldn't even be dignefying that with a response
  20. Weirdly I've got a mate who did a very similar thing. Down visiting another mate in London and some lassies from the other guys work came round for some pre going out drinks. So let's call him Bob, goes for a pre going out dump. But it didn't flush, he was worried cos they could probably hear the bog from where they were. So he didn't want to keep flushing and flushing drawing attention, so picked it out the bog and put it in the bathroom bin!! The mate who's flats it was his girlfriend came back from work texting what the smell was in the bathroom. And was informed via text that Bob had picked up a turd and put it in the bin
  21. When I was student staying in rented accommodation the toilet blocked up one day. So I called the letting agency and the landlord came round, acted like a complete arse demanding to know what I had "put down the toilet". Anyway, he calls in the professionals who lift the drain cover in the wee garden and proceed to try and pressure the pipe clear. I stood well back while the landlord for some reason peered down the hole. Pressure increased and a spray of shite comes out the hole, perfectly covering only him in shit from head to toe. I stayed where I was and laughed for about 5 mins straight. Turns out it was part of the pipe which had caved in. In fairness the guy took it well and I reckon he accepted it was karma. And we got on OK after this.
  22. I think their going to do it on Michael McIntyre's big show this Saturday.
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