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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. I’m only basing this on the terrace podcast but the chemistry is much better. They sound genuinely like a group of mates speaking about football. Open goal is si ferry trying really hard to make it light hearted and ‘banter’ but it’s so obviously put on. Plus it’s so OF focused it’s just boring.
  2. Thank f**k they didn’t choose that OF sycophantic pish open goal. And I’ve never even watched a view from the terrace.
  3. Don’t think anyone on that thread is coming off very well tbh but yes the cranium has detached.
  4. Spare a thought for those of whose other halves pause the tv to ask what is going on.
  5. Don't worry everyone on here will spread the word too. You can expect a call from your local constabulary soon.
  6. Surely a culture where you can acknowledge that someone is a different race without it carrying any loaded baggage/prejudice/hate whatever, it is just an observation, is something to aspire to? Quite interesting how many people are leaping to the fact this is offensive because of how toxic it's become here.
  7. I interpreted it as a word that merely acknowledged she was mixed race, even if the literal translation is 'impure'. And certainly offensive to who? you? The reason so many terms are offensive here is not because they simply reference race but because they are loaded with a history of hatred and violence. If this word doesn't have all that baggage in Japan, it just a word for mixed race, then what is the issue?
  8. Acknowledging her race doesn't make it abusive.
  9. In all this madness we've established that Japan is the most bigoted place on earth so it's been a productive day nonetheless.
  10. Nah mate, can't do anything over here these days, it's madness.
  11. BBC journalists express opinions on social media all the time, how do you square that circle? Jeremy Marr expressed the opinion that Scotland would find it "very difficult" to join the EU in an interview with Alex Salmond with no blowback whatsoever, is it only racism you can't express an opinion about? When she was asked her opinion, should she have said "I'm not allowed to say"? Should the bloke who asked her opinion be reprimanded (as she was) for breaching BBC rules? The whole thing is a shitshow brought on by the BBC's craven deference to the right wing. David Jordan, the BBC's head of editorial standards, said Munchetty was not found in breach for "calling out racist comments, which is perfectly acceptable where things are clearly framed in racist language". The problem was "not her responding to that clearly racist comment, or responding personally to what it's like as a person of colour to have a remark of that nature directed against yourself", he explained. He said the issue arose "when she went on further to discuss President Trump himself, what his motivations were for that, and that breached our impartiality requirements".
  12. You could murder a black man and be exonerated on the grounds of your family situation. Are you comfortable with that sort of power?
  13. Why is it so important for you to label someone? Context always matters in assessing these things. Always. There are very few circumstances in which it's appropriate to use the word, and most people just use their common sense but 'using racist language in ANY context makes you a racist' is utter shite.
  14. That'll be another star above the badge, lovely stuff. Celtic's one star looking pretty silly these days.
  15. Indeed, so much ridiculously charged language when it comes to shite like this. Just use some fucking common sense.
  16. She was asked a question and answered it honestly. I can see how that would not go down well at the BBC. If you agree that racist language is inherently wrong then she's done nothing but state a fact. The rules are that she is not allowed to express an opinion. She did, however correct she may be. Someone has made a complaint and by the rules they have no choice but to uphold it. They clearly aren't that bothered though as no action is being taken against her.
  17. Worth noting she’s facing no disciplinary action or reprimand. She opined that she was furious and implied political motive behind trumps comments. She has gone against the rules of her job. The bbc didn’t have much choice but to uphold the complaint, even if it was from a raging trump supporter.
  18. You’re not alone but it’s limited to a few very intelligent, very sound and rational people.
  19. It’s not much of a poker game if your first two takers balloon the ball over the bar.
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